S2 Chapter : 72

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Cold.....it always finds a way to you in your darkest hour

Standing there by yourself you sat down under the tree, it held many memories that the both of you shared. Tiny little clips from that moment flashed in your head. This is where you saw slender again after he got injured, and yet this time he wasn't with you...

The sky continued to cry, you followed

Everything seemed so blue, glancing at your hands you thought about everything that happened. Zalgo. Your parents. Everyone Fighting. Your death

So focused on the rain you didn't even notice the vibration of someone sitting down with you

Strong arms held you close as you cried harder

" She told me everything. I'm here y/n "

" What.....she's our daughter we can't just......"

" I know. I know.....we don't have to think about that right now....Do you remember this tree? "

Sniffling you answered with a nod

" I remember you told me how much you missed me~ "

You stayed silent

His face was that of unsureness, he didn't know weather to comfort or let you be

" We should get out this rain, let's go back- "

" I can't right now "

".....okay. alright "

He picked you up hositing you on his back and started walking. His tendrils guarding you from the harsh weather

The walk was long yet somehow comforting, bright lights filled your eyes as a house came into view

Knocking on the door at first did nothing but soon he opened the door

" Y/n? Slender? "

" Hey splendor....we need to talk and possibly rest here for the night "

" Of course, I have the room and time "

Slender set you down gently on the couch before walking over to splendor to explain everything. Liu came down the steps motioning for you to follow him, so you did

He handed you a oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts

" It's all I have right now, sorry "

" It's fine " you replied

" I don't know what's going on but y'know if you need someone to talk to I could try doing that thing where people sit and listen to each other "

You laughed to yourself on the inside a little from the way he described being supportive

" Thanks Liu "

Slender came upstairs walking to the room you two would be staying in so you followed

The room was a great size and the two big windows gave you a perfect view of the rain outside that stuck to said window. Sitting in the bed you stared out the window thinking about everything that had happened

" Y/n.....I know things are, rough right now but I'm here for you "

" I know " you said weakly

Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, you both sat there quiet before you spoke again

" I can't stop thinking about it... we're only going to have her for 5 years if we do that "

" No we won't "

" What? "

" We won't give her that bracelet, I'll teach her and she'll be better than what the sorceress for saw "

" But we can't change fate- "

" Fuck fate! "

Your expression changed from sorrow to shock and happiness to a certain degree

" You were the one thing that wasn't plan y/n, you coming into the forest and staying with us. Then you loving me...you were the thing that was different "

" I wasn't meant to though "

" That's my point! It happened even though it wasn't meant! The same can go for Yumi "

" Maybe your right "

" We should get married "

" What?! " Red hue started to form all over your face

" I'd love to hear you call me husband~ plus our daughter would have parents who aren't just dating. Besides you can't tell me you hadn't thought about it "

" I- "

* Dammit! I have thought about it! *

" Exactly "

" Stop reading my mind! "

" Mm, make me~ "

" I know where your going with this, slenderman. And I'm not going to give in "

" Your such a tease y/n~ won't you give in just once? "

" I'm good, last time I gave in I ended up pregnant "

" Well that won't happen again " splendor said now standing in the door

" I wasn't easdropping or anything I just came to say that dinner is downstairs if you guys are hungry and don't worry y/n you can't get pregnant again. It's simple really, your body could only handle one child, and due to that it would be impossible to have a second child "

" Thank you for telling me that brother~ "

" You said there's food!? Great! Let's go! " You quickly stood up rushing out the room from embarrassment "

Liu was already getting his portion when you came down

" What's for dinner? "

" Spaghetti and garlic bread " He said while only grabbing spaghetti

" Do you not like Garlic bread? "

" No I hate it, ewh. Sorry! Sorry....that wasn't me. No I don't like it. I should've warned you, Im bipolar "

" Oh, okay I'll take your piece then. And no worries "

" Does splendor have anything that ist human food? "

" There should be something in the freezer "

When slender opened the freezer you truly remembered that technically to a certain amount you were food, literally

The freezer was filled with frozen remains of human. Slender picked out a piece that looked like it used to be a leg and a neck. He started to eat it straight out the bag

He caught a glimpse of your facial expression and quickly stopped

" Oh! I'm sorry slender! I'm not uncomfortable or anything- like I know I'm not them but sometimes I forget you actually have teeth, and eat humans "

You could tell he was a little happy that his diet didn't scare you

" Trust me I forget too, when Offender eats humans and his jaw unhinges I think ' yep! That's a little scary ' "

" By the way, what's going on with you and Offender, Liu? "

" Nothing. I hate that seductive asshole "

" It's there anyone that you do like? "

" *Scoff* no- "

" Alrighty! Out of those work clothes! How's the food everyone? Liu, do you like it? "

Since you were facing his direction it was easier for you to see that a light blush appeared on his face

" It's fine splendor "

" Wonderful! "

You krept closer to Liu as the brothers talked

" You like splendor don't you? "

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