S2 Chapter : 96

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" Ugh. Never again. They're so lucky Im as kind as I am "

" Sir? Do you need help? "

" No im- " looking around I didn't recognize a damn thing. Everything seemed bright and so clean

" No, yeah. I need help "

" Alright " she helped me up as I brushed myself off

" Where can I find the archangels? "

" Hah, which one? "

* Shit. I have to play this right...*

" Wait! Don't tell me. The way your clothes are I'm going to guess you're jophiel's district "

" Uhh, yes. Can you take me there? "

" You're already here. This district is all her's. If you wish to meet her head to the central building over there, and maybe don't fly. Your wings are still fresh so it might hurt "

" Right. Thank you "

Walking away towards the building my mind started turning with thoughts on what to do

* I must look different otherwise she wouldn't have been so friendly. I need to find y/n before anything bad happens. I take her back and I can get back to making my creations and avoiding the slender manor. I don't need any problems from them. The last thing i need is problems *

Raphael POV

" *Breathing heavy* "

" I don't understand why you do this to yourself Raphael. You know I won't back down from a good battle "

" What did you do...to be this strong? "

" Oh? You mean how I beat you and single-handedly rose within ranks? I can't tell you that, then my secret would be revealed "

" So you did do something that involved dark work "

" I wouldn't call it that per-say. I just got stronger. It's not like it's a crime. I think you're just mad I'm stronger then you "

" I couldn't give a shit! Meddling with dark arts could put us all at risk! "

" Of course you care. You always have. Raphael, the 4th strongest Archangel. Your title is- was everything. That's all you truly cared about. Tell me, how does it feel to be the lowest? "

" I'm not...the lowest "

" Hm? "

" The others will stop you...they will- "

" They will what? I hold power over all of them. *Sigh* Uriel, if you please "

Uriel walked over to me, putting on a pair of black gloves as his different colored eyes stared down at me

" Uriel...please "

" I- "

" Uriel " he turned towards Metatron

" Don't make me ask you again, okay? "

" I...yes sir "

" Uriel-no! NO! AHHHHHH-AGHHHH! "

Gabriel POV

" Did you feel that? "

" Feel what? " Azrael asked me looking confused

" I got a shiver up my spine, I thought you felt it too "

" No offense Gabe but I don't think that's how it quite works "

" Yeah, I know..."

" What's wrong? " He said walking over to me, his hand on my shoulder

" I just...I don't know how I'm going to fix this "

" What? Her? "

" Yes! Y/n has no clue the danger that waits for her and I need to get her back down to earth as fast as possible "

" We can do that- "

" We CANT! " His hand vacayed from my shoulder, I could see his expression change

" I don't know how...to send her back. Only Raphael would have that information, but she hasn't responded back to me. I fear the worst has happened to her. We have to keep a close eye on eachother with Metatron and Uriel on the move. If Raphael has been taken out...then may heaven pity us "

" I'm sure she's fine- "

The door swung open as Jophiel ran in holding a bloody corpse


I rushed over grabbing the body carrying it to the table. Azrael already cleared it off, the table now decorated in the crimson color

" I tried- I TRIED to get her here- He- oh god "

" Breath Jophiel, Az help her! "

" Okay! "

My focused turned to the body now laying on the table unconscious. I could feel my body freeze as I saw who it was

" Raphael...."

" Gabri- * cough cough * " blood exploded from her mouth, the cough probably pulled on a organ

" Don't talk, please. What happened? "

I inspected her body, every inch. Yet the damage was coming from her back

" No...he didn't...."

I sat her up, she leaned against my arm as I saw the full extent of why Jophiel was so frantic

" I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM! I SWEAR! I'LL BURN HIS! " Jophiel screamed finally snapping at the situation

" What did he do?! Gabriel! " Azrael's voice ringed throughout the room

" Her wings...he ripped them off "

" You're joking...."

" Uriel....he made Uriel do it- *cough cough* "

" I had a feeling "

" Why would Uriel do that?! He's always been so kind "

" This ist the same Uriel we're dealing with... he's scared " Raphael spoke. My hands gliding over her back attempting to close the two wounds

" Please tell me she's ready Gabriel. She needs to be ready in case "

" ....."

" Raph, she can barley use her powers without it backfiring. She's only here because of her daughter "

" I know. I read Gabe's message. We need to get her back on the ground "

A loud thud came from outside the window that sat in the middle of the room

Azrael immediately drew a blast ready to strike before a voice came from the open window

" WAIT! "

" Who are you!? "

" I'm- "

" Jason?! " Y/n stood in the doorway with aaden

" What the fuck happened to Raph?! And who is he?! "

" I'm Jason, I'm here to take y/n back to earth?! Who are you people?! "

" We're 4 of the Archangels! Show some respect! " Azrael yelled

" You aren't MY angels- "

" Everyone stop! " Raphael said through a strained cough " he's here to take her back. That's the goal "

" She has a point. If you're here to take y/n back then it doesn't matter who you are, she seems to know you anyway "

" Woah, pause. What about Raphael? "

" She will be fine with us y/n, you must go back "

" I- "

" Y/n. I know you care for these people but you have to com back. They need you down there, Yumi needs you. " The guy named Jason spoke

" .....Alright "

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