Chaper 12

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Bakugo's POV
It's day two. Time to finally turn in our internship forms. Monday we will be starting since it is currently Friday. "Hey! Sienna-Chan!" Uraraka came walking towards us. I had my arm wrapped around Sienna's shoulder. "Hello Uraraka!" She gave a slight wave. "What hero agency did you end up choosing?" Pink cheeks was walking next to Sienna as we walked to class. "Oh! I choose best Jeanist. Same as Bakugo. I figured he would want me to stay close to him." She turned to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. My face flushed red and I turned the other way to try and hide it. "Aww that's so cute! You guys are like goals." I rolled my eyes as we entered the classroom. Uraraka went first and me and Sienna went second. "Heyyy sunshine buddy!" Dunce face came running towards Sienna with open arms. I placed my hand over his face to keep him away. He moved my hand and huffed. "Aww come on Bakugo. You know it isn't like that." I rolled my eyes. "Tch. I don't care. Your not gonna- HEY!" I stopped mid sentence when I saw Sienna hugging Kaminari. She released and grabbed my hand. Dragging me to our seats. "You can't be over protective Katsuki. I do have friends. You know Kaminari isn't that type of person." She sat down at her seat. Motioning me to sit at mine. "Tch. Yea whatever." I slumped in my seat. Aizawa soon walked into the room. "Ok everyone. Please hand over your papers for your internships." I grabbed Sienna's paper from her hand and handed both her and mines to Shittyhair as we was already up to hand in his. We both soon started class.
Your POV
We were just learning about the basics of heroing and rescue. It was quite boring honestly. Most of this stuff was already known. Aizawa also talked about what we will be doing on our internships. Soon the bell ring and we headed to lunch. Katsuki got up and offered his hand to me. I grabbed it as he interlaced our fingers and walked out the classroom. As we walked into the cafeteria. We saw our usual group of friends waving us over. "SIENNA! BAKUGO! OVER HERE!" I smiled and pulled the grumpy katsuki over to where Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero were. Kirishima got out the small booth to let us sit in the inside. Katsuki slid in first, then me, then Kirishima. Kaminari was infront of Bakugo, Mina was in-front of me and sero was in front of Kirishima. I pulled out my lunch and began eating. Katsuki did the same. "So. Sienna. What hero agency did you choose?" Sero asked. "Oh. Just best jeanist." "Oh isn't that the one you choose too Bakugo?" Bakugo only grunted and shoved some curry into his mouth. "Which one did you choose Kirishima." I turned to him. "Oh I choose forth kind." "Oh wow! That's great!" I smiled as pink dusted his cheeks. He rubbed the back of his neck and turned away. I heard a growl from Bakugo but choose to ignore it. "Hey! What are you doing tomorrow Sienna?" Mina questioned. "Hmm nothing actually. What's up?" "Well. I wanted us girls to have a sleepover. What do you think?" "That sounds awesome! I'll be there!" She only smiled and we all continued to laugh and talk.

Soon it was hero training time. We were sitting in class. "Ok. Today will be rescue training. We will be traveling to the USJ. Grab your hero suites and head to the bus!" All might said walking out of the classroom. Everyone got their hero suites and made their way to the bus. "Do you think it's safe to go back?" Kaminari asked mineta. "I don't know dude. It freaked me out last time." I turned to look at my boyfriend who was holding my hand and looking straight foreword. Not saying a word. We soon arrived at the USJ. When we entered. We saw a whole bunch of pro hero's that worked in the school. "Hello class 1-A!. Today you will all be doing rescue training! We have grouped you all into pairs. Seeing at those pairs are the people you are closest with or have some sort of relationship with. In this training. One person will be the rescuer and the other the rescued. Those have already been decided. Each pair will be put in a different terrain that hinders their quirk and that their rescuee had a slight fear of. There will also be one teacher assigned to the pair to stop the rescuer. Here are the pairs. Bakugo and Kingsley. Kingsley will be the rescued and Bakugo will be the rescuer. Your teacher will be Aizawa. Kingsley. Follow Aizawa. Bakugo stay here until I say you may go." Bakugo squeezed my hand. I turned to him giving him a reassuring smile. Letting him know I'll be ok. I let go and walked with Aizawa into the shipwreck zone. "So mr. Aizawa what will be- before I could finish my sentence I was consumed by darkness.

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