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I had to explain to Eustace with Lucy, yet again, how I was married to Edmund. It seems like he wouldn't accept it anytime soon

Lucy had accidentally ripped her waist coat, and was sitting stitching it up. And I was happily leaning over the edge of the ship, using my water powers to make little columns.
Laughing like a little kid as dolphins jumped up, splashing around.

"It's going to look magnificent" Reep joined us
I looked over my shoulder and admired the half revealed sword my husband held up proudly
"Do they come in a smaller size?" the mouse joked then left

I sat down watching Edmund work diligently. I couldn't help but be happy when he was around me. After all, it has been three years since I seen him last.
My Edmund

"You're staring" he said wiping the dust off the patch he was working on
"Can you blame me? My husband and best friend is the most handsome man in the universe" I said teasingly
"Hmm, must be something special to have you as a wife" he grinned looking at me
"Must be" I smiled softly

Just then, Eustace came barreling out from below deck, a knife in hand, and one Reepicheep chasing him
"Trying to run away? We're in a boat you know" the mouse said
"Look, can't we just discuss this?" Eustace asked

I elbowed Edmund, and the two of us walked closer to the pair. Laughing away at the duel starting out

"That was for stealing. That was for lying. And that was for good measure" Reep said cutting the boys shirt and impaling an orange on his little sword
"Ahahaha that's the spirit" Reep said joyfully as Eustace lunged for him
"We have ourselves a duel. Catch" the mouse announced throwing the orange to Drinnian

"Okay, come in take your best shot. Is that it?" Reep teased jumping and rolling passed Eustaces blade
"Stop flapping your wings like a drunken pelican. Poise. Keep you blade up. Up up. That's it" The mouse scolded him
I just leaned on Edmunds side as he snaked an arm around my waist, happily pulling me closer to him
The crew all watched the boy lunge for the mouse who just repeatedly dodged

"Yoo-hoo. Over here" Reep jested from behind the blonde who just got his blade out of the wooden post
"Now lunge with your foot. Not your left! Your right!" Reep corrected his footing
"Got it? Be nimble. Be nimble. It's a dance boy, a dance. Now come on, again" Reepicheep instructed

Eustace did as told and tried to hit the mouse, but Reepicheep fell off the side of the ship, I grinned seeing the little mouse on the rope above Eustace

"And that is that!" Reepicheep said kicking Eustace who fell making a basket fall over
But what surprised me was that the basket screamed
I shared a confused look with Edmund and we walked closer to see what it was
And a little girl crawled out.

"Gale? What are you doing here?" The man we had picked up on the Lone Islands stepped forward
And I remembered, this was his daughter. He hugged her close to him, looking at me worriedly, but looked at Drinnian as he stepped forward
"Looks like we have an extra crew member" Drinnian said
The captain knelt forward offering the orange to the girl, who gladly accepted it

"Welcome aboard" I said to the little girl
"Your majesties" she curtsied to Lucy and I
"Call me Lucy. And Y/n" Lucy introduced us
"Come on" Lucy beckoned her to join us
I followed after the two, leaving Ed to go back to his sword

Lucy and I showed Gale around the ship for a while, until the little girl grew in courage it would seem as we sat in my chamber
"Y/n, is it true you can turn into a lion?" Gale asked
I chuckled and replied "yes, that is one of my talents" I nodded
"It's very impressive" Lucy say at the table with us
"Would you show me?" Gale asked politely
"Of course." I stood and gave myself space

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