The goodbye

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I was walking alongside my father as a lion, the two of us beside Caspian who sat astride Destier, a giant golden crown on his head.
The Pevensie Royals rode on horse back behind us. With Tyra behind them, then following that was the entire Narnian army

I laughed happily as we walked to the castle.


There was a giant feast that evening. Both Narnian and human were invited, and both mingled and became comfortable around each other. The past being completely forgotten

"Are you two still doing this?" Lucy walked over to Edmund and I, we sat with a plate between us, loaded with pastries and sweet treats
"You expected less?" I asked my hand in Edmunds as he lifted a little tart to his mouth with a smirk
"Probably shouldn't have" she laughed as Edmund broke the tart, and it fell to the ground, but Tyra gladly ate it.
"Tyra, five second rule. I could've still had it" Edmund gently hit my dragons head, making her grumble as a laugh.
Lucy and I laughed at the two interacting

"There's an old Narnian dance they want us to perform" Lucy said
"Which one?" I asked curiously
"The rings" she replied
"Okay, well be over in a second" I said
She nodded and went to Caspian and Peter, who were laughing together

"Ready to show why we're the power couple?" I asked teasingly
"Didn't we do that while fighting?" Ed laughed taking my hand and stood up
"We did. But I meant show how we can be loving and romantic too" I smiled as he kissed my hand gently
"Oh, I see. Then my Queen, would you join me in a dance" he said
I giggled and replied "of course my king" I stood up

We joined the two rings that were gathering with Narnians trying to quickly explain to the Telmarines.
And the music began, I instantly joined hands with Lucy and Susan, and the three of us spun around. I saw Edmund dancing and smiled at how good he looked. He was always attractive when he danced, just something about it.
I saw Caspian failing to catch on, but when he danced with Susan he seemed to better hang of it. Peter as per usual was dancing perfectly

I had fun, swishing my deep blue star speckled dress and I jumped and spun laughing happily.

I've not had a dance in nearly three hundred years

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I've not had a dance in nearly three hundred years. The last dance was when the Narnians had found out my birthday and held a party for me in Aslans How. That had been a fun night, with dancing, laughing, food and games.

The sun had set, and Edmund and I were dancing together happily. "You look beautiful my wife" he said in my ear
"Thank you husband. You look as handsome as ever. Then again, you also look younger, and I remember your handsome face as you were older. So good looking, I can't wait to see that again" I teased making him laugh
"It's funny to know what we'll look like in ten years time. Seeing as we've already been 28, yet we've been un-aged to 15 again." He smiled
"Ironic innit" I laughed

Lucy's POV

I stood beside Caspian, the two of us were chatting while watching Edmund and y/n practically glide across the floor
"They're so in love" he said
"Oh they really are" I smiled
"Were they always like this?" He asked
"Yea, you should have seen them back in our Golden Age. The two were inseparable, and even when they did leave the other, they were always just wanting to go back to each other. They had actually been planning on having a child before we ended up leaving." I smiled at the memories of my brother and sister-in-law
"How are they so close though? My mother and father were never like that" Caspian asked
I laughed softly

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