Meeting Caspian

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I sat once again, at the balcony of Cair Paraval.
I was singing an old Narnian tune, when I heard a twig snap behind me.
In an instant I was on my feet, with my sword pointed forward, with Tyra jumped down behind me, her fangs bared.

"I apologize for startling you Queen y/n" the man said
"Who are you?" I questioned my sword still up
"I am Doctor Cornelius, tutor to the young Prince Caspian X (the tenth)." He introduced himself
"That does not ease my apprehension" I pointed out
"I understand your majesty. But perhaps knowing that my mother was a Black dwarf from the Northern Mountains might" he said calmly his eyes glancing  at the menacing dragon at my side
I lowered my sword a bit at that fact.

"You are a half dwarf?" I asked he nodded
I lowered my sword allowing the tip to dig into the earth and held my hand in front of Tyra, silently asking her to stop growling, she instantly stopped, yet kept her eyes trained on the Doctor before us, as her ears searched for any others.

"And why Doctor Cornelius, have you searched me out?" I asked still standing tall
"I wish to teach Caspian of the old tales, but his uncle Lord Miraz has forbade me to speak of it. Although my knowledge is broad, I had hoped you could give me the details our books cannot provide. And I hoped that you would accompany me to the castle to teach Caspian, as he is greatly in need of a friend" the professor said
"You wish for me to tell you stories? And be friends, with the Telmarine prince?" I asked sarcastically, my eyebrow raised as of saying 'really'

"Yes your majesty. I believe Caspian can untie our kingdoms" he said
"This is Caspian the tenth? Yes?" I asked
"Yes" he replied
I looked at Tyra.

The stars had spoken of a young prince, they never said his name, but he would unite us.

'Worth a go' she said
I nodded and turned to the professor
"I will do as you ask, but just know, I will continue to lead my people, which means gathering information and I will not live at the castle. I will attempt to befriend Caspian. But if you wish for him to speak with me, he will have to know me not as Queen y/n, but as your apprentice" I said
"Of course your majesty. The prince is a kind hearted boy, if he knew the truth about Narnia, I can guarantee he will help aid you in your battle" he said
"Agreed. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to have the remainder of my day alone" I asked kindly
"So the rumor is true?" He asked
"Which rumor?" I asked back

"That the old Queen y/n spends a singular day to mourn in the remnants of the castle of the five thrones?" He asked
"Yes. That part of my somewhat twisted past is true" I nodded
"I will leave you now. Join me tomorrow at Beruna where I will introduce you to the prince" he said and left

'Does this mean I can't come?' Tyra asked
I shifted into my lioness form, and literally climbed up a wall. So I was now at what was once the North tower, where Edmund had asked me to marry him
"I miss them" I said sadly laying down
'Me too. I miss Lucy's belly rubs. And Susan's amazingly cooked fish. Oh oh, or when Peter would get scared when I did a loop in the sky. And Edmund, I miss his jokes, and I miss him cause you miss him' Tyra said just as sadly laying beside me putting a wing over my back as it started to rain
"They'll be back. Eventually. And it mustn't be very long for them. I know it's been a 1,298 years here, but I still look 14, maybe 15. How much longer do I have to wait for them? I miss them so much. Just to see them even once, or to laugh with Lucy and Susan while Susan messes my hair up or I steal her books. Or to argue with Peter again. And Edmund, oh just to be in his arms once more. I'd give up everything" I said a tear falling from my eye onto my soft fur.
'Aslan is just waiting for the perfect moment y/n. We just need to hold on' Tyra chooed
"Where would I be without you" I rubbed my fluffy head on her neck, even as a lion she was three times my size.
'Probably dead in the How' she joked making me laugh

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