The wedding

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Note this is set a year after the proposal. So Peter is 22. Susan is 20. Edmund and y/n are 18. And Lucy is 16.

I know some people will be like oh 18 is going to get married, but shush. It's my story, and if someone is deeply in love and know what they want, let them do as they please, love has no limits

"Y/n stop your fussing. You look lovely" Susan slapped my hands away from my dress
"But what if it looks odd at that angle" I tried to fix the dress again
"Y/n, if you keep fussing I'm going to cancel your wedding." Susan threatened
"You technically can't do that, on two reasons. One I'm highest Queen. And two you wouldn't stop me from marrying the love of my life" I chuckled
"Touché" she nodded
"Are you ready dear?" Mrs beaver asked
"I think so" I nodded gulping
"Where's Peter?" Susan whined checking the hall again
"I'm here" he came in the back door
"Whoa. You look stunning" Peter walked to me.
"Thank you" I smiled at him

"How's Ed?" I asked curiously
"Worrying like crazy, he wants you to have the perfect day, or so he said" Peter chuckled making me giggle. That's very Edmundish

"Okay, we're ready" Lucy announced
"Let's do this" I said excitedly

I waited in the hall outside the hall, the two little pups I had befriended, children of our chief, the two of them went down the aisle throwing rose petals. The music began and Susan went down next, my bridesmaid. Lucy went next, as my maid of honor.
I looked up at Peter, he made a deep. Death motion, so I copied
"Everything is perfect y/n, calm down." He said kindly
I nodded and the music changed, again.

The doors opened, and I stepped forward with Peter beside me

I walked down the aisle, my eyes never leaving the raven haired man that stood at the top of the altar. I had barely taken in the fact that hundreds of Narnians we're watching me. I could only see the man who had my heart.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back, just as happy
I then realised my father was standing at the top of the altar.

We stopped walking, Peter kissed my cheek, then he handed my hands to Edmund, then he walked to the side, taking his role as best man.
Edmund and I walked up the last few steps until we stood in front of my father.

"Welcome friends and family. And all Narnians. I welcome you all to the ceremony of this man and this woman in marriage" father announced
My eyes were locked on Edmunds honey, chocolate brown eyes. I barley heard what my father said
"We have seen them strive through hardships and challenges, and now we witness their greatest adventure" he said
He then put his attention on us
"Do you King Edmund, take Queen Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife, to hold and cherish in sickness and in health?" He asked
"I do" Edmund said proudly sliding a beautiful golden ring on my finger
"And do you Queen Y/n take King Edmund to be your lawfully wedded husband, to hold and cherish in sickness and in health?" He asked me then
"I do" I said happily also sliding the same ring on his finger
"Then by the power vested in me, which is a lot, I now pronounce you husband and wife. King and Queen of Narnia" father said
"You may now kiss the bride" he said to Edmund
Edmund leaned in, and so did i. Our lips meeting half way, for a loving and soft yet passionate kiss.

We broke apart to and the two of us took in our surroundings.
The crowds cheered loudly for us
Edmund took my hand again, and we ran down the middle Aisle as people threw the confetti at us.

"And welcome, Mr and Mrs Pevensie to the floor for the first time for their first dance" the bands singer announced
The crowd of our family and friends cheered for us
I stood up tall, as Edmund placed his hand in my waist, and took my hand, while I placed my head in his shoulder taking his hand as well
A beautiful and soft tune was played by the band of fauns.

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