Chapter: 51

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The cold winds made me even more upset making my way through the thick and damp forest

" Why are we even out here?! Where are we going!? "


No answer

This wasn't getting anywhere. A part of me told me to just turn back but a tendril stopped me mid walk almost making me fall


It was spewed all over the fall leaves yet fresh and appetizing

" My watering? "

* Don't be alarmed, it's my hunger that you are feeling *

" Why are we even in this remote area? And am I going to have to eat a rabbit or something?! "

* No of course not. Human food will do just fine, this is fresh blood. His blood. *

" What use would he have being in the human world? "

* That's what we are going to find out *

Following the trail of fresh blood, it lead to a medium sized warehouse. Seeing is almost made me freak out due to being kidnapped

I scoped out the area making sure there was no one there before I climbed in through a window


" I can only do so much zalgo- you know that! "


Peering over the window I could see zalgo with a women who was pretty yet scary

* Edith Guerrero aka The Sorceress. She has many powers including healing. It seems as though the blow you inflicted hasn't healed *

" I'm sorry zalgo but this is the best I can do. The damage is just too severe. Your arm IST coming back "

" That fucking bitch. Her and her family are starting to really get me mad. Go! I need a moment "

With one swift motion she was gone and only zalgo stood

" I know your there. That human soul is so bright that it's almost painful "

I was halfway in the warehouse when I was teleported right in front of him

" That's better "

" What do you want? "

" You were the one spying on me. Where is he "

Before saying anything my throat was grabbed restricting my breathing

" Where is that bastard! I know he's not dead so tell me! "

" I don't....know "

" I guess I'll have to use extreme measures " a sharp pain went through my body which I thought was him hitting me but it wasn't

" Haha, it all makes sense now. His soul is within your body "

* I will never allow her to be hurt like that again *

Rubbing my neck the tendrils swormed around my body protecting me

In the blink of an eye I was back in the manor precisely the living room

" Oh shit! Oh fuck! "

My first thought was that I needed water after all of that. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body yet at the same time I was scared shitless

" Hey y/n. You good? " I must have been so focused on water because I didn't see  BEN and Jeff in the kitchen

" Yeah! I mean yes! Yes I'm fine "

" That's not very convincing y'know "

" "

" Your hiding something " Jeff looked at me for the first time since the fight

" Slenders soul is inside my body and his physical form is damaged somewhere and he talks to me in my head but you guys can't hear him! I have tendrils! That shoot out my back! Zalgos arm won't heal even with the help of a healer I'm scared and only clockwork knows- "

" Okay stop! Jeez! What kind of shit are you taking? "

" I pretty much know what she said "

" How?! How Jeff? Tell me "

" Short story, slender is sharing a body with her and some of his...feature are now hers. I'm pretty sure his hunger is one of them "

" Yeah it is. I saw zalgos blood and I immediately started watering at the mouth "

" Well I've never seen this kind of thing but since your fully human I think you'll be fine just eating normal food til slender gets himself fixed "

" But how long will that take? "

" Before it used to be 2 days maybe close to a week but this is a straight blow not a arm loss or head blown off "

" So he could technically never leave my body? "

BEN looked at Jeff before looking back at me with a ' trying to be calm yet not ' face

" Well...y/n, it's not a garrentee- "


" it's not completely bad. I mean he'll still be alive "

" That's not the point Jeff! I don't want him inside of me! I won't be able to hug him or lay with him or even eat another meal with my partner! AND HES GONE BECAUSE OF ME! "


I knew there was nothing I could say to her to convince her that it wasn't her fault. From the moment y/n came her she's gone mixed up in all of this crazy shit

Jeff walked away so I stayed back

I must've been so focused that I didn't notice Sally standing right under me

" BEN...will y/n be okay? I know she's in a lot of pain because Mr.slendyman is gone "

Taking a deep breath. I realized I can't answer that question for her nor for myself. I'm not sure if she'll be okay or if we'll be okay

" I'm not sure Sally but we'll make it just fine "


Slamming the door you didn't bother to care if someone was doing something and you had disrupted it

All you could think about was how his death was your fault, his bold was and is on your hands. Throwing on your comfy clothes which was pretty much just a hoodie and your undergarments to lay down

The night was silent

Nothing not even a cricket could be heard outside, the only noise was a small fan you had going to circulate air

Even with him being gone you still felt his presence almost as if he's right there holding you telling you that it was going to be okay

" I'm sorry "


" I wish you were here with me "

* It's not your fault. I heard everything but I was handling my reformation. I am healing quicker than I expected yet it will still take some time. I have made sure where I am no one will find me. Except you *

" What do you mean? "

* You are able to come to me if you wish by teleporting *

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