Chapter : 41

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" Ugh! Do we have to wake up at the crack of dawn for this?! "

" Yes, and stop bitching. It will help your body get used to being active at all time "

I knew Liu was weird but I didn't think he was this weird.

" Now, the first two things I'm going to teach you are blindspots and misdirection. If I have the knife in my hand your focus should technically be on the knife but in this case you need to pay attention to all of me. Because if you slip up you die "

" So while I'm focused on the knife you move your body simultaneously to close the distance between you and your opponent "

" Exactly! Maybe your not slow after all "

" Watch it buddy, I'm not so slow when I get upset "

" Good. Take that aggressive approach and put it all into today's lesson. I want you to try and stop me from getting closer to you while only focusing on the knife "

Going into a defensive pose, I waited for him to move but when I blinked he was right infront of me

" Jesus! "

" wow, you are less experienced than I thought "

" You moved faster than I could see! I blinked and you were right there! "

" You were focusing on me instead of the weapon. Try again "

Doing the same as before I focused on the knife the entire time-


My eyes were suddenly opened to what I was looking at

I watched his whole body rush toward me but he never moved the knife from its place

* grab *

" Well well well~ you do learn "

" I'm very nifty when it comes to learning "

" Great! Now try to get close to me "

The knife didn't feel like the one I owned...left at home

Using the same technique I rushed my body forward but he was way faster than me

Doesn't mean I still can't fight

He dodged my attack grabbing my arm and putting it behide my back

I ran to a tree running up to flip backwards which I was surprised that I managed to do such a thing

I grabbed his hair while kicking his knees to put him on the ground

" Don't think just because your faster than me that I'm weak "

I'm not going to lie I never really got a good look at his eyes, they were almost like emeralds but somehow dimmed by something I can only describe as emotion...but which one-

When I came back to reality, I was punched in the gut

" Don't get smart with me sweetie. You managed to get me on the ground so that deserves at least something "

" What do you mean something- "

He walked up to me getting close to my face

" Uhh "

I shut up eyes as I felt his breath on my neck which kinda made me blush

" Here " in my hand I felt the hilt of some kind of weapon

Looking down I saw a butterfly knife in my hand

" Woah! Now this is what I'm talking about! "

" It's handmade from all the brothers "

I froze...all of them? But why wouldn't they give this to me?

" This weapon contains alot of energy, it can protect you. Splendor told me to tweak it a little so I did and I feel like even if your training ist over, you still deserve this "

" What did you mean it has alot of energy? "

" They used their powers to make that knife, its souly made out of energy "

" Hehe, and here I thought you gave me a normal knife "

" Nah I won't give you that much of a disadvantage. I mean if I did, how would you fight me? "

" Yeah yeah I totally- WAIT WHAT?! "

" Yep. Fight me with misdirection and try to fight my blindspot "

" This is bullshit! "

" If you want to learn this is how "

Deciding to suck it up I pulled the knife out immediately gazing at the beautiful weapon

Deciding to suck it up I pulled the knife out immediately gazing at the beautiful weapon

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" Good. You got it out without cutting yourself. Now attack me "

Wasting no time I charged at him with all the speed I had

I watched his eyes focus on the knife then back at me within the span of a blink. Knowing this I quickly switched my knife to the other hand

Liu swung first but I ducked just in time to kick him in the stomach making him fly backwards, I didnt stop tough

He got up as quick as he went down. I tried punching him but he just caught all of my throws-

* bump bump *

* what the fuck? *

I felt eyes felt different

Liu came at me fast, but I saw it and I was able to stop him

But no ordinary person could see something that moves that fast. I could t even dodge his attacks unless I focused on the weapon

" What the hell was that l/n? "

" I- I don't know! I just did it! "

" Well whatever you did, your eyes turned blue for a second! If I had known you weren't human- "


I didn't realize I had screamed till I saw Liu's expression

" I'm sorry. I don't know why that happened but I am human "

Watching his gaze it seemed like he didn't believe me but decided not to say anything

" We'll end the training for now. So I don't know go do whatever kids your age do "

" Excuse me again I'm not a child and people OUR age go out and have fun "

" Sorry but that's not me " Liu walked back inside the house leaving me sitting outside by myself

Splendors house was covered by nothing but woods so I took a stroll in the woods just to clear my thoughts

It was silent...

Peaceful in fact. Quiet without a leaf crunch or bird cheap

Bird cherps....

No birds

" Hello y/n, it's been a while. Last time I saw you, you fought me "

I turned around praying that the voice I heard belonged to someone else

" Stripes "

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