Chapter : 18

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So many thoughts ran through my head about the current situation and zalgos little introduction

* What should I do? How many times do I have to struggle in my life to find happiness? Why can't things just stay the way they were? *

" y/n...y/n "

" What? " I said under my breath sitting up out of bed

The calling was coming from outside my window?

" Cmon y/n...I wanna play? "

I felt my knees began to shake and my eyes filled with sadness

The sound that I had long tried to forget, her voice ingraved into my archives of voices yet hers still playing from time to time

" This ist real...your not real "

" Of course I'm real, why would you say that sis? I thought you loved us? "

" y/n my beautiful girl, please come back to me! We miss you! "

" Sweetheart I never meant to hurt you! It's me! Dad! Remember? "

They're calling ringing throughout my entire room surrounding me in it. As much as I wanted to leave the room it hurt to even think about

I had missed them for so long, I prayed to see them again...just one last time did I wish to see talia again but I knew if I did look out that window it would only lead to something worse

" Sis...I want to play "

" Honey...please just come with "

" Why are you being so difficult? Just come with us "

( all of them ) : Play with us...

* I have to get out of this room! *

Twisting the doorknob I used all my strength yet the door did not open

The handle seemed to be Jamed so I couldn't leave

The voices getting closer, I could see three shadows casted apon the door

I knew they were behide me...I knew that so long as I don't look I would be fine

" we said...WE WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU! "

I felt a cold grip on my leg as I was being dragged out my window and into the woods in the dead of night


I tried so hard to scream. The only thing I could hear was their laughs that emitted from their broken disfigured mouths

Lulu POV

I wish things weren't like this, I don't think any of us deserve what happened nor does y/n

She deserves to be happy...all of us do I stated to myself

Taking night walks was always a way for me to clear my mind, it's how I remain the calmest creepypasta in the manor apart from the kids


*Huh? Was that y/n?*

" Y/n?! "

" LULU- "

I wasted no time, running in the direction of her voice as it faded

" Y/n! Can you hear me!? Y/N! " POV end

Your POV

* was that lulu? Did she hear me? *

" Lulu! I- ow! Dammit! " whoever it was had thrown me hard, my head hitting the wall as I tried to see who had dragged me all the way here

" Y/n...why do you have to be so difficult? "

I could see now that my kidnapped looked to be a demon of some sort it had no body. It's almost like it was made out of shadows with two little red dots for eyes

" Why couldn't you just be cooperative? "

" Cooperative? Fuck you and zalgo! I know he probably sent you! I'm not dumb! "

Out of my peripheral vision I could see a deep fog starting to enter whatever area we were in

* Lulu! She's here! *

" What the hell- " Lulu quickly punched them leaving a mark on the demons face

" Cmon! Let's go! He won't be able to see in my fog! "

I got up and started running with Lulu but she was pulled back by her hair

" Little Lucy huh? Didn't think you trail off so far from home? "

I kicked the demon as I simultaneously grabbed Lulu

We fled from the scene, as we ran I noticed a mark on her arm

" Lulu did he grab you to hard? "

" Yeah...I promise it's nothing I'm really pale so it looks worse than it is "

We got back to the manor collapsing as we walked in. BEN and Jeff were the first to run over

" Lulu! What the hell happened to you! Who gave you this mark? WAS IT YOU? "

Jeff grabbed me by my neck lifting me up, the rage in his eyes scared me more

" Jeffery stop! It wasnt Y/n! "

I was dropped gasping for air as heavy footsteps could be heard

" Y/n! What in your right mind gives you the right to touch her jeff? "

" Slender I'm sorry I- "

" I will deal with you later, y/n who did this? "

" Some demon that tried to lure me with the sound of my family "

" A mimic demon. I knew I shouldn't have left you alone, I'll get y/n cleaned up. BEN you help Lulu "

" Of course "

Slender carefully picked me up as we heard towards his room

He laid me down onto the bed as he got a aid-kit

" First the rake tries to attack you then zalgo shows up and now a mimic has been sent after you? What the hell am I going to do? "

" I'm sorry...I knew I was going to be a burden, you should have just killed me while you were ahead "

As quick as the wind he was right infront of me

" Don't ever say that again! You are not a burden! You know's just more difficult because we're so different. You should stay off that leg for awhile "

" What will happen to me? "

He rapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest

" I can tell you what's not going to happen, I'm not letting anyone take you away from me...ever. Try to get some sleep you've been through alot "

I laid there with him as the steady sound of the light rain hitting the window the chill breeze seeping in

The room now having a light blue glow that the moon gave off

" I love you y/n "

We're the last words I heard before a deep sleep set in

( I seriously apologize everyone I appreciate all of my votes and reads and comments you guys leave on my stories! I have been dealing with family things and havemt had the time to really write as fast as I want to but I do want you guys to know I do check your comments and I follow back! Stay safe and if your going through something just know you will get through it )

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