Chapter: 49

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Small droplets of water slipped off the leafs as the sun shined through it

The pillow warm, getting up I tried to rub the sleepy out my eyes

It hit me

First day...without him

My door opened and in stepped Lazari only she had horns on her face. I could tell she hadn't gotten any sleep as her eyes were red and bags formed under them

" Y/n, it's breakfast time "

I nodded. I got up and headed downstairs

BEN was the first person I saw, he hugged me and I hugged him back. We both headed to the dining room

The other proxies that belonged to offender and splendor we're gone only his remained

It was obvious that everyone was off their game

Lulu's fog was leaking out the living room so I knew she was there. Jeff was no where to be seen as for Ej and hoodie

Toby was ticking...he was nervous

When we entered the room everyone looked up at me, I knew what they were thinking

What do we do now that he's gone?

I stood in the middle of the house. They gathered

" Since slenderman's... unfortunately not h-here, the house has been off, but that doesn't change anything- "

" How? " Sally asked with tears

" Why doesn't it change anything? Mr. Slendyman is gone and you don't even care!."

" Sally, I do care but it's out of my control. You need to accept that fact and move on. It doesn't mean I'm not hurt or I'm ignoring it "

She stormed off and I continued with what I was saying

" As shceduled we will start by enhancing our area of connections. Zalgo won't stop but for now he's withdrawaled and we will take this chance. I will be in the office if any of you need me "

I left the conversation at that heading to his office

When I sat down, I cried again. No matter how hard I wanted to contain them I couldn't. I noticed that one of the drawers had a seal on it. I didn't even touch it when it opened

There was a read


If your reading this then that can only mean one thing, I'm dead. I know you're in a lot of pain and your trying not to show it but rest assured I am not gone forever my love. I will come back, for now please continue leading everyone as I have. I love you y/n


The small letter became unreadable, my tears covered it as they couldn't be stopped from falling

Quickly regaining my ground. I started going through papers looking for anything that said something about connections to other proxies

After about 4 hours I had a idea of who I needed to talk to in order to get information on zalgo

A knock startled me, BEN entered the room with Lulu

" Hey y/n, you haven't eaten " BEN stated

" We brought you some Alfredo? "

" Thank you Lulu, BEN. I will eat when I eat. You're dismissed "

They left with a sigh and I leaned back in his chair

His smell was still here, it's almost as if he never left

" I miss much "  saying out loud for the first time didn't sound real

* Do you think she's going to be okay? *

* I'm not sure Lulu *


I sat up barely staying in the chair

Their voices...I heard them

* I hope she will be, everyone has been so off since he's gone and I don't know what to do *

" Lulu im- " she can't hear me. I'm listening to her but in my head?

" No no no. I'm hallucinating! I haven't eaten! Yeah "

Taking a long bite of the Alfredo I tried to brush off what just happened but I couldn't

It was all too-

* Strange *

" What the!- " I sat up quickly looking around for anyone that might be in here but there's nothing

The window in the room was the only thing that even remotely made a noise

" Okay calm down l/n, your just tired or hungry. You're not crazy "

* Who decided that? *

" Who's there! " I pulled my knife out aiming it all around me in a attempt to protect myself

* No need for the weapon. I mean in truth it wouldn't work against my tendrils and you would probably cheat to win anyway *



* You truly believe I'm not alive even after you read the note? *

Why should I trust what you say? I don't know you "

* If you don't know me then why cry over my death? A body could be damaged yet the soul and mind is still in tact *

" Are you saying that even if your body was distoryed your still here? "

* My body is regenerating somewhere discreet, until it has been restored I have merged our subconscious meaning I can see what you see hear what you hear. Everything. I never intended for this to happen y/n. No part of me could just let him kill you, I've seen the pain you're all in and I'm trying so hard to come back as so as I can. I took every measure possible *

I didn't say anything

It was hard to wrap my brain around everything

He's still alive, and he can see me

" better come back soon "

* Y'know I can feel your anger right? *

" Good! Then you know how much I wanna punch the shit outta you! "

* Yes I do. I should tell you. Since our subconscious is now merged so is our soul *

" What does that mean- Ow! "

A pinch was felt on my back

" Why does my back h- AHH! FUCK! "

my back started to hurt more than before to the point where I fell to the ground

* And that as well *

I got up, the pain subsiding

Feeling my back I felt something wet?

* I apologize for the pain but as I was saying, when the mind and soul are merged you might get some of the same... features as me *

Looking next to me was the most stressful thing that has ever happened to me


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