S2 Chapter : 80

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3 days...it only took 3 days of happiness before it was stripped away

" I can't believe he made it official "

" I know! I'm still so giddy about it- God I feel like a teen all over again "

" I'm glad one of our love lives are going according to plan. Let's just say he wasn't looking for commitment "

" I'm sorry rin- "

" Don't you dare feel sorry for me, he didn't deserve my time anyway "

" Yeah I know. At least you'll get the chance to meet everyone "

" Definitely- Oh shit! Y/n I gotta go call you later! "

" Alright, bye "

* It feels like just yesterday I was a struggling teen trying to figure out how to survive in this world. Now Im living peacefully with the best family I could ask for *

* Brrrrrrrr. Brrrrrrrrrrr *

* Beep *

" Hello? "

" Hey hon "

" Who's this? "

" Really? We're doing this now? "

" I don't know, you should remind me who you are "

" If you don't remember me then I guess I shouldn't marry you "

" Hey now, no need to do that. It was only a joke "

" I know. I'll be back in about an hour, then we can go shopping for something you wanna wear for our binding ritual "

" Okay but just so you know I don't go shopping so I'm not good at it "

" That's why trender is coming with us Incase you find something you like that you want tweaked to your idea "

" Alright "

Placing my phone back on the table I decided to take a shower since I hadn't taken one the previous day

Normally I would be enjoying the feeling of the hot water as it sinks into my core allowing me to relax. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I chalked it up to nothing

* I really wish you were still alive grandma... you'd be able to reassure me- wait how long have I been in here? *

My mind snapped back as I realized I had been in there for almost 45 minutes. Hoping out I dried myself, got dressed and decided to take a nap seeing as there wasn't much to do. Yumi was with Jeff and BEN so i could breath for a sec. I love her but I'd be lying if I said she IST a handful

I let my head hit the pillow as I found myself sinking into sleep...

* Creak *

Cracking one eye open I could see slender step into the room trying to not make noise. I sat up rubbing my eyes while checking my phone...


He was a hour late

" Hey. What took you so long? Is everything okay? "

No response

" Slender I'm talking to you "


" Slender I know you hear me- "

" What "

" What? What do you mean what? Are you okay? You seem off "

" We shouldnt do it "

" Do what? If your talking about the plan about sorceress or the shopping they haven't changed- "

" The wedding- I mean ritual. I'm calling it off. I don't want to marry you anymore. I want you out, now "

* Bump bump. Bump bump. Bump bump *

" W....what? "

" I didn't stutter did I- "


" Y/n, I'm not fighting with you on this. I already- "

Burning. The sensation in my body was unlike anything I've been through even death. I knew the next day I would need something cold to put on my eyes. They poured with tears as he stopped in his sentence looking at me

" I can't even be upset...Jason was right "

" Jason? What did he say to you? "

" Why do you care? Huh? Explain it to me Slenderman! Why?! After every fucking thing I've done for you and this family- the things we've been through! I died for you and this is what the fuck I get...I guess I don't get custody of Yumi either right? Take her too why don't you "

" Y/n- "

" I can't talk to you right now. I'm going to pack my things and leave. If I see you anywhere after I leave this house I will kill you. Do I make myself clear? "

" Yeah......"

Present time

" I don't know. I honestly have no clue why he would do that "

" It doesn't add up. Something IST right " Rin comment as he sat next to me in his house

" I agree. I know him Rin. I literally had a kid with this man there's no way he would just do something like that "

" How come you didn't press him right then and there? "

" I was emotional Rin! "

" I know I know! I'm just saying personally! If I knew someone for that long and I know they wouldn't do that I'd start questioning everything. I think you should try and talk it out- "

" I told him if I saw him anymore I'd kill him "

" I'm sorry but you can't solve everything with killing. Your just gonna go around killing people you don't like? "

" Ha, no! Only people that I need to get rid of like my ex or....the Sorceress- THE SORCERESS! WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT BEFORE? "

" The who? "

" The sorceress! She's a witch who's crazy strong! She might know what happened! "

" Where would you even find her? "

" I don't know. Last time I saw her was the forest but I can't go back there. I could ask you know who "

" Please don't ask him! I'm Begging you! "

" Relax! He's not gonna kill you! "

" Sure "

I grabbed the whistle out that I had kept in my pocket at all times

" Here goes nothing "

Blowing the whistle we both waited for something, anything

" I guess it didn't work- "

* Whoosh! Crackle! *

" This better be good otherwise I will burn you to a crisp y/n "

" Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Why don't we have a chat, just you and me. Zalgo~ "

Hello my treasures! I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July, the fireworks were amazing yet sounded like a gunshot every 20 minutes. I understand that this is a huge twist in the story but things will eventually straighten themselves out so if your brave enough to go digging, find out what's in store with upcoming chapter on My treasure. Goodnight 😊🙏

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