S2 Chapter : 85

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Nothing made my skin boil more than seeing my own child hide behind her

" I'm only going to ask one more time. Give me my child back "

" No- "

The answer couldn't have left her mouth before one of Offenders tendrils caught her leg throwing her against the wall. She didn't collide with it though, only a green cloud of smoke. I saw zalgo put himself in between Yumi and me almost as a barrier

" Stop! Don't her hurt! "

" You fools! " All three of us were attacking her to no avail, her abilities far surpassed any of our own. Even with my gifted powers I couldn't do anything

" I will not let you take her! "

" That's not up for you to decide! "

Hitting the wall made all the air that was inside of me disappear. My eyes landed on Yumi's small figure. I felt it. She was scared- but more importantly confused

" Yumi "

Her head snapes towards me, tears running down her face

" I'm here baby "

" Why did you leave? "

" I didn't want to! Every second of those days away from the manor I thought about you constantly! I love you...please "

No words left her mouth, only her tiny hand reaching out to me before being pulled back

" I already said she's not coming with you! Give up! "

" Over my dead body! That's my niece you decrepit bitch! "


Tanish smoke filled the air, the roof came down landing on the floor

" You want her? Then kill me first! "

Clockwork was the first face I saw before BEN, Jeff and Lulu were revealed

" Well well well~ I finally get the change to gut a bitch "

" C'mon Jeff, let's not ruin all the fun. I want to bend her bones first "

" Guys? Can I fill her lungs with my fog? "

Before I could grasp the situation Yumi excitedly screamed


"......Huh? " Everyone in the room said at the same time


" Why wouldn't we? " BEN replied looking like one of his games got discontinued

" Because, she has her believing that we abandoned her. Didn't love her " I said slowly getting up from the floor

All eyes were now on her

" That's not true! Her mentality- Growing rate even! Look at her! She's standing! Last time I spoke with you y/n she was just learning how to talk! She doesn't remember anything except for when she was taken "

We all looked at Yumi...apart of me didn't want to admit it, but she was right

Her rate of growth had skyrocketed to a different level. She was standing, and speaking

" Yumi... "

" I don't remember everything. I remember...seeing all of you as I was taken out the house, but none of you came after me. I-i thought you didn't care to come get me "

" Hell no. We got our asses kicked by her little bitch boys. The important thing is we're here now and you're coming home with us "

" Yep " Jeff said

" You are perfect the way you are "

" That's a lie and you know it! What will happen when she grows up?! What will you do? "

"......Take care of this problem " I spoke sharply. She walked up to me, peering down onto my daughter. Grabbing her arm I picked her up walking out the basement stairs even though the ceiling of the basement was gone, so much that you could climb it

Screams flooded the main floor of the house, I could feel her tiny hands gripping my shirt

" It's okay "

" I'm scared....where are we going? "

" Home "

When I took that step out the house slender greeted me. Yumi's head now in his direction

" Hi....."

" Hi. Do you remember me? "

" No, do you have them too? "

" Hm? " slender head cocked to the side in confusion

" Tendrils, slender "

" Oh of course! Just watch what I do to mommy "

" Wait what- "

My leg was grabbed as I was hung upside down. On instinct I looked to see if Yumi was hurt but she was in slenders arm

" I have them to, and there's a lot you can do with them. They have healing properties and they regenerate "

" Really?! That man back there was missing one "

" Offender? "

" Mhm "

" That's your uncle, and you have 2 more that are biological related "

" Bio....logic? "

" Blood related "

" Am I biogic your daughter? "

" Yes you are! And she is your biological mother who's being hanged upside down "

" Hahaha c'mon slender put me down "

" Did you know you also get your shyness from her? Watch "

One of his free tendrils started exploring under my shirt that I was holding down

" You better not! "

* Why shouldn't I? Maybe this should be your punishment for not letting me join you *

* You are so dead when I get down from here! *

" Don't kill him! "

" Huh?! " You and slender both turned towards her

" I said don't kill him! If you're going to do that then we might as well keep you up there, right daddy? Hehe "

" You..."

" Can "

" Hear "

" Our thoughts!? " Looking back at one another it was obvious both of you were shocked

" Is that a bad thing? I'm sorry "

" NO! " slender dropped you which caused a slight pain in your back

" No honey no! Your dad can do it too, and sometimes it's a pain " you responded. A hand now running the lower part of your back

" So should I read people's thoughts? "

" Well, only if you really need to for now " slender spoke while booping her on the nose

" Okay! Can we go home now? "

" I agree with the kid! " Jeff yelled, BEN held him up with one arm wrapped around his waist

" You guys okay? "

" Fuck no! That bitch fought back like a rabit dog "

" Let's go home, I'm thinking cheesestakes for dinner "

" That sounds great " BEN replied tiredly

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