Chapter 40

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Sienna's POV
After about 3 or 4 days I was released from the hospital. I haven't seen my father and mother at all since the incident. I just couldn't face them. I wanted to see Katsuki. U.A has decided to give us all the whole week off to recover. Mentally and physically. Todoroki has been visiting me in the hospital. He says U.A is starting up dorms so next week we will be able to be in one. He said they needed parent permission. I don't understand how they got my parents permission, but I guess I'll have to ask that at another time. Mitsuki signed all the paper work as I got one last check over before being cleared. We walked out and into her car. Driving to her house. "How are you feeling sienna?" She asked. I gave a light smile. "Better than before. I'm just glad Katsuki is ok." Her guys lowered for a minuet before nodding and turning her attention back to the road. "Umm. About that...katsuki he. He hasn't been himself lately. I'm thinking it's just cause he misses you." My cheeks turned slightly pink as I smiled. "Well hopefully I get to see him." She nodded and smiled. Time Skip we were soon at the Bakugo house. We walked in and I spoke to Masaru. After I went to Bakugo's room. Knocking them entering. "Katsuki im- I cut myself off when I didn't see him. I went downstairs to ask where he went. Masaru said he went to the park nearby. I nodded and ran towards the park.

I looked around for a while before I saw his signature black hoodie

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I looked around for a while before I saw his signature black hoodie. He was sitting in a bench. Looking at the darkening sunset sky. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He jumped up and looked at me. I smiled. I flung myself on him. Lightly tearing up in his chest as I hugged him tightly.

"You dummy

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"You dummy. I missed you. What happened. What did- I was cut off when he pushed me away. "Huh? Katsuki whats- "why are you here..." his voice was distant. A bit cold. "What? Katsuki what are you- "I said why are you here..." he repeated himself. I looked at him confused. "To see you. Why else would I- "I don't want to see you..." I felt my heart drop when he said those words. "W-what are you talking about?" I could notice his hand was slightly shaking as he balled his fists. "I don't want to see you Sienna..." he repeated those heartbreaking words. I reached for his hand but he yanked it away. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I shouted getting annoyed and aggravated. "YOUR FINALLY FREE AND I WANTED TO SEE YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU ACT? Tell
Me..." I walked up to him. Wrapping my arms around his torso. Burying my face into his back. Tugging on it lightly. "Tell me what's wrong." I felt his breath hitch as he turned around and roughly pushed me away. "DON'T TOUCH ME DAMNIT!" "THEN TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG!" "YOU!" Silence filled both of us. My eyes widened and narrowed as he just stared at me. I could see the hate and anger in his eyes. "What are you..." "YOUR WHATS WRONG! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" I felt myself tear up as those words left his mouth. "What the hell are you talking about..." I whispered. "ALWAYS HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT YOU! YOU GOT FUCKING PUT IN THE HOSPITAL, BECAUSE YOU WERE AFRAID FOR ME! YOU ATTACKED YOUR FATHER FOR ME! I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO DO THAT!" I balled my fists. "ALL THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN BECAUSE OF YOU! IT HAPPENED BECAUSE OF ME! I CHOOSE TO DO THOSE THINGS BECAUSE I NEEDED TO BE WITH YOU! SO STOP PUSHING ME AWAY AND FUCKING TALK TO ME!" "I can't...I'm sorry...I don't think we- "don't finish that fucking sentence."
Bakugo's POV
"I can't...I'm sorry...I don't think we- "don't finish that fucking sentence." I looked up to Sienna who's hair was dangling in her face. I could see the tears falling from her face. "Katsuki....." I felt my heartache as her voice cracked a bit when she spoke my name. "Tell me...what's really wrong." Her fists were slightly shaking as I bit my lip and turned around. Damnit. I couldn't tell her how I really felt. All that happened a couple days ago was all to overwhelming so I blurted out something I shouldn't. "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" I turned around and saw her eyes widen. She walked to me and started to punch my chest. I grabbed her wrists. "YOUR LYING! YOUR LYING TELL ME THE FUCKING- "THAT IS THE GOD DAMN TRUTH! I NEVER LOVED YOU! I JUST USED YOU THAT WAS ALL! WHEN I FIRST SAW YOU, I JUST WANTED TO HAVE YOU FOR MYSELF SO NO ONE ELSE WOULD HAVE YOU! YOU WERE LIKE A SHINEY NEW TOY! AFTER IT LOOSES ITS SHINE IT GETS TOSSED! THATS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU!" Her tears started to flow harder down her cheeks. Her breathing was shakey as I turned my back towards her. Stuffing my hands in my pockets walking off. I stopped when she screamed. "IF YOU WALK AWAY! IF YOU WALK AWAY NOW I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! I SWEAR THAT BAKUGO KATSUKI!" I slightly glanced to her. She was practically pleading for me to stay. I felt my tears escape my eyes as I bit my lip hard. Feeling the iron taste fill my
Mouth. All I wanted to do was run to her and hold her. Say that I didn't mean anything. To tell her what was really wrong. But I can't. I couldn't. So I just kept walking towards my house. Hearing her sobs distance themselves.
Sienna's POV

 Sienna's POV

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He left me...
Todoroki's POV
I was walking home since I saw Sienna was released from the hospital. I was passing the park when I saw long white hair in the ground. Sienna. I ran to her. I picked her up as she cried into my arms. "Hey what's wrong?" I whispered to her. "H-he left....h-he left m-me." She whispered. "Who?" She started to cry even more. "K-katsuki." I felt rage in my body. How could he leave her. Someone her. I picked her up bridal style. She wrapped her around around my neck pulling tightly as she cried in my chest. "Shhh it's ok. You can stay with me tonight." She nodded and continued to cry. I walked both of us to my house. My family would be out for the next few days. Father with hero work as my brother and sister decided to travel somewhere. I walked to my room laying Sienna down on the bed. She had sweatpants on and one of Bakugo's shirts. I went to the bathroom and changed into comfortable shorts and a shirt. I walked back to the room to see her sobbing into the pillow. I crawled into bed and held her as she cried.

I rubbed the back of her head as she lightly clutched my shirt

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I rubbed the back of her head as she lightly clutched my shirt. "H-he left me. S-Shoto h-he...." "I know" I whispered. "It's going to be ok."
Bakugo's POV
I got home. I tried to go to my room but the old hag blocked my way. "Where is Sienna? Didn't she go to find you?" I turned my head trying to hide my face. "Tch. I felt her." I mumbled. "YOU WHAT? KATSUKI ILL- the old hag stopped mid sentence and pulled me into a tight hug. I struggled against her. "Oi g-get off..." I tried to push her away but she held me tighter. "What happened katsuki." She whispered. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I leaned my head into her and cried. I let all
My tears flow on her shoulder. She held me and rubbed my back. Whispering things. "Shhh it's ok. I'm don't have to tell me anything." I soon stopped crying and composed myself a big. Wiping my tears. She placed a kiss on my forehead and nodded. I went to my room and closed the door. Laying on my bed drifting off to a tired sleep. "Thanks...old hag." I whispered

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