Chapter : 55

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" Grandma! Is this you and grandpa at prom? "

" Yes it is dear. Your grandfather was a handsome young man very dignified "

" Will I ever go to prom? "

" If you want to, and I'm sure you'll find a nice young man as well "

It was strange

" I haven't dreamed about her in a long time "

My morning some how felt different

Like something was missing. I shrugged it off heading downstairs

" Y/n! " Two little girls called from behind

" Good morning to you too "

" Look! Lazari has tiny horns! "

" Aren't they cool? "

I saw clockwork come out her room and head down

" Yes it is but we should really go get breakfast "

The girls ran downstairs while I walked with clockwork

" How you holding up? "

" Fine so far, something feels off though "  I told cw

" I get you. Everything has been chaotic and wild, they've been training their asses off "

" am I supposed to do this without him "

Hot tears ran down my face the more I thought about him

I missed the hugs, talking, even playing with the girls

" Go take a walk. I'll handle things here "

Deciding to listen I put on some jeans my hoodie and left the house

My scarf was rapped around my neck tightly to keep the cold air out. Before I met slender I used to take walks like these all the time except for the summer

Stumbling apon a spot in the open I sat down enjoying the nature and all it's beauty

" It's been almost 2 months...time sure does fly by fast " talking to myself sometimes helped with anxiety or stress

Now it was just a way to prevent feeling lonely

" I remember when I killed lila sister. It was halarious, if someone would've told me a year ago that I would've ended up having a bunch of physchopaths as my family I'd have probably not believed it "

My friends, family, job...

I really had lost it all when I walked into this forest


" Shit! Shit! "

Staring back at me was a eviction notice by the city. I had 14 days to move out or I would be escorted by force

No! No! This was their house! I can't lose it!

My job had just fired me for being late too many times, getting out of those school hallways just to catch a bus wasn't the easiest thing for anyone

" What the hell am I going to do... "

A rock being thrown at my window startled me

" Y/n! I know you hear me! "

Opening the window I yelled back down to her

" Yes I do. I'm not coming down though "

" Come on Y/n! You never come outside! It would be good for you "

" I'm good! I like it in my house " I told her with a smile on my face

Flashback End

" Out of all of them I really do miss rose. She wasn't that bad of a friend, well if you didn't count the whole sleeping with everyone thing "

Continuing to talk to myself I didn't notice the sudden nosie of leave crunching in front of me

" Huh- "

" Don't open your eyes " the mysterious person sat on the other side of the tree

" You don't need to know who I am. I won't hurt you and I don't work for zalgo "

" How you do- "

" Trust me, that's all I ask. I am however interested in what you were saying "

Even without seeing nor knowing who this person was I felt comfortable as if I had known them for a long time

"....rose slept with the whole school. Boys. Girls. It didn't matter to her "

" That's a crazy thing to do "

" I know. She liked me at one point but I rejected her "

" Did you like someone else? "

" No. I had already broken up with my ex so there was no one I was interested in "

" Is there someone your interested in now? "

I paused...

The words got choaked in my throat, I wasn't ready to say he was gone or not here with me

" There was, he was amazing "

" How amazing? "

" He was protective and sensitive but never ever liked to admit it. He hurt himself a lot for the sake of his family and his girls. I miss him "

" Im sure wherever he is now he misses you too "

" I hope so. I'm so silly "

" How? I think loving someone like that is great "

" No- I mean I imagined this whole life for us. I could see myself getting married and I would've had my girls. Sally is so silly and Lazari is adorable "

" They sure sound like it. Tell me about this wedding plan you had "

" I envisioned it black and purple ( or whatever you want ) I think he would've looked great in those colors "

" Yeah. I would "

" Hahaha yeah- wait "

Opening my eyes I stood up looking at the back of the person's head

" I guess I blew my cover "

Without hesitation I leaped onto him

" You asshole! I-i thought- "

" I'm here now, you don't have to cry "

If he didn't say it I wouldn't have noticed that I was indeed crying my eyes out

My arms could hug him any tighter than what they already were

" I did miss you. And since when did you have a idea for our wedding? "

" When Sally started calling me her legal mother "

" Of course haha "

" I knew something was off. You didn't greet me this morning "

" So you do like it when I say good morning to you? "

" Yes but that's not- oh shit! I'm supposed to be back by now "

" Then let's go back together "

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