Chapter : 62

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My training started immediately

Slender wasted no time in making sure I knew how to effectively use and harness my abilities

First and foremost was my anger. I have a tendency to get angry about certain things and that causes explosions, so I was placed everyday for 8 hours in a room with the one person who makes my anger boil the most....

" C'mon y/n! You have to say it in my British accent! "

" Sally I've said it 12 times- "

" Not the right way! It's ' oi love, would you like a spot of tea? ' "

* She may be cute and adorable but she sure is persistent with what she wants *

" Oi love- "

" Nope "

" Sally I'm sorry but I'm not saying it anymore "

" Then you fail the test! "

" I only fail if I let my anger get the better of me which If I might add is not "

" Ugh! Fine. Your time is up anyway "

I sprung up from the floor and dashed out of the room. It felt like I was going to suffocate if left in there a moment longer

" You okay? " I saw slender approach me with a hand out

" I'm fine. I just hate training. You would've thought after the fight and my death zalgo would back off " I took his hand steadying myself on my feet

" Yeah. I agree, Zalgo is a very stubborn man one that can't be reasoned with "

" On another note I think I'm going to take a shower and then head to sleep. These last few days have been exhausting for me "

" I know. I'm sorry you have to do this all over again- "

I cut him off with a quick kiss

" Don't apologize. I'm just glad I have my family again "

Zalgo's POV

" AGHHH! "

" You should calm down "

" I can't! This bitch cuts off my arm kills herself and now she has been blessed with powers from ANGELS!? ITS LIKE NO MATTER WHAT I PLAN SHE WILL NEVER DIE! HER PARENTS DIED EASILY! NO PROBLEM! "

" Maybe you should give up "

" What did you just say to me Lj? "

" The others have been discussing and we've's been a year zalgo we aren't fighting them anymore. There's no point. Let slender have his human companion- AGH! "

Zalgo arm impaled Lj as those words left his mouth

" You acurcent thing! Do you realize the potential that lies beyond comprehension? If a child is born from those two it will lose control and kill everything in it's path until there's nothing but bloody bones! "

" B-but lazari- "

" Weak. Compared to the danger we could all face. I need to keep you and the others alive so I can continue to rule. So tell the others that your request for absence is denied..."

End of POV

Slender POV

It was quite pleasing...

The rain

I had never found it soothing until I met her. My life took a drastic turn and I couldn't be more happier as she layed on my chest asleep

Her body moved slightly as she breathed slowly. The rain tickled the window, moonlight making a way for itself in the room. Thinking about her I remembered back to the first time I actually showed affection for her

Flashback from his POV

" You have blood on your face " my hand reached out to wipe the blood away yet I couldn't pull my hand back

She looked beautiful. Our lips connected as I pulled her in wanting more. I could feel her hesitation but the way she was trying to obtain dominance only meant that she wanted more. She broke the kiss first both of us were a little breathless to say the least, I couldn't say anything after that- I didn't know what to say so we walked back in silence. End of flashback

A small blush appeared on my face remembering my thoughts at the time

" I'm such a idiot "

" You are- " startled by the sudden response I looked down to see y/n now awake talking to me

" You're idiot 100%. If you weren't I wouldn't date you "

" Wait what? "

" I've dated people who try and act like they've never made a mistake. Idiots like you make mistakes all the time but are  truthful about it " she let out a small yawn

" Heh I guess so "

" What were you thinking about? "

" I was thinking about the time I first kissed you~ after you killed someone

" Oh yeah I forgot about that. If you peaked in my mind I'm pretty sure we would've started dating sooner "

" Oh~ what was in your mind? "

" At the time I was thinking about how good the kiss was and if I'd do it again. I think I'm still a little confused~ "

Straddling me with no hesitation she smashed her lips onto mine. The feeling of holding her this close after so long felt like heaven

Her fight for control was lost as her back hit the bed covers

" So forceful~ I should be careful, you are Slenderman "

" I am, and right now I see prey below me looking helpless and desperate for more than kisses "

" Maybe, be a predator. Release that side of yourself "

I hesitated. I wasn't sure if she was joking since I had never fully went all out on her

" Im serious slender "

Well that answered my question

" I don't think- "

" You're not going to kill me and we have a safe word. I know you wouldn't do anything I don't want to do but trust me I want this. I want you "

Hearing those words didn't help the way I was already feeling from just kissing her

" Alright. If it's too much for you then we'll stop and I have no problem with that. If you truly can handle it just know...
I'm not stopping till I've drained you of every ounce of energy in your body "

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