Chapter 17

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Sienna's POV
"I saw you at the sports festival. Congratulations on first place." The guy walking next to me start to talk. His name was Percy. "Thank you very much." I smiled at him as he returned the small. We walking in silence until I finally spoke about something. "Hey Uhh Percy? I was wondering. Do you know why Best Jeanist choose both me and Bakugo as his interns? He seems to really hate how Bakugo acts." Percy only chuckled and pushed up his glasses with his finger. "No one really knows why Best Jeanist does what he does. Not even his sidekick, but with everything he does. There's always a greater reason for it." I nodded as he stopped in front of a door. He knocked. "Come in!" I heard a high pitched voice say. He opened the door to reveal a room filled with technology, inventions, and clothes. "Ahh Percy! Nice to see you again. Is this the little girl Jeanist was talking about?" Percy nodded as we walked into the room. I told next to him and waved. "Hello. My name is Kingsley Sienna. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand as the small girl took it. "Milo Uzmaki! Nice to meet you as well!" I smiled. "Ok Percy. Sho sho! I'll return her back to you when I'm finished working my magic." He nodded and walked out. I was left with the little girl. Her eyes were a soft pink. They looked to have one small white heart in each of them. Her hair was a light pink that matched her eye color. She wore clean white skinny jeans with a soft pink cropped blouse. She looked like a child. About 7 or 8. "I know I know my looks make me look young. But I'm actually 23!" My eyes grew wide! "Oh. Wow! I'm sorry if I made assumptions." I bowed but she only waved her hands and shook her head. "No no it's fine. My quirk makes me look young." I stood up and walked closer to her. "What is your quirk if you don't mind me asking." Her smile brightened as she turned around. "It's called Romance Fairy!" I tilted my head a bit confused. She only giggled. "Well. When I activate it. I grow big pink fairy wings from my back. I let off soft pink lights from my hand and can project then to anything I want that is living. When someone is hit with the light, the first person that person sees will fall instantly in love with them until I release them. Their eyes will turn a dark pink." "That's such a cool quirk!" She smiled and nodded. "Yep! Pretty nice! But it makes my appearance look as a kid so that's the down side of things." I Only smiled a soft sympathetic smile. "It's ok though! Guys still fall for me." I laughed.

"Now! Enough about me girly. Let's change up your costume!" I nodded I took off my costume and we got to work.
Bakugo's POV
"There! Finally. It is perfect!" After hours of combing and   suffocating  from hair spray. Best Jeanist was finished with my hair. As I looked to the mirror that was across the room. I felt my soul leave my body. What. The. Fuck. Happened. Too. My. Hair.... it was combed down and swooped to the side neatly. I sat there. Staring at myself in such dread. "Now. Time to get rid of those saggy pants of yours. You need to learn how to wear a belt." He placed the comb down and walked over to a draw. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a belt. "Here." "WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!" I shouted. I grabbed the jeans and belt and stomped down to the bathroom me and Sienna passed earlier in the hall. I placed the jeans and belt on the sink counter and sighed. "Why did I even choose this damn internship. I came here think I was going to fight villains. Not be in a DAMN BEAUTY PAGEANT!" I shouted and sighed. I changed into the jeans and tucked my shirt in.

"I swear to god if Sienna laughs I'll kill her." I stomped back into the room. I bursted through the door and saw a girl in a dark outfit. Her long white hair was flowing down her back. She turned around stopping her conversation with Jeanist. She wore a small sleeveless dress. The dress coming to a small skater skirt like style at the bottom. She wore tall black boots that had no heel. Black gloves went up her forearm. Slightly glowing white light was seen from her hands and parts of her suit. "S-Sienna?" I walked forward in complete disabling that this was her, but her Blue eyes looked into mine. She smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "I know I know. It's a lot darker than my original outfit but it is black to match yours! Do you like it? I don't have to wear it if you don't- "NO!" I shouted and walked in to her. Taking her hand and spinning her around. She giggled as I pulled her into my embrace. Running my fingers through her hair. "No. You look perfect. You always look perfect." Her face turned pink as she shook her head. I slightly smiled b it it soon turned to a frown as she looked at me and laughed. I pushed her away and rolled my eyes. "Oh....oh god...hahaha. What...what your hair and clothes. Hahaha." She held her stomach while she laughed. "I have changed him! He will learn to be better." Best Jeanist stood next to Sienna as she wiped away tears from her eyes from laughing.

"SHUT UP SIENNA! I KNOW IT LOOKS BAD!" She only shook her head and walked up to me. She stood on her toes and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I felt my face heat up to an intense red. She only giggled and interlaced our fingers. "You look very handsome Katsuki." I looked away. "Tch. W-whatever." She only smiled. "Now that these things are fixed. Let's go on patrol! I shall teach you what to do when out in public." Best Jeanist began walking out of the office. Sienna and me Following along.

Some one pray for me

This is what Sienna's Hero outfit looks like now

This is what Sienna's Hero outfit looks like now

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