Chapter : 44

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" Hello " I said calmly

" Its a pleasure to meet you. I heard about you but it's great to finally put a face to the name "

" What do you want from me? "

" Oh, nothing right now my dear~ I just wanted to introduce myself. I shall let you get back to your evening. Goodbye y/n "

He tipped his hat to me as he disappeared in front of me

" That was weird "

" He's always been one for introductions " Lulu said softly

" Well either way, he's another name on our radar "

" If I were you, I'd be anxious "

" I am. I'm going to go somewhere real quick "

" Y/n I'm not sure that's smart after that little meet n greet " slenders hand rested on my shoulder

" I'll be fine. I just need to go clear my mind. Please "

" Okay. I'll respect your request "

" Thank you. I'll be back "

With the training done I decided not to spare with the members of the house otherwise they might notice. I left the house, a whirlwind of emotions surging within myself

So I payed a old ' friend ' a visit...

" I'm not helping! "

" Come on rake! I know we have a...complacated relationship but I'm stronger than before! "

" complacated relationship? I tried to kill you like 3 times and had to dance in a tutu! A FUCKING TUTU! "

" OKAY! Jeez! I understand your aggression but why don't you get your revenge "

" Revenge? "

" Yeah! Nobody is around this time- and and! You get your revenge on not being able to whoop my ass. So is it a yes? "

He shook his head yes, I could feel the excitement fuel my body as took my stance

It was like a standoff. We both waited for the others movement...

He leaped towards me but I slid under him avoiding the attack

My punches and kicked were stronger than ever before. I felt so good, so different

" Where was all that strength you had before huh? "

I kept kicking and punching til he was knocked out cold, blood stained my hands

" That's.... Not... Fair.... "

Satisfied. I walked away back towards the direction of the house

The fight wasn't for nothing. I definitely got my kick out of it

But the more I walked the longer the trail seemed to be, almost like it was getting farther and farther away

" What the- ahh! "

Ringing rung throughout my ears giving me a headache and light nausea

I've felt this feeling before. I can't remember-

" that was a bad decision running away from me human "

Wait what?! Why is that memory playing now?

" I dont give a fuck you monster! " My ears started ringing like crazy making me cover my ears trying to block out the sound before everything went dark

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