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I sat as a lioness atop a large Boulder, Tyra by my side, she lay comfortably watching the scene below us pan out
We were watching Caspian plead his case.
And I had to sit and judicate, that was my role in this, and if I pleased, I could step in.
And knowing how gatherings usually went, I most likely will have to at some point
The crowd of Narnians were throwing insults and threats to the young prince

"All this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another thing from us" Nikabrik announced
"I didn't steal anything" Caspian said to him
"Didnt steal anything, I can show you a list of things the Telmarines have taken" a Minotaur shouted
"Our homes" a female centaur said
"Our freedom" a faun added
"Our villages" "our lives" two more shouted out
Caspian spun around to see them all, he looked at me, his eyes sad

"You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" He asked the crowd
"Accountable, and punishable" Nikabrik stepped forward
"HA! That is rich coming from you dwarf. Or have you forgotten it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?" Reepicheep stepped forward sword bared
"And I would gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians" the dwarf flicked the sword away

Tyra looked at me, and I stood up, and jumped down the the middle circle
"That is not true, and it is not in your power to bring her back" I snapped at the dwarf as I turned back to human
"Or are you suggesting we ask this boy to go against Aslan now?" Trufflehunter asked beside me
I heard many false lies, some like 'Aslan is not real'
"You may have forgotten, but I along with the badgers remember well. That Narnia was never right without a son of Adam was king, alongside a Daughter of Eve as Queen" I said to the crowd. They all went quiet listening to me, they had to. I was their Queen

The crowd went into uproar again

"Hes a Telmarine! Why would we want him as our king?" Nikabrik shouted out
I elbowed Caspian, a hint for him to talk

"Because I can help you. Beyond these woods I am a prince, the Telmarine throne is rightfully mine. Help me claim it, and I can bring to both sides." Caspian announced
He looked at me, and I nodded as saying good job.
"It is true, the time is right. I watch the sky, as it is mine to watch. Just as it is yours to remember badger. Fada the Lord of Victory and —- the Lady of Peace, have come together in the high heavens. And now here, a son of Adam has come forth, to offers us back our freedom." Glenstorm stepped forward
"Is this possible? Do you really think there could be peace? I mean really? " a squirrel, Patterwig asked
"Two days ago I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, or dwarves, or centaurs. But here you are in strength and numbers numbers that we Telmarines  could ever have imagined. Whether this horn is magical or not, it has brought us together. And together we have a chance to take back what is ours" Caspian spoke up showing Susan's horn
"If you will lead us, then my sons and I, offer you our swords" Glenstorm held his sword forward.

The ring of Narnians all held up their swords, or clubs, or any weapon. I held my own sword up proudly. A red shimmer coming from the blade

"And we offer you our lives. Unreservedly" Reep said with a bow.
"Miraz and his army will not be far behind, sire" badger stepped forward
"We need to hurry. To find soldiers and weapons. I'm sure they will be here soon" Caspian looked to me and the centaur.
"I may have an idea" I smirked evilly
I may be a Queen, but I was married to Edmund, who was known for his mischief

"Rest first. I do not want any casualties due to tiredness. We wait until before dawn. And we take out the plan" I announced

"How does she seem so calm?" I heard Caspian ask Glenstorm
"The Queen has lived longer than all of us, she has seen hundreds rise and fall, and she has witnessed our defeat, and suffered many losses, the most striking being the loss of her husband, King Edmund" the centaur replied
"But she is so strong?" Caspian said
"That is because she has to. Do you not know the tale of how the Compassionate Queen crumbled and shook the earth for an entire day, how the rain feel for a week, and how her dragons roars were heard from the other side of Narnia? The Queen is strong to protect us, yes. But she suffers greatly every day. And there is one day a year she takes for herself in remembrance" Glenstorm said
I just kept walking away leading the way to Aslans How, leading a shocked Caspian inside

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