Chaper : 23

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After the meeting was held, slender started training you along with the others, Jeff and BEN taught you how to fight certain enemies

Lulu taught you how to listen to your surroundings more to hear out for anything or anyone. Yet BEN training was worse


" Remember y/n if the enemy is quick you want to disable their chance of running most of us who are really fast have other abilities to help with our speed. The rake can rupture your eardrums so take of his ability to scream by hitting the throat "

" Got it! "

" What do you do if the enemy has sharp teeth? "

" Avoid getting bit, their teeth can break bone marrow therefore I have to rap something around their mouths to prevent that. If invisibility is something I'm up against there's no point in fighting like I normally would, instead listen to where they are coming from so I can kill them "

" Good your learning, now use those skills to fight BEN "

In a instant you were thrown off your feet yet quickly got back up

" I got this "  you told yourself while scanning your surroundings. BEN was one of the quicker proxies so it was natural for him to be out of sight

You heard BEN'S quick footsteps rush towards you, dodging him you swiped his legs disabling his movements

Not wasting any time you pinned his arms above his head tying his wrist together

" Nice try y/n! "

His knee connected with your stomach as you were forced off of him

* Cmon y/n! Get up! You can't waste time! *

" Is that all you've got! " Getting kicked by BEN was worse than lulu making you pass out and almost die to her fog and breathing control

* Dammit! GET UP! *

Grabbing his leg you turned your lower body using your legs to grab his neck

" SHIT! "

" Ha- ha- ha- I did it * falls * "

" Omg BEN did you just let her leg lock you? Bro I'm glad I was recording "


Flashback end

You walked into the kitchen hoping to fine something to ease your stomach from making that awful noise

Grabbing the frozen burgers you heated the pan and quickly started making one, just the smell of the meta cooking was enough to make your mouth water after the recent training

" Hi y/n! "

Turning around you looked down to see the cutest person in the house ( besides slender maybe )

" Let me guess you want to play with me? "

" No! BEN said to come get you! "

" Oh okay! " you walked with sally until you were outside

" Y/n did you forget? "

" Forget what? "

" We are supposed to be going into the city today for food? "

" Oh right! Let's go "

Before walking in the direction of the city you yelled to someone to turn off the stove

About 20 minutes later you and BEN had arrived to the city heading into Wal-Mart

" Hey, you still owe me a rematch " BEN said while looking at different sauces for spaghetti

" Aww you want to get thrown on the ground again? "

" Haha very funny- "

One minute you were talking the next you were in a aisle with his hand over your mouth

" Shh, Masky is here "

" Who? "

" One of slenders Ex proxies "

Making sure not to be see you stayed with BEN for about 5 minutes until you saw masky leave

" We should follow him "

" What? No! We came here for food! FOOD! "

Before you could scold BEN for his idea he was already dragging you along with him

" This is dumb " you spoke under your breath

It seemed like you had been following masky for awhile before stopping

" BEN ha- what is the point! We've been following him for like a hour! "

" Shh! He stopped. And it's only been 35 minutes "

Walking around the side of a mysterious building you could see masky with what looked to be a nurse dressed in black with red hair

" Hello masky~ I assume you have the information I asked for on y/n "
You and BEN sat back and continued listening

" Yes. I've seen her train with some of the others, she's not half bad Ann. You should keep your guard up- "


" Cool it Ann! Before I report your behavior back to puppeteer "

" Tch! Whatever! Your not needed anymore! Leave my sight! "

Watching masky walk away you and BEN leave the area as well

" She wants me dead...not the first time someone said that " you whispered under your breath

" Calm down, I know masky. He won't turn on us "

" How can you be so sure I won't turn BEN? "

Your POV

Right behide us was masky standing there with a iron crowbar in his hand

" Uhhh hi " I said with a shaking voice

" Hello y/n. I've heard bout you- Everyone has, you seem to be the center of attention at the moment "

" For? If you don't mine me asking "

" Your wanted by almost everyone of us except for those on slenders side to fight zalgo. It's not a job that we like but let's be honest who likes any job they do sweetie ?  "

" You don't have to work for him, and don't call me that "

" Fine you don't like nicknames mood killer "

BEN stepped infront of me like a shield

" What do you want masky? "

" Nothing much I came here for the same thing You did. Food. "

" Bullshit you don't eat normal food "

" Yeah, but some of the others do so y'know they made me go and with my mask and your eyes people think it's cosplay so it's easy for us "

" Yeah I guess. But I'll be going now send my regards to the big man "

We watched as masky walked away as we ourselves started heading in the direction of the manor

" Do you think he'll be a danger to us? "

" No, but let's keep out guard up just in case "

" Oh BEN btw...."

" Hm? "


"......beggers can't be choosers "

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