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I followed after Caspian. He was leaving to 'save us' as he said
"I can hear you" he turned around rolling his eyes
Nikabrik and Trufflehunter popped out from behind the trees
"I just think we should wait for the Kings and Queens. Other than you your majesty" Trufflehunter bowed his head
Caspian just walked off. He wasn't impressed with me.

"Fine. Go then. See if the others will be as understanding" Trufflehunter called after the prince
I just stood behind them, an arm leaning on a tree
'You okay Ty?' I asked my dragon
'Obviously, I'm not incapable of being alone you know' she replied I just chuckled

"Or maybe I'll come with you. I want to see you explain things to the Minotaurs" Nikabrik walked forward
Caspian stopped and turned to us.
"Minotaurs? They're real" He asked
"And very bad tempered" Trufflehunter nodded walking past the prince
"Not to mention big" Nikabrik added
"Huge" I smiled walking past the boy I saw as a friend

"What about centaurs? Do they still exist?" Caspian caught up to us
"The centaurs will probably fight on your side. But there's no telling what the others will do. But I can persuade them" I said
"What about Aslan?" He then asked
I froze. I never told him about that, and neither did the professor
"How do you know so much about us?" Nikabrik asked
"Stories" Caspian shrugged
"Your father told you stories about Narnia?" The badger asked
"No.... my professor. Look, I'm sorry but these are not the type of questions you should be asking" Caspian walked ahead
"We never told you about my father" I walked to him
"Your father?" Caspian asked

"What is it?" Nikabrik asked
"Humans" Trufflehunter replied
"Him?" Nikabrik pointed at the prince
I turned around and saw soldiers
"No. Them" I said
"Run!" I ordered. They all ran, and I jumped into my lion form in a second and charged at the soldiers.

"Reep" I saw the brave little mouse
"Your majesty" he bowed and ran after another soldier
"I SAID RUN CASPIAN" I roared at my only human friend, I had grown quite attached in the last year. He was like a brother, but he would never replace my real brother and sisters.
Oh how I missed them

I slashed at two guards who had decided they could take me on. I jumped on one making him fall to his back, and I bit on his neck, snapping it.
I then went to pounce on the other guard, but had to dodge a sword. So I promptly shifted to girl and drew my sword
"What are you?" The soldier asked
"Your worse nightmare" I replied as Tyra landed behind me, her wings still out making it look like I had them.
I then stabbed him.

I saw Caspian carrying Trufflehunter and running away.
"Tyra go help Trufflehunter" I ordered. The dragon roared and with a pounce had glided over the ferns to the badger and dwarf, deflecting any arrows with her hard scales.

I had taken down one more guard, and I let the mice deal with the last one. So I began to walk to an anxious Caspian, who had his sword drawn
I saw the ferns moving, which meant a mouse was going for him

And I was right, the one and only Reepicheep jumped on him making him fall and drop his sword
"Chose your last words carefully Talmarine" Reepicheep said his little sword drawn
"You are a mouse" Caspian said surprised
"I was hoping for something a little more original. Pick up your sword" Reepicheep said
"Uh... no thanks" Caspian replied looking at his lost blade
"Pick it up, I will not fight an unarmed man" Reep said
"Which is why I might live longer if I do not cross blades with you mobile mouse" Caspian said.

I chuckled to myself, this was entertaining

"I said I would not fight, I never said I would spare your life" the little mouse threatened
"Stay your blade Reepicheep" Trufflehunter called
"Trufflehunter? I hope you have a very good reason for your untimely interruption?" The mouse asked
"He doesn't. Carry on" Nikabrik replied
"Hes the one who blew the horn" I said
"What?" The little mouse asked
"Then let him bring it forward" the lead centaur, Glenstorm, said
"Glenstorm" I bowed my head in respect
"Your majesty" he bowed back

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