The ship

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So it's been 3 months since Edmund last saw y/n. But for y/n it's been 3 years.
I know big time jump, but I don't have any ideas for them to do in England, especially cause it's set during the war

"Look" I pointed over board at three figures swimming
"Men, get the aboard" Caspian ordered
I stood anxiously waiting to see who, or what our little wash-aways are

Caspian and a few of the crew dived into the clear water, and swam to the three figures
I watched as Caspian pulled, I think a girl, to the ships side.
"Deploy" I ordered and the lift was dropped into the water

I grinned excitedly as one wet Caspian came into view holding one wet Lucy Pevensie at his side
"LUCY!" I cheered and ran to her, wrapping a towel around her shoulders "Yn!" She cheered just as happy, hugging me while she tried to dry off
"That was thrilling" she chuckled
"How in the world did you end up here?" Caspian asked her teasingly
"I have no idea" she replied
I was going to ask if Edmund came with her, when the voice of the desired boy spoke up behind me "Caspian!" He called

"Edmund" Caspian said happily going to him.
I squealed and ran over too, throwing myself into the much taller boys arms
"Stop growing" I laughed
"It's great to see yous" Ed smiled as we walked to Lucy
"It's great to see you too" Caspian said happily
My hand in the boys as we walked to Lucy

"Didn't you call for us?" Lucy asked
Caspian looked at me, and I shrugged. I hadn't touched the horn
"No. Not this time" I said
"Well, whatever the case I'm just glad to be here" Edmund said cheerfully

A scream broke our happy bubble, I looked and saw a younger blonde boy, also soaking wet. And he sat up throwing Reepicheep off of him
"Get off. Get that thing off me. Get off get off" he squirmed around
I watched confusedly
Who was this squirming quim
(Anyone get the Loki reference? No?)

"Reepicheep" Lucy said happily to the mouse. I smiled and lay my head on Edmunds towel clad one as he put an arm around my waist.
"Your majesties" the mouse bowed
"Hello Reep. What a pleasure" Edmund greeted him
"The pleasure is all mine sire. But first, what to do with this-this hysterical interlope?" the mouse replied
"That giant rat thing just tried to claw my face off!" The boy hollered
"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs sir" Reep told him
The boy seemed to not expect that

"It talked! Did you- Did anyone just hear that? It just talked " he said shocked pointing at the mouse
"He always talks" I said
"Actually it's getting him to shut up thats the trick" Caspian said making everyone laugh
I smirked as Reepicheep turned around offended "The moment there is nothing to be said your highnesses, I promise you I will not say it" he said

The blonde boy began to shout and March around "right i dont know what kind of trick this is. But I want to wake up! Right now!" the boy demanded
"Perhaps we could throw him back?" Reep offered
I shrugged not seeing the problem to this whining idiot
"Edmund!" Lucy exclaimed elbowing her brother
"Tyra could bring him back" I defended him

"Who is he?" I asked
"Remember your last visit I said we'd be staying with our cousin. That's him" Edmund said
I had to think, my last visit to their world was two years ago. I could hardly be at fault for now remember our exact conversation
"I faintly remember" I said

The blonde continued to March around, it was quite entertaining to say the least.
"I demand to know just where in the blazing am I!" He shouted to the crew
"You're on the Dawn Treaded, the finest ship in Narnia's Navy" Ceberus spoke to him
The boy then fainted hitting his head painfully looking
"Was it something I said?" the Minotaur asked confused
"See to him would you?" Caspian asked
"Your majesty" the Minotaur nodded his big head

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