S2 Chapter : 82

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A drop of rain on a moving car. Joined by thousands of other droplets, only has one goal. Reach the bottom...but what happens when there is no bottom to reach? Does it stop? Or does it keep going until it runs dry?

Soundless, everything around me felt blurred out. I could no longer here Rin's hitched breaths as he tried to keep up more my heart beat as it continued to leap out my chest. The only thing on my mind was making it back to the manor

I kicked the door open, but I wished I hadn't

Jeff and BEN were being hovered over by lulu and clockwork trying their best to stop the bleeding. Splendor was missing a tendril along with trender. The others were either crying or trying to help. Splendor noticed me first

" Y/n...I'm sorry. They took her. We tried but- "

" Y/n? " Turning towards the direction of the kitchen stood slender. Beaten up. Bleeding heavily. Yet standing there holding a first ad kit caring about the others before himself

" I tried- you weren't here- they took her- "

" I know. I already know about everything "

I hugged him as he cried in my arms. For the first time I actually saw him cry which was weird because I didn't know he was capable of such a thing. He was always someone who kept his feelings deep down but now it's different

" I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! They took her and I couldn't do a god damn thing as her father!....they took my little girl "

That last thing he said broke me as I started to cry as well but not for long. I let go of him checking the state of BEN and Jeff

" I can't get them stable- " lulu started panicking

" Maybe I can help. I do have heavenly powers "

" Oh! Right! " She backed away

Channeling all the energy you had left, light emitted from your hands. You were lucky it worked seeing as you only practiced it slowly, healing both Jeff and BEN just enough so they stop bleeding

" * Cough cough! * This shit hurts! "

" Nah I couldn't tell BEN "

" Don't start with me you fucking clown- "

" * Crying * im so happy you're both alive! " Lulu screamed hugging both of them very tightly. Jeff hugged her back

" Idiots " Clockwork mumbled while wiping a tear from her face

" Where is everyone else? " I asked looking around

" They left out, tracking the people that took Yumi "

" What do we do now? " Everyone's eyes turned to slender which was in a panicked state

" Me? No- no! I can't right now! "

" Slender- "


* Smack *

" Listen here you tall bastard! You're not the only one absolutely losing their shit right now over this whole ordeal! So calm your ass down. I am here with you. Breathe "

"..........ok "

" Thank you, I already have a plan- "

* Bang *

" *Heavy breathing* I'm finally here! Ugh! Hey everybody! "

" Who the fuck is he? " Jeff asked

" Rin, he's my best friend "

" Wow. You leave for like 3 days and I get replaced?! "

" No! BEN he's been my friend for years so it's different "

" I've known you for 2 and a half! "

" Enough! We have bigger matters to attend to. Splendor and trender you both need to rest. Along with everyone else. I'm going after sorceress "

" What!? " Everyone exclaimed

" I knew you were a craxy bitch but never like this " Jeff said sounded concerned

" You're going to get yourself killed y/n! " Lulu shouted

" I'm not alone, I have this with me " I said holding the knife that was given to me after my training " My angelic powers are stronger than ever. I have a feeling that I'll need them "

" Let me come with you " slender spoke softly grabbing my hand

" No. You're not coming "

" She's my child too! "

" I'm fully aware of that, but I have a score to settle with that bitch "

" We both do " all of us looked towards the door seeing zalgo's human form lean against the frame

" She's done wrong by me multiple times. So it's only fair that I get my hits in "

" For the first time in my entire life I've never heard zalgo say that he's hunting someone that's not us " Clockwork stated

" Whatever, are we leaving or what? " He asked looking back at me

" Yeah. Let's go "

Sorceress POV

* What an unfortunate way to start a perfectly good evening. Capturing a child. Ugh. *

" Sorceress. We have the child "

" Give her to me "

My eyes scanned the tiny thing as two sets of eyes looked back at me with curiosity

" I can see the resemblance "

" Resemblance "

Jumping back I was shocked that at only a couple months old she could talk so fluently. The rate of her growth is extraordinary

" Where's my mom? "

" So you can speak in full sentences. You have the growth of a 4 year old. Perhaps you are 4 in reality due to his genetics "

" Where. Is. My. Mom? I'm only asking once lady "

" I suggest you watch your tone with me- ah! "

A red streak of blood adorned my pale skin as I dropped the child. Yet a tud never came from the drop, instead tendrils were in place of her feet as they held her off the ground

" Truly amazing! Your power- "

One of the tendrils, raised in the air ready to strike stood firm as she spoke again

" My body and strength far surpass that of a normal 4 year old. I will ask one more time " Her eyes now a bright red with sharp rows of teeth that shined in the light

" Where is my mom? "

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