Chapter: 6

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Humming the current song that was playing you were cleaning the kitchen

" Let the world just pass me byye~ mmmmm make me part of your design "

" My ordinary life right? " you took off your headphones to see jeff leaning in the doorway

" Why are you here jeff? Your the last person I would expect to even look at me today "

" Listen I'm technically not even supposed to be talking to you so be happy somebody is! Jeez " you felt bad  thinking that you had just told jeff you didnt even want to see him yet he was breaking a rule

" Ok, I'm sorry but still why are you talking to me if your not supposed to? "

" Because slender cant stop me I'm numb to the pain now...we all are "

" Wait he hurts you guys whenever he gets too mad or angry!? "

" Lower your voice! Jesus your more loud than Lazari when she wont stop crying "

" I dont care! He shouldn't be hurting you guys at all if hes mad or not! "

" Y'know I dont think she'll stop jeff " BEN said entering the room

" I dont need to get in trouble because she wont be qui- wait where are you going? "

" I'm so sixck and tired of this shit! I've only been here for two days and I'm through! " You stormed out the kitchen up to slendermans office kicking open the door, he already looked furious

" I swear to god himself I dont care if you are the reincarnation of the devil you will not hurt anyone else in this mansion! "

He stood up from his desk as his tendrils swung rapidly around him

" How many have you hurt or scared? I bet you even hurt sally " that was the last string, his tendrils launched themselves at you as you dodged all of them until one grabbed your waist and slammed your back against the wall making you whince in pain

" I would never hurt sally! "

" I havent even been here that long and I know you have! And I'm here to tell you that if you hurt her I will personally make sure your life is a living hell "

Slenders POV

This human was starting to get on my last nerves acting like she truly cares for people like us, makes me sick she talks about sally as if that's her own daughter! I'm surprised she even had the guts to talk to me in this manner but that still doesn't excuse the fact that shes crossing the line

I could just kill her right now! I'm confused why I didnt do that in the first place then I wouldn't have to be dealing with this! I have her right here in front of me, I can just get jeff and BEN to clean put her body-

* Stop acting like you werent trying to contain the urge to do something more than hold her...*

Offenders voice played in my head, those words kept repeating as I continued to look down at the scared human. She wasnt even cowering in fear yet instead she just looked down at the ground

* the urge to do something more than hold her...* dammit, his words arent making my decision any better! My urges just keep getting bigger the more I hold this fucking human

I didnt waste a second as my tendril whipped her on the face leaving a huge red gash that showed so much on her s/c

I could see tears run down her face yet she still remained with the same pissed expression from when she walked in my office, it just mad me even more furious

I started leaving gashes all over her arms and legs until she couldn't stand straight from the pain

" No matter *cough* how much you hurt me...I will Never break "

" I will make you break, haha it's only a matter of time " End of POV

You used the wall as a support asvyou made your way to the door slenderman not stopping you, the hallway was empty except for the heavenly aroma of pizza that was now lingering around the mansion

Still using the wall you were going to attempt to walk down the stairs when you heard a voice behide you

" For fucks sake! What the hell did he do to you! Your bleeding like crazy! " BEN ran over to you and starting inspecting your wounds as you tried to comfort him

" I'm fine BEN really...its not that ba- "

BEN had picked you up bridal style and carried you to the living room grabbing the med-kit

Jeff walked in halfway while BEN was bandaging you up

" What the fuck did you say to him to make him that pissed off? I havent seen him that mad since the slender brothers had a argument "

" Jeff your not helping with the situation " BEN said still wrapping your wounds

" I dont know why you care so much for a mere human shes just gonna die anyway- "

" We get it! You dont like her being her you clown! "

Jeff never liked being called a clown and it triggered him causing BEN and him to have a fight

Ej came into the room and broke up the fight

" What the hell is wrong with you two!? If slender gets mad enough he'll-  "


Jeff, BEN, and ej stood in shock as those words left your mouth

Jeff looked like he was about to say something when they all looked up at you, or more like behide you

Looking back you saw him standing there as his tall figure towered over you...

" Bold words for someone like you to say about my brother miss Y/n~ "

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