Chapter : 28

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Packing your things into a bookbag which was all you had at the time

Every item you picked up made you stop

The shirt you wore when you first got here...the dress you wore to the date with slender... his shirt that you had used when sleeping because it comforted you

All things reminded you of him

" I can't stay here anymore " you whispered to yourself

" It would only cause trouble for the others, I don't want to put them into danger "

Walking out of your room down the stairs you could see everyone waiting at the door

Hoodie, Ej, Sally, Lazari, Lulu, Jeff, BEN, Toby, Clockwork

" Y/n..." Lulu spoke softly

" Yes Lulu? "

" Wherever you go no matter where nor when, we will always be there to protect you "

You thought about your words before you responded to such a thing

" Thank you Lulu. But I wont be seeing any of you from now on. Take care- "


" Lazari! Stop let go of her leg! "



" Lazari. Sally. I know it'll be hard to forget and you dont have to, but don't hold onto me forever. You girls will grow and become strong young women. Goodbye "

You could hear the cries of the girls as you walked out. You knew the way out the words so you didnt need help

Rin's house wasn't safe after what happened and you didn't have any relatives except for one you hated

So there was only one option...Back to home it is

Making your way down your block you reminisced on how nothing had change

The wellingtons house still had that busted porch light you had broken due to playing baseball with Tj and lila. The fence at the abandoned house still as dirty as when you and Talia played in the rain that day

Too many I have to be here

You stopped, the house you grew up in for almost all your life except when you moved from Virginia to here ( here=wherever you want )

" Well. No turning back now " saying this to yourself you turned the nob and walked into your childhood all over again

Blueish muted color the same as when Talia was born, the silverware in the drain board like chess pieces that have never been moved. Like they'd been stopped mid game.

Layers of dust caked up on the windows and couch, that was to be expected since your mom had cleaned all the time. Her slight OCD wouldn't let one inch of the house to be dirty almost like a hobby

Standing at the foot of the steps, you hesitated if you were ready to walk up that path...its been years

Building the courage you walked up the stairs and into your room

Everything still in place. No one had moved nor touched anything

" 2 more rooms "

Checking the closet all of your mom and dad's cloths were still there. You saw her high heels. The ones you walked in at 8 months for fun

Your dad's red and black striped sweater, Talia always used to joke about how when he wore it she immediately thought of Freddy Kurgar

Laughing to yourself while walking you grabbed the knob...but stopped

Were you ready for this? Are you strong enough-

" I'm strong enough "

The cotton candy pink and blue Aesthetic all of the bunnies and bears that had bows of different colors

" Talia...I miss you " recalled every conversation you ever had with her

Picking up a grey bear you remembered where she had got it from


" I WANT IT! "



" OKAY STOP! We can't keep fighting like this! Your right you got grandma's dairy and I got the jewelry and hairpins. But that's grandma's story you have in your hand, her whole life Talia. But I understand that you didnt spend that much time with grandma so you barely remember her so here. Take the bear "

" But this helps you sleep cause you have nightmares "

" Well now its yours for nightmares you silly! "

You poked at Talia as she giggled

" Okay okay! If I get the bear you get her dairy. You'll understand more than me "

" Really? Thanks! Your the best! "

" No your the best! The best big sister I could ever have! "

Both Laughing you sat down and read through the dairy

Flashback end

An almost familiar gust of wind sends shivers up your spine leaving you with this cold feeling on your face...a wet feeling

Feeling your face you caught notice of the tears rolling down your face As you stared out the window

" So this is your house "

Quickly turning around you saw Jeff standing in the doorway holding a necklace

" Put the necklace down Jeff- "

" You used to wear this all the time to school "

Freezing in place you had no clue on how Jeff would know such a thing

" How- "

" Before you went to the woods that day with your friends I knew about you already. I sometimes watch people for fun, you actually passed me on the street "

" That's a little creepy  "

" Yeah but it was either observe you or kill you "

" I guess "

" Definitely one for the books, speaking of books. You left this, it looks important so I thought I should give it back "

" My grandmother's dairy..."

" Yeah I just thought you might regret leaving it and it would be awkward if you came back to get it "

Jeff turned around to leave before stopping

" If you ever need help just call. See you around y/n "

And with that Jeff left as quickly as he came, you noticed he took the necklace with him but there was no point in asking for it back now

Running the water so it could heat up you stripped from the sweaty and tiresome cloths you had worn all day. It was strange how the water stayed on after all this time but you had a good idea on how

Steam arose more as you stayed in the shower longer than usual, just enjoying the hot water on your skin wondered if you should go back to school since technically the college you went to thinks something happened like a freak accident

Drying yourself and putting on something comfortable cloths you layed in your parents still smelled like them

It made you tear up as you curled in the blankets and pillows as if you were jumping back in their bed from a nightmare

You drifted off to sleep slowly trying not to dream about your family

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