S2 Chapte: 78

269 11 14

Her cute face nuzzled in the soft pillow as you tucked Lazari into bed. You walked out the room grabbing a hoodie and slipping on your shoes

No one was downstairs so you could easily walk out the door without anyone asking where you were going. Putting the phone back to your ear you cleared your throat as you heard her speak again

Switching to 1st person

" I know that you don't want to talk to me and thats okay, I just- "

" Speak faster. My patience is running out "

" For fucks sakes y/n just listen- "

" Why would I listen to someone who left me when I needed them the most? Y'know that house belong to grandma Evelyn yet I didn't see you put out a single dime to keep it! It was officer max who helped! "

" You don't even know everything! You're unbelievable! I tried my best to help but I couldn't! "

" Oh please explain! Because when I said the same thing years ago you couldn't give me a answer! "

" You were too young! I couldn't tell you "

A long sigh left my mouth as I continued to listen

" I can tell you now. Me and your mom weren't always on the best terms but I promised her that if anything happened to her that I would step up and take care of you and Talia. When the accident happened I...."

The tears welling up in her eyes could be heard over the phone

" I knew that I would have to step up, and I tried. Your mom never wanted me around that much because I used to drink and she was worried that one day i would start again and not stop. Well I did. When she died. I started drinking like it was my last. One thing led to another and I let myself go. I'm so sorry "

My body felt heavy as I came to a understanding of what truly happened. I readied myself as I began to speak

" Fine. Your cause checks out, but why did you call me- of all the times you had to call you choose now? "

" Your lover contacted me catching me up on everything, Im....not completely sure I agree with the new family you've been accepted to but I do know that I will support you. By the way, I didn't know you were into men with muscular builds~ you really do take after your mother "

* Wait, lover? Oh god! Slender what did you say to her! *

" Um...are you sure you know what your talking about? "

" If your reffering to the fact that he's a creature with no face and tendrils along with sharp teeth with surprisingly good manners than yes. I was alarmed when he, transformed. Like I said I don't really approve but I support you y/n...I also heard I have a grandniece "

" .....Yeah, her name is Yumi. You can see her if you want. I'm only letting you see her because she deserves it. I couldnt give two shits weather you approve. My life is my life and no one can take that away "

" I'll visit on the 16th. It's more convenient for everyone, if your free that day "

" I will be, I'll see you then "

" Bye y/n "

" Bye "

Even though she apologized I still can't shake the feeling that something is off, I need to talk to slender when he gets back. Checking the time it read 6:23pm

* Damn! It's already 6? I should start seeing what's for dinner *

Heading back. I kept thinking about what was said over the call. As I walked in it was clear that everyone was either already in their rooms or out hunting. It looked as if the house was abandoned or left without tenants

The kitchen was pretty much the same as the living room. Dark, no one around, and if you ask me...way too fucking quiet

Opening the fridge I saw a plate that had a burger, fries and some carrots with it ( I'm sorry if you don't like carrots but gotta have a vegetable 🥲 )

The note attached to it read,

Hey y/n! Me, BEN, Jeff, clockwork and stripes went out to go hunting with  Sally. We won't be back till maybe 11? We have to go further out this time since the kids have been going further to do...things. Don't wait up for us, Jason already is. Love you, also Yumi and Lazari are still sleep♥️

From: Lulu😊

Sighing heavily I pushed my hair back taking a moment to breath

" Having second thoughts? "

Turning around I saw Jason standing 3 feet from me

" Second thoughts on what? "

" This family. You regretting it? "

" No. Just thinking "

" Y'know he's lying to you "

" What? "

" Slenderman or slender as you like to call him. He's lying to you. How do you know he's not with someone else? "

" Slender wouldn't do that, besides his brothers would never allow that. Even Offender "

" Who's to say his brothers aren't encouraging it? "

" What is your problem?! Do you hate on me and him?! "

" Actually, I support this relationship. Yumi is quite the cutie and I would hate to see her lose her parents " he replied as he kept walking around

" Then what is your deal? "

" Slender left this morning and you don't know where he is. What you seem to forget y/n is that he is a monster, you are a human. His family has always been direct when it comes to him setteling down "

I listened closely

" You might have a kid but you can't tell me his suspicious behavior has been glossed over. I'm simply stating the most logical reason "

" I know slender wouldn't do that "

" If your confident then I trust you. The others are out along with stripes. I'm guessing the note didn't say that. Anyway, I'm heading back to my room. Consider this y/n, there will be a day that everything doesn't go according to plan...

Just you wait "

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