Chapter : 48

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It's already been 2 weeks and everyone is on edge due to the fight coming up

The others are stronger than I've ever seen them even the girls

Lazari transforms on command and Sally uses her powers much more now

Lulu's fog can cloud half of the whole forest, the rest of them are just monsters

Everyone was in the manor and when I say everyone I mean it

The slender brothers and their proxies

Stripes was with us too she refused to not be apart of the fight

" When do you think zalgo will attack? " Ej asked

A huge rumble came from outside of the manor

" Now " slender spoke as the doors flung open

We all stepped out to be greeted by demons

Disfigured and contorted demons of zalgo

The rake, Otis, Anne but dead, Laughing jack, they were all there

" Zalgo "

" Y/n "

" Now we can all back away from this peacefully if you go fuck yourself "

" Is that anyway to talk to somebody? "

" You're not a person you're a demon. Now I'll say it one more time, go away and fuck yourself or this can get bloody "

" I don't think I'll pick the first "

" Suit yourself " I threw my knife at the rake which pierced his skin and that started the fight

Laughing Jill and Jack paired off against each other

Lazari and stripes fought Otis as the others handled everyone else

I was on the rake ripping his skin open with my knife

Splendor was knocking the fuck out of the demons and his brothers had his back

Anne rushed towards Jeff but he wasn't paying attention, I threw my knife at her hitting her in the eye as she screamed

Stripes threw my knife back as I kicked the rake off of me

The fight was intense but it made me happy, my family was fighting along side each other

Liu fought with Jeff but occasionally switched back to fighting with BEN

I ran to Lulu giving her the signal

" 1ST FORMATION " Lulu's fog engolfed the forest as the only think you could see was black tendrils swinging and grabbing things

I heard X virus scream, his arm had been cut open. I grabbed the headband out my pocket and wrapped his arm

He thanked me and went back to fighting

A chainsaw was all I saw before I barley dodged it. I'd be lucky enough to make it out alive, a all out brawl between demons. Christ on a stick

Liu and Jeff were supporting me as I got up

" Y/n! Go! We got this! "

" But she's crazy! "

" You think we're not sweetie? "

" I told you to stop calling me that! " I ran through the fight trying to find slender until I was grabbed

" You can't just run through a battlefield! " Slender held me with his tendril

" I was trying to find you! They've got this! We need to- "

" Attack zalgo "

" You ready? "

" Can't get no more ready than this "

We both rushed towards zalgo who was standing at the head of the fight

He dodged my kicks but couldn't dodge slenders tendrils

" You both annoy me! "

No matter what weapon he made up we dodged and hit him ten times harder

My head felt heavy, I was hit and I was bleeding but that didn't stop me

A bright light shined in our faces

" He teleported! Stay alert "

I couldn't see at all no matter how much I rubbed my eyes.

" Y/N MOVE! "

I fell to the ground as silence filed the area

When I got up and saw what I saw my whole body didn't feel like my own

Slender was on the floor with a huge hole in his chest bleeding out

I knew I screamed yet I didn't hear it

After seeing that I blackout...

" Shhh she's awake "

My eyes opened yet my whole body ached with pain

" Hey, don't try to sit up too fast " I could see Jeff helping me as everyone stood around me

" Jeez. You took a pretty hard beating y/n " Ej spoke from the crowd

" What happened? Where's slender?! " I asked as they all looked at each other

" Well..." BEN started

BEN'S Flashback

We all looked. Slenders body was lifeless on the ground 

" NO! NO PLEASE! NO SLENDER! " Y/n screamed falling to her knees. Her gaze changed. It was unrecognizable

All of us saw as she ran towards zalgo as he went to leave but she wasn't just fast she was faster than all of us

In one swift motion she cut off zalgos arm even if he could just regenerate it. was still the craziest thing I've seen

She killed Anne and the rake without hesitation

Zalgo stabbed her in the side but all she did was smile...y/n smiled

She pulled his arm out of her and kicked his jaw so hard I thought it would come off

We thought she would continue fighting but she fell after a minute

" I knew you were weak " zalgo retreated with Jack and Otis while we helped y/n and slender

End of POV

" That's pretty much what happened " BEN finished his sentence

" So...he's  " my chest felt tight when I said those words

No... usually he bounces back there must be something I'm not seeing

" Yeah he is " Lulu confirmed

" Where are the girls? "

" Their with clockwork and zero. Lazari can't stop transforming. Her emotions are just too strong right now "

I tried to get up but my whole body felt like it was being stabbed over and over

" Y/n, you should stay and get some rest " Liu said

" I agreed " En added

And so I did just that

I laid there as everyone left my room except for BEN

" I know your hurting, we all are. But don't hold it in "

The tears flowed like they were meant to be there

No matter how hard I tried to stop them it didn't make a difference

That night I cried myself to sleep until I couldn't cry anymore

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