S2 Chapter : 79

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Heavy, at least that's what I thought I felt like. Cold air drifting in through the open windows, Yumi's cute face looking back up at me as she sleeps peacefully. Thunder crashed over the house causing a jump from me

" A storm is brewing. I wonder who's mad now..."

* Ring. Ring *

* Beep *

" Hello? "

" Heyyyyy dumbass! How's it going? "

" It's going...okay "

" First question! Did you put little Mama's to sleep? "

" Yeah, she's sleeping in her crib right now "

" Good. Now tell me what's going on "

" Rin it's noth- "

" I will murder your whole family don't test me y/n! What-is-wrong? "

" My whole family IS dead but....Do you think slender would cheat on me? "

" What?! No! He loves you alot, trust me. Otherwise he wouldn't be buying- ummmmm "

" Buying what?! Rin! "

" Buying baby clothes! Y'know since you guys have a kid now and whatnot am I talking too much I think I'm talking too much, gotta go love you n/n byeeee! "

* Beep boop *

* What in two shades of hell was that about?! *

My head turned hearing the front doors open followed by silence. I stayed in the room instead of leaving it just to see who walked in

The door to the bedroom opened. I didn't need night vision to conclude that the really tall dark figure moving in the shadows was slender. Now that I think about it he really is creeping when in his element

" Hey- "

" Jesus! Christ! Y/n? "

Flicking the nob the room lit up with light as you say still on the bed

" I didn't know you'd still be up "

" I'm waiting for the others. They went out hunting "

" Right. How was she all day? "

" Missing you. "

" ........."

A knife could be used to cut the tension in the room. It was so awkward but I wasn't mad. I didn't make it awkward

" Look y/n I- "

" Are you cheating on me? "

I saw a twitch from him before he slowly turned to my direction

" What did you just say...? "

" Are you cheating? It's just a question- "

His hand slammed into the backboard right new to my head while the other lay resting on my side

" You think I would cheat on you? "

" I'm not sure anymore slender. You've been gone all day, your brothers won't tell me anything and you've even got Rin keeping secrets. Not to mention my aunt calling me. Explain "

" I can't do that "

" Yes you can "

" No I- "

Grabbing his tie I yanked him down to my level

" Slenderman. I am giving you one last chance to tell me the truth. I'm not dumb...I'm not a monster- I'm not even a proxy! If you're cheating on me I don't blame you- "

My sentence was cut short by our lips meeting. It wasn't rough nor desperate, gentle. For a split second I felt a little better but the feeling quickly found its way back to me

" I was really trying not to have this happen so fast. I just got it today "

" Huh? "

My eyes watered as he pulled out a ring....a engagement ring!

" You..."

" Y/n, Im completely aware of the difference between you and me. We've lived different lives yet somehow intermangled with each other. I'm confident that I want to spend every last moment with you. Would you do me the honors? "

" You want to marry me? "

" Technically yes, it would just be binding our souls together....but I wanted you to have a normal human wedding- "

" Hahaha! "

" What's funny? " Th nervousness in his voice showing

" I'm sorry! I'm sorry, it's just nothing about this is normal! And that's what I love. Why have a human wedding? I embrace all the monster in you. So fuck it! Let's do it "

" Really? "

" You only get married once unless you cheat and marry again "

" So what do I do with this ring? "

" Get your money back "

" True. By the way I hope you know binding souls doesn't mean what you think it does "

" What does It mean? "

" It's basically me claiming your soul.....In case someone else tries to take it "

" So normal marriage "

" Wait what? "

" Normal marriage is saying vowels and all that. Then promising you'll stick with that person till they die "

" Wow "

" I know. Pretty dark if you think about it "

" So I was thinking having it at- "

" I vote splendors house "

" That's what I was going to say. I've already invited everyone "

" You mean like Rin, and my aunt? "

" Hehe, yeah. I had trender look into your distant family. She was the only one that popped up. I wanted you to have everyone possible for the most support "

" You're retarded "

" Language, and I am not "

" She's asleep! "

" She can still hear you "

" Yeah yeah "

" I take my role as a father 100% serious "

" I know you do "

" Good. What are we going to do? "

" About what? "

" The Sorceress...what she said "

" ......."

" As much as I don't want to admit it. Yumi is only 4 months old and she can talk, I can only imagine how long before she walks "

" We'll handle it. Just like we handle everything "

" What are you thinking? "

" We eliminate the problem. Just like a bug "

Happy fourth of the fucking month I don't really celebrate it but I know other people do so I hope you all have a good day 🙏

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