The journey

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"Hurry" Peter called as we all ran outside.
As I ran I felt a burning sensation all over my body, which was odd due to how cold I was. However, I let the feeling grow.
And suddenly after a painful grunt, I was no longer running on two legs but four.
I froze, looking at my arms. They were covered in a golden fur, with flecks of white and brown. I looked behind me then. My once girl body, was now the body of a big cat. A lion.

No of course not, I'm a girl, so, a lioness.

I stated at my body, confused still. Then I heard Peter shout another hurry.
I looked up, Mrs.Beaver had seen me change. "It's alright dear. That's normal, go follow them, mr.Beaver will know. I can explain after. Now go" she ushered me to follow my little family

So I did, I bounded after the three children and beaver.
It was surprisingly easy to run in this form, it felt natural, like breathing. I ran and caught up to them, Lucy shrieked when she saw me, and her fear caused me to twist back into a girl.
"What on earth?" She asked as we ran hand in hand
"Not a clue, let's just get Ed" I shouted dragging her along

We stopped at the top of the hill. A horrifyingly beautiful ice palace stood tall over the frozen lake. And far off in the distance we could see Edmund walking inside
"EDMUND!" Lucy shouted
"Shhh, they'll hear ya" I covered her mouth
Peter went to run forward, but Mr.Beaver jumped on him

"No!" The beaver shouted
"Get off of me!" Peter demanded
"You're playing into her hands." Mr.Beaver said to him
"We can't just let him go" Susan exclaimed
"He's our brother" Lucy added
"He's the bait. The Witch wants all five of ya" mr.Beaver explained
"Why?" I asked already half knowing
"To stop the prophecy from coming true. TO KILL YA" mr beaver said exasperated

I looked up and my eyes briefly passed Peters, as I looked at the castle, seeing Edmunds frame fully disappear from my line of sight, into the dangerous looking castle.

"This is all your fault!" Susan said mad at Peter
"My fault?" He said  back
"Oh so you knew this would happen?" Peter retaliated
"I didn't know what would happen. Which is why we should've left while we still could" she said
"STOP IT!" Lucy shouted at them
"This is going to help Edmund" I said my voice soft yet stern
"They're right. Only Aslan can help your brother now" beaver agreed
"Then take us to him" Peter said

Beaver looked up at me, "what?" I asked confused
"How do you feel?" He asked
"Fine" I shrugged
A loud howl stopped us in our walk "the secret police" I muttered
"RUN!" Beaver shouted and we did
We ran back to the damm, the howls of the wolves telling us they were getting closer
"Hurry mother theyre after us" mr.Beaver said running in
"Oh right then" she started to grab food and pack it up.
"What is she doing?" I asked
Beaver just flailed his little arms around, Susan went to help
"You'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and beaver gets cranky when he's hungry" Mrs.beaver answered
"I'm cranky now!" Mr.Beaver exclaimed
"Do you think we'll need jam?" She asked the female beaver
"Only if the witch serves toast" Peter joked
"Bad time for a joke" I slapped his arm
Scraping in the walls told us where our chasers were
"Hurry, in" beaver opened a little door for us.
I jumped I , and lowered Lucy in beside me.

We ran down the tunnels, Mr.Beaver leading the way.
"Badger and me dug this out. Comes out right near his place" beaver explained the tunnel
"You told me it lead to your mums" Mrs beaver said shocked
"Lucy!" Peter said I turned and saw the little girl had fallen over
A distant echoed howl told us the wolves were in the tunnels now "they're in the tunnels" Lucy whispered scared
"Quick this way" "hurry" the two beavers moved again
"Run!" I shouted
"Quick quick quick" Mrs beaver called back to us

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