Chapter: 29

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The first thing you decided to do was try and find yourself a job, it's a blessing this house wasn't burn or broken to the ground. It was probably officer Max who knew I might come back one day...I guess he was right

You left hoping to get something at McDonald's or any place you could reach for breakfast with the little money you still had

While out you saw a poster next to you fav café you used to go to

Hiring now! Looking for : Young people around 19-25 experience with being a server and ABSOLUTELY NO ANIMALS ( If you do please don't have any of their hair one you)

" Okay. So strict "

You walked in to find a boy no older than maybe 21 working the counter

" Hello ma'am what would you like today? "

" Hi sorry I'm not here to order im- "

" Here for the job? Sorry for interrupting you but you ight wanna reconsider. Our boss is incredibly strict and he's already fired 4 people that came in for the job "

" Jeez! That doesn't sound very good. I'm y/n "

" I'm hinastu, if you are thinking about working here you would be making the drinks and serve the pastries "

" doesn't your name mean ' summer sun '? "

" Yeah it does. My grandmother gave me my name "

" That's nice- "


You watch as a man in his late 30s stomps over to hinastu angry over the fact that he might be talking to you

" Mr. Conwell! I'm just telling this customer how we run things- "

" Why on God's green earth would you be explaining to this girl why- "

" Excuse me Mr. Conwell correct? I came her for the job advertised outside your window and my name is Y/n L/n I'm 19 almost 20. I've worked behide the counter and as a server 3 years experience  "

Both of the men were to stunned to speak or blink even

" W-wow, um I didn't think...yes yes you can start working tomorrow! I would be glad to have someone as respectful and bright as you young lady "

Once he walked away you and Hina started jumping up and down

" Dude! He's never been that nice before! Something you did made him change "

" Well I just saved you the asswooping then didnt I? "

" Yeah you did, if you want my shift ends in 30 minutes since I worked the night we can grab something "

" I don't have much money on me so I don't think- "

" I'll pay. It's the least I can do for you "

" Thanks I'll be waiting at the library across the street "

Smiling to yourself as you walked out thinking about how it was nice to talk to someone again that was human and knew what it was like. The others never really had normal jobs some of them could but most. No.

30 minutes pasted by as Hina walked inside the library

You guys chatted and even got something to eat/drink. By the end of the day you had exchanged numbers

" I had fun today. It feels nice to be back home "

" Oh you were born here too? "

" No I moved here when I was around 3 "

" I get it. Kinda like the feeling of home "

" Yeah I...was away for a while but now I'm back, anyway I gotta get home so- "

" Totally understand! Get home safe "

" You too "

* I found someone who I connect to again! God it feels like I never left this place, but I did. I wonder how to others are doing...I hope they are doing well *

* We are! *

Abruptly stopping you looked around to find where it was coming from

* I know it's one of you, I can't see you- *

* It's me splendor. I can't show myself as there are to many people and I don't have enough energy to change. The children are very sad about you leaving. Lazari doesn't talk and her anger gets out almost all the time, Sally stays in her room sometimes with Lulu. BEN stopped playing games Jeff sharpens his knives all day and slender... *

* .....*

* He hasn't talked to any of us not even me. Y/n you don't have to come back but maybe I can bring them to see you sometimes? *

This wasn't something you could just immediately say ' yes ' to. Seeing them being reminded of the life you left behide ist something you want to remember. But the image of all of them flashed in your head as you reconsidered

* I'll think about it *

* Sigh * Thank you y/n catch you later *

You got home and rushed to the shower wanting to feel the warm embrace of water to relax

Once out you grabbed your grandma's dairy and started reading

Chapter : 56 August 23, 2002

" Today I spent time with the little one and my daughter. It's been so long since I held such a small and fragile little thing, she reminds me so much of her mother that I thought it was her. I asked if they plan on having another child maybe in the future. But Im not forcing them I just don't want the little one growing up without anyone to play with. My age is dwindling on me, I'm not the fast rough and tought girl I used to be. I'm old and tired, prescription given to me every 8 months. I will be here as long as I possibly can for this baby and I hope if they have another...I'll be able to meet them too. "

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