Chapter: 5

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Trying not to get slammed agaisnt a wall or thrown again you crawled to the door not trying to hit any nerves that were hurting

" Your not going anywhere~ " he grabbed your leg with one of his tendrils lifting you in the air

" Your just a fucking monster! At first you seemed nice but now I see your true colors! A fucking asshole who hurts people and doesnt care! "

Slenders POV

" A fucking asshole who hurts people and doesnt care! " those words that she said hurt...but that had never happened before usually ok used to it but for some reason it hurt

I dropped her and left the room not saying anything, I couldnt bring myself to say anything to her after she said that

I walked downstairs towards the kitchen to see sally and ej there cooking some grilled cheese sandwiches even though it was around 5:30pm which reminded me that I had to make dinner

" Ej go check on the human while I make dinner " I said in a low but loud enough so ej could hear me

He left the kitchen leaving me and sally

" Hey daddy? " sally wasn't my real daughter but shes always viewed me as her father figure since she never knew her dad and I had saved her

" Yes sally? " I responded to the small child

" Is y/n going to be my new mommy? " I didnt know how to answer that question and it's not like I would ever let a mere human take care or even be near sally shes to precious to me for that to happen. End of POV

Your POV

I tried to get up by grabbing the desk to pull myself up before I heard the window in his office swing open

I tried to get up by grabbing the desk to pull myself up before I heard the window in his office swing open

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" AHHHH! "


" Ej? " I asked as I was still trying to get up

" Yeah, sorry do I really look that different without a mask on? "

" You kinda do "

" Do you need help? I can tell that something happened and now you cant even stand "

I didnt want to tell ej what slender had did, ot might just make things worst so I nodded my head yes as he walked over to help me

As soon as I stood up the pain kicked in I had probably hurt something really bad but not broken

Me and ej headed downstairs where everyone was already making there way to the dining room to eat and of course my seat didnt change so I sat right next to slender

BEN kept looking at me out of the corner of his eyes and it started to bother me I was going to say something but he beat me to it first

" Why the hell is y/n limping? " BEN said with his head down as everyone turned to him

" Its probably nothing just let it go BEN " I could tell jeff was trying to stop anything from happening cutting the conflict

" Jeff is right BEN, I fell pretty bad and that's why I'm hurt it's no big deal "

" Y/n...your lying I can see the hurt in your eyes " sally spoke out making everyone silent

I couldnt handle the questions and stuff anymore so I politely excused myself from dinner as I walked to other parts of the mansion to get away from the others, you were walking so fast you didnt even notice someone standing in your way until you ran into them

You both fell to the ground the impact didnt help with your current pain as you got up and so did the other person

" I'm so sorry! I wasnt watching where I was going "

" N-no its f-fine " said a calm yet nice voice a boy with brown hair and pale skin that also had a mask on with some type of goggle

" N-no its f-fine " said a calm yet nice voice a boy with brown hair and pale skin that also had a mask on with some type of goggle

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" I dont t-think we've met s-since I'm n-never really h-here that much, I'm t-toby "

" Oh nice to me you toby I'm y/n, I was wondering around after what happened in the dining room "

" I'm n-not going to a-ask what h-happened "

" Well it was nice talking to you but I'm gonna go now, bye "

" Bye "

You walked back to the direction of your room just wanting not to run into anyone, closing the door you grabbed for your headphones to listen to music but remembered that was all at your house and there was no way you were ever going back

*knock knock *

" Come in! "

BEN walked in your room holding your f/c backpack

" BEN how did you get that? "

" I went back to your house and grabbed your stuff thinking it would be helpful y'know after downstairs fiasco " you both laughed as he handed you the backpack pulling out your headphones

" Hey...if you ever want someone to talk to I'll be here and it's not hard to tell which door is mine so yeah "

You thanked BEN as he left while you played your favorite song drifting into sleep

The next day was mostly you fulfilling a list that slenderman had given you to do since that's why you were here, it was completely silent no one even talked while you were around not even splendor talked to you that day but it didnt bother you being ignored is something you were used to growing up

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