Another dragon

540 12 18

"Edmund" Lucy whispered, and I jumped awake as a sword was drawn, my brain going into battle mode
I looked to my side, Lucy was sitting in Ed's half of the bed, looking scared
"Lucy" Edmund whispered lowering his sword

Thunder struck and Caspian jolted awake too.

"I can't sleep" Lucy told us
"Let me guess. Bad dreams?" Edmund asked looking at me and Caspian
"Either we're all going mad, or something is playing with our minds" he said laying down, putting an arm under my neck.
I shook my head slightly as I struggled to stay awake.

Before I woke up I had a horrible nightmare. Finding Edmund, Lucy and Peter all dead at a train station. It was horrible
(Book reference, haha I'm clever)

I lifted my blanket, letting Lucy crawl in.
She cuddled closer to me, our hands joined and knees touching. My back was pressed to Edmunds chest as the three of us attempted to fit in my small double bed.
"Comfy?" Caspian teased sleepily
"Very" I replied smiling tired
"We should get some more sleep" Caspian said
"Then shut up" Edmund threw playfully making Lucy and I giggle
"Yeah yeah" Caspian replied getting comfy again

I yawned as the warmth of the bed lulled me to sleep.
When we lived at the Cair Paraval together, Lucy had originally been terrified of thunderstorms. I'd personally loved them.
Anyway, Lucy would usual come in my bed, and we lay like how we are now, cuddled up.

In later years when Edmund and I got married the habit hadn't ended, it simply just occurred less and less


Tyra and I were happily gliding alongside the two boats as we all headed to the new island.
Tyra however was on edge

"I doubt the lords stopped here my liege. There's no sign of anything living" Reepicheep announced to the three royals in the longboat across from his own
"Right. Well once we're ashore take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues" Caspian called back
"Hang on, you mean the five of us." Eustace asked
I watched amused as everyone in their boat to my right turned to the boy
"Come on please don't send me back to the rat" Eustace tried to reason
"I heard that" Reepicheep called over offended
I chuckled at this
"Big ears" the blonde muttered
"I heard that too" Reep added

I laughed and pulled Tyra to go higher, hopefully so we could get a glimpse over the island
"We'll meet you on shore" I shouted as we flew away


"Look, we're not the first ones on this island" Caspian ran ahead to a hole in the stones
I was trotting alongside the three as a lion. Tyra was still unsure of this place so she stayed with the men to help them if they needed it
"The lords?" Edmund asked
"Could be" I jumped forward faster looking down. There was nothing that I could see
"What do you think could be down there?" Caspian asked as he threw a stone down
"Let's find out" Edmund replied

Edmund went dow the rope first, and I used my claws to slide down the sides of the rock, effectively sharpening my claws as the scraped
I followed after Edmund as Lucy and Caspian came down too.

We stopped at an odd looking pool, it had a golden statue of a man in it.

"What's that?" Caspian asked joining us
"I don't know, looks like some sort of gold statue" Edmund answered unsurely
"Ed grab that" I pointed to a branch
The boy broke it off, and walked over to the edge of the water, intending to touch the statue
But he jerked back, as we all watched amazed as the stick turned to gold, and Edmund dropped it with a shout

"I'm not the only one getting a bad feeling am I?" I asked the three, only Lucy nodded to my question.
"He must have fallen in" Caspian concluded
"Poor man" Lucy stood by my side, her delicate fingers lacing with my fur
"You mean poor lord" I corrected spotting the shield
"It's the crest of Lord Restimer" Caspian told us
"And his sword" Edmund spotted the weapon
"We need it" Caspian announced

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