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I've been back at  Cair Paraval for nearly a month now. Everything was perfectly in order. I was walking around the castle bored, Caspian had left from his weekly visit yesterday, so now I had nothing to do. And I'd already trained with some of the fauns

I saw an odd glimmer at the end of the hallway I was in, so I curiously walked to it. I stuck my hand in it, and my hand disappeared. I looked around, nobody here. So I stuck my head through. And I saw a door, on a line of houses on a street.

I pulled my head back confused
"London?" I said

I stepped through then, walked to the door I saw. And I knocked to see if I knew the person

The door opened revealing Eustace
"Yn?" He asked
"Eustace?" I said just as shocked
"H-how are you here?" He asked
"Not sure, actually. Is Ed here?" I asked hopeful
"Yes, but you won't like it" he looked at his shoes
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked concerned
"He and Lucy are leaving for America in the morning" he told me
"WHAT!" I shouted
"Come on in. And you can talk" he invited me in
I followed after him

"Ed someone is here for you!" Eustace shouted up the stares
"Who is it? If it's that girl tell her I don't want to go to the movies!" Edmund shouted his voice coming nearer

"Y/n?" He froze as he came into the living room. I froze too, a massive grin on my face
"Oh my gods I've missed you so much!" He ran at me
"Why? How long was I gone? It's only been a few weeks" I said
"Yn, it's been a year" he said staring into my eyes
"What, how can that be?" I asked confused
"I dont know, but you look older. Did you not realise?" He asked
"No there's no mirrors on the ship. Plus it's been busy at the Cair. Well up until today" I shrugged and hugged him tightly


The professor had died last month. For me, it's been another two year, but only a year in this world. So I've been visiting a lot. And Diggory was so happy to see me again

In his will, he had left all his belongings to me. Seeing as I was his adopted daughter. It was a sad day.
Edmund and Lucy had come to the funeral with me. Seeing as their siblings had still been in America.

The wretched war was finally over. And Edmund moved into the mansion with me. I'd finally been able to master jumping between the worlds, and the timing had to be perfect.
Caspian had been happy to hear all the stories I returned with

On the mansions grounds I had a tree arch that allowed me to go to Narnia, last week I tried to take Ed. But he couldn't get through it, he just walked into a tree making me laugh so hard I cried "shut up" he whined rubbing his nose

I also figured out how to bring Tyra with me, she turns into a black Labrador in their world and she returned to Narnia with me. But thanks to magic she doesn't die unless I do or unless she's killed, which is highly unlikely

We had a system. I'd stay in the other world for a week, but then I'd return to Narnia after the week for three weeks. And that would make a singular day in their world. Allowing me to have both. It had been my fathers idea.

Once a month Eustace would visit the mansion. And Lucy had visited plenty of times. Even Peter came to visit. Susan came once but that's about it. She's different, more adult

Edmund's mum thinks he and I are dating, since we couldn't say we were married as we were still only 20

But life was good. Edmund had begun to write novels on our adventures. Making him quite famous in his world. And like he said, he had never forgotten how much he loved me

One day while Edmund and I were having a picnic, he had knelt down and proposed to me
"Marry me again my love. I know we already are. But just so I can say here that I have the most beautiful woman in all the worlds by my side?" He asked
"Yes. Yes yes yes!" I jumped into his arms

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