Chapter: 32

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Waking up in the most uncomfortable chair wasn't what alerted you it was the person you didn't recognize staring at you

" She's awake! Hi! how you doing!? "

The girl who was speaking to you looked almost identical to Jeff yet her eyes were pitch black like Ej only with a tiny white missed them so much

" Yeah I'm doing fine with a gash in my shoulder you bitch "

" Oh! Such a fowl mouth "

I saw masky in the corner yet he didn't utter a word

" How long until this Jeff wannabe stops talking to me? I know zalgo wants me dead so get on with it because if you think slender or someone else is coming for me you're wrong "

" DO NOT COMPARE ME TO THAT KILLER! " Holding a knife to my throat she pressed it deeper drawing a little bit of blood

" Jane! Keep your fucking temper " Masky snarled from the corner

" Listen we don't plan on killing you. Zalgo wants to help you "

" I'm listening. It's not like I have a choice "

" Staying with slender was never a option, zalgo wants you to have that independence you crave so badly. He can make you stronger "

My mind was wirling

I could barely think straight

" He doesn't want to help me he wants to control me just so he can kill me * cough cough * "

" Aww is someone dehydrated? Or is it that time? Couldn't be me! I dont remember that last time I had a human body "

You wanted to close your eyes and just dift off to sleep due to lack of everything....her voice wasnt helping

Jeff POV

I was in charge of watching y/n in the morning since slender was so overprotective, but it was nice to know she was safe. Needless to say I could barely see straight

Standing next to one of the trees next to her house I waited for her alarm to go off

* Beep * Beep * Beep *

The first 3 beeps went off but they kept going

At first she could just be sleeping heavy or not in that room. Something didn't feel right though

Jumping up to the window I climbed in the house searching the area for anything

Walking Into the master bedroom, a pool of blood was waiting for me. Her phone laid right next to a gun

Before my thoughts could process I was running back while dialing the phone

* Fuck! He was right! *

Running back was a hassle seeing as I was out of breath and panicking. The phone finally picked up

* Hello? *

" BEN! No time! Y/n's missing! There was blood and a gun! Get the others!

* Aw shit! I knew I wasn't going to be able to peacefully play my update today! *

When I finally got back to the manor everyone was in the main room talking

" Slender what are you planning? " Lulu asked

" I'm doing this mission on my own rules fuck her being naive. If this is where it gets us "

I caught my breath as I checked for my knife to make sure it was still on me

" I don't think this is smart " Ej said

" We don't know when or where she was taken "

I spoke up seeing as I was the only one who searched the house

" The glass was broken at the backdoor, upstairs in the master bedroom was blood and bullet casings, 2 of them "

" Bullet casings? " Lulu asked

" It means she used a gun, looked like a normal one " I told her

" How do you know all of this? " the tone of BEN'S voice implied something else

" Before I left the house I looked around but I wanted to get back as soon as possible to have the best chance of finding her "

We all looked to slender for the rest of the orders. The only movement was his tendrils flailing around him, it was pretty obvious that he wasn't happy yet I could see it was also concern filled

" Let's take smile dog with us. If that dog is good at anything it's picking up a scent "

" I guess if your cool with it so am I " Ej stood next to slender giving him a pat on the back

" We'll find her. She couldn't have gone far, the break in happened at night we know that. Jeff was the only person there, did the blood look dry "

" That's the thing, it did but at the same time it didn't. I'm assuming the blood wasn't just hers "

" So are we confirming that she fought another proxy? Or she fought a human? " Lulu had a point we didn't exactly know what happened

" Who else would it be? She wouldn't have been taken if it was a normal person " Ej stated bluntly

I stood silent

Sure when she first came here I was hesitant, I thought she was bullshitting when she said she wasn't afraid of us. The way we looked or even the jokes

We were still normal people to her...she never saw us differently

And now she's gone. We have nothing to hope for except for a dog

" Let's head out now so we don't lose track of anything " slender demanded from us

Leaving the manor, I could see Sally and Lazari staring with their worried expressions

Everyone knew how much the girls loved y/n. She was like a mom to them hell she was their mother no matter what anyone said

Being a jackass aside...

We won't fail this misson

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