Authors note

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So I'm getting a lot of comments about the characters having sex at 5 years old. Umm that's dumb asf. I don't know if you guys can see it or not but chapter one is more of a back story thing. So you guys get a gist of their story and how they met. It does splash forward to about a year ago within their present time when they are 15.

The legal age of consent in Japan is 13. I personally feel as though she 15 or 16 is a good age if a person would like to start having sex. I honestly do not care about your opinions upon the matter of what you believe is appropriate or not. You don't like it...don't read it. Simple.

But I did want to make clear they are not having sex at the age of 5. They did it for the first time at the age of 15.

Please stop with the comments about them having sex at the age of five. It's annoying. Use your common sense as well as read the story please and thank you.

Enjoy reading or leave. I don't care😎👍

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