S2 Chapter: 92

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" Okay everyone! We've got about 45 minutes to get there and we should've had more time but Lulu wanted to take forever on her makeup and Sally spent 15 minutes trying to find a fucking bracelet and I'm going try and ignore it! " I spoke quickly to the group. I'm starting to regret saying that I'd help the others

An hour ago

" Ben! "

" Yeah? " I said turning back around to face y/n who wore a black and gold outfit

" You look nice! I thought the theme was dark blue and black? "

" It is but I'm the officiater so he asked if I wear these colors "

" Oh! Cool, what is it though because I really have to go help Lazari with her hair "

" I thought clockwork was doing it? "

" Umm. She's handling offender "

" What happened with him?! "

" He accidentally might have touched clockwork in her chest- he just turned around and his hand was up she was in the wrong place wrong time- anyway yeah that's what's happening to him "

" Oh my-! Okay! Me and slender have to go. You and Jeff need to fix all of...that, please! Of course count heads before you leave and y'know be safe "


" Okay? We have lulu, clockwork, Yumi, stripes, ej, hoodie, toby, Yumi, Sally, Lazari and Jeff "

" Yep " Jeff replied

" Alright everyone! Time to go to this wedding! "


The seats packed, air cool, and everything in place. I took my position as we waited for Liu

* You okay Splendor?..... Splendor, I know you can hear me- *

* I'm sorry y/n. I'm just nervous, he'll look so beautiful and I can't help but want to cry *

* That's normal. I cried on my wedding day, but I'm sure everything will be perfect *

* I'm sure you're right, that's why I chose you after all- *

Silent yet almost as peaceful as the pouring rain, the music began to play. Everyone looked in anticipation as Liu walked out with his older brother,Jeff

He adorned a black and navy blue tux that was perfectly fitted for his size making it look even more wonderful. Splendors face held a very surprised look on his face. Liu stood at the alter with his soon to be husband yet before I could speak Jeff interrupted me

" Liu. I know you don't see me as your older brother but I just wanted to at that I'm happy for you. Don't screw up your vows though " he spoke quickly retreating back to his seat

Both of them spoke their vows to where the ceremony came to a climax

" You may now kiss the bride. Try and keep it oh you two "

The two of them kissed having officially declaring them married...if only I could go back to that moment

Present time

" You don't want to go there with me offender! "

" Im not scared of your ass splendor! "

" Wanna bet? "

" Please everyone calm down! "


" Why are you so damn presistant on finding her?! Is there something your not telling us offender?! "

" What kind of SHIT are you implying you fucking clown! "


The room fell silent

" Can we stop using the term missing?! Please?! Trender, explain the situation "

" Well the way that I can explain it without their being any mix up is simply....she blasted y/n "

" So she killed her?! You're losing me here?! "

" No no no! There was no trace of any body- and I know what your thinking! It's a fucking blast of course there wouldn't be. Even though Yumi is strong she's not THAT strong. So if she did essentially blast someone they should still be there just really messed up "

" And your saying there ist? "

" Yes " Trender replied

" How- HOW....is that even possible?! "

" Well I do have a theory behide that. You see Yumi is now 6 years of age, unfortunately due to how chaotic her abilities seem to be then we would have to get rid of the source- But! We're obviously not doing that so- "

" Brother. Please, get to the point "

" Right. Being hit with an angelic blast might have sent y/n straight to heaven seeing as it was too much to handle "

" Well what are we waiting for? " BEN asked loudly

" We can't just storm heaven let alone reach there "

" WE can't, but I know the right person for the job. If you guys are willing to talk to him " BEN said more quietly glancing at Jeff

" What?....oh fuck that! I'm not speaking to Jason! "

" Jeff please! " BEN pleased

" Y/n is like our little sister/best friend! I want her back! You want her back! Can we put aside difference and just see what he can do? Please Jeff, I got your back on this if he does something. You know I do "

We all stood there waiting for Jeff's response

" Fuck....sure, just call the bastard up all ready "

" Oh! I fucking love you! You are my favorite now! Clockwork can earn that spot back "

" Fuck that spot! Stripes! Call up Jason and let's get some results! "

Your POV


" Ugh....my fucking head is throbbing! Holy fuck! Did I get hit with a blast? Yumi! Shit I have to get back! WHERE TF AM I?! "

" You don't recognize this place? "

" No I don't-......"  I lifted my head slowly. A man with red long hair, skinny and wearing all white with a white robe over his shoulder caught my eye. My surroundings involved great structures all around me. It seemed like I was in some sort of lab or machine area yet everything was white or blue

" I'm not surprised. Even I wouldn't know at first glance where I am, are you okay? Any pain? "

" No! Maybe! Where the fuck am I and who are you!? "

" You're in heaven "

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