Magic jumps

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It's been a few days now since the chaos of the battle. In those five days, Caspian and I have been trying to figure out what needs fixed. And there was a lot.
We had the list of Telmarine problems, and upon that was the issue of making peace between our peoples.
And I had the list of problems with the Narnians. Most of them had accepted to join the unity with the humans, mostly because I did. But there was quite a few I had to convince.

But that list was ever growing.
And we had begun plans to rebuild the Cair.

Basically any free moment we had we were figuring out our problems. And we'd spent a lot of time together, while we worked we joked and laughed passing the time.

And along with that, my father has been teaching me to jump between worlds. Those were fun lessons. We started jumping through space, so I could basically teleport in front of me, that took the longest to learn. Then from that it was to other parts of the castle.
And this morning, I'd be making my first jump to their world.

"Have you got everything?" Caspian asked for the millionth time
"Yes Caspian, I have everything. Besides if I do get lost, this mighty lion can get me" I joked lifting my head to my father
"She will be perfect fine Caspian. She has been taught well. And for us, it will only be a day she is gone. Time works differently in our worlds. For her it will be a week, and she will return" father said to him
"See. Now chillax kingy. You have Tyra to annoy you" I teased
"She can't speak...." Caspian said
'I can too speak.'  The dragon roared
"She says she can speak" I translated
"Not to me she can't. I dont understand dragon" Caspian deadpanned
"Okay. We'll talk to Glenstorm then. Besides it's only a day. Narnia won't fall apart while I'm gone the night" I said looking at the setting sun
He didn't reply then

"What if it does?" He asked looking up at me
I chuckled and walked to him, my hands on his shoulders "Caspian, I fully trust you okay? The world won't fall apart, I've been here for over a thousand years, it could've fallen apart when the other Kings and Queens left, but it didn't, because it isn't time for that. You'll be fine" I said before pulling him into a hug
"Be safe then" he whispered sadly
"You know I will" I laughed and pulled back
"See ya in the morning" I winked and disappeared like I was told through a door

I pictured the Professors mansion. And the forest, and the stables. I pictured everything.
And then I walked out from a tree.
"Hmm, that worked.... surprisingly well" I hummed proud of myself

I saw the house I grew up in "oh it hasn't changed at all" I said nostalgic
I walked up to the front door, and knocked, waiting patiently
"Y/n?" The one and only Ms Maccreedy asked opening the door
"Hi" I smiled shyly
She pulled me in for a hug, which shooked me. Surely she didn't miss me that much?

She pulled back and inspected me

"You've grown" she said happily
"Yeah....." I said
"The professor didn't even let me wish you good luck on your travels. Just said you left to see the world" she said inviting me inside
"Oh- um..... yeah I didn't want a dad goodbye, I knew I'd be back anyway" I said smiling at the woman who helped raise me
"I'm glad you are back. I'll fetch the Professor" she said leaving
"No wait. I'll do it, I want to surprise him" I stopped her
She smiled and nodded going away to work

I walked up the familiar halls, up to the door to one office.
I knocked and opened the door, sticking my head in. Saying the same thing I always used to "searching for a Diggory" I said
"Y/n!" He jumped from his desk and hurried to me.
I laughed happily as he pulled me into a hug
"My dear girl how I've missed you. They said you stayed behind, and when you didn't come back, I grew worried" he said leading me to the sofa
I just laughed

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