Chapter: 19

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* Damn! I knew I should've bought trash bags last night *

I put on my shoes irritated at my past self yet more annoyed that I had to go get trash bags at 9AM when it's freezing

* ring ring *

Hm? I grabbed my phone answering it

" Hello? "

" Hey how are you? "

" I'm fine y/n what's wrong? You don't call me at 9AM for noth- "

" Can I come live with you? I know! I know it's alot to ask so suddenly but please Rin I can't stay here "

I sighed, her voice sounded hoarse like she had been crying for hours

" Yeah sure, you know my doors are open "

" Great I'll be there in a hour " * beep *

I stared at the phone...something is wrong but I didn't want to pry into her personal life at all so I left it alone. POV End

Slenders POV

I woke up to shifting in the bed as I laid there, I could see y/n sitting up with her phone in her hands

Wrapping my arms around her I asked what she was doing

" Oh! Nothing important, I have a meet-up scheduled with rin "

" Who is rin? "

" I keep forgetting offender met rin you didnt...he's my bestfriend before I was here. I'm just going out to see him in maybe a hour or so "

" Oh okay as long as I know where your going "

I got up, left and headed to my room. A nice hot shower sounded like the perfect thing to relax my troubled mind

I approached my door when two small hands grabbed my legs

" Y/n! Come play with us! " Sally shouted

" Yeah cmon! Your not spending time with slender so that means your free! "

Seeing their exicted faces yet knowing what I had to say hurt me to a certain degree

" I'm sorry girls but I can't play right now, maybe later "

Watching as their expressions switches from sad to happy when jeff walked by

" JEFF! " both of the girls screamed running towards him I however took the opportunity to feed the scene

Taking of my clothes I thought more about rin and what the consequences would be if I left

* If I leave here slender will just come looking for me, he might kill Rin if he thinks we're something. But I can't stay here anymore not when everyone around me is getting hurt for it especially Lulu and the girls *

I dried myself off and started to pack my bookbag with clothes...all clothes he had bought me

* Knock knock knock *

" Come in "

Ej and BEN entered the room

" Hey y/n- what are you doing? Are you leaving the manor? "

" I hope your not, who am I going to play with? Jeff? Clockwork? Sally? "

I knew what I was about to ask wasn't going to be easy but I needed it

" * inhale * I really need your help slender can't find out I left and I can only trust you guys! "

They looked at eachother then back at me

" Are you sure you want to do this? You know this won't change things right? " BEN asked me with concern

" Yes I'm sure, please BEN you know I can't live like this "

" * Exhale * fine I'll help. You're lucky I care for you "

" Me too, but you might wanna go now he ist the easiest person to distract "

I slowly lowered myself down and out the window yet I still fell

" I owe you guys one! " I said as I started running to the edge of the woods


" Ok. She's gone. Now the hard part "

Before ej could respond jeff entered the room seeing y/n's things gone

" What. THE. FUCK. "

" Jeff calm down please " Ej tried to plead with jeff but he wouldn't listen

" WHY WOULD SHE LEAVE? Was it me? Did I really let my anger get out of control? "

" No its not you's zalgo. Y/n said she didn't want to live a life where we keep getting hurt. Can't blame her "

" Y/n left? " Lulu stood at the door tears running down her face

" Why did she leave? Does she hate us? Is it the way we look? Am I...truly a monster? " a thick fog was started to cloud the mansion as lulu's emotions took over. We all ran out the room to see the others with confused faces

" Why the hell is lulu crying? What did you guys do this time? " Clockwork screamed

" WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING " Jeff screamed back

" WHAT IS GOING ON! " Slenders voice cut through the crowd of screaming like a knife


Slender was silent for a few minutes before he spoke again

" Call my brothers hoodie...I need to speak with them "

" Oh...shits about to get real hahaha "  End of POV

Third person POV

You arrived at rin's house first making sure to take your time breathing.

" I made it * inhale * Ok "

* Ding dong *

Rin greeted you with a warm smile and a hug

" Hey y/n, you look like you ran all the way here? "

" Oh you noticed? "  Walking into his house you looked around...nothing had really changed since the last time you were here

The couch welcomed you as you slipped off your bookbag and got comfortable. End of third person POV

Your POV

" So what happened to Keiji? Did he pass? "

" My stubborn little brother? Fuck no, he went to go live with my grandparents down in Canada "

" Well your lucky your siblings are still around "

" I never asked for Tonia and Samari! They just happened to be born before me "

" Your older sisters are nice though? "

" Yeah to you duh! Tonia thinks your cute and Samari sees you as her sister in-law "

" Haha Tonia is still saying that? "

" Yes, also my mom sends her regards "

" Tell her I said thanks! "

I sat there soaking in the smell of the house. It always had a log cabin smell to it for some reason that seemed to calm me

" Hey y/n...why did you ask to come over so suddenly? "

* Flashback *

" Oh ok, as long as I know where your going "

" Um, let's not worry about that. All that matters is me spending time with my bestfriend okay? "

" Okay if you say so. I trust you "

* There is a part of me that really wants to tell Rin what's going on...but will he judge me or hate me for it? *

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