Chapter 49

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Sienna's POV
All of class 1-A passed. We were now on to the second part of our exam. Rescue. Bakugo, Kirishima and Denki ran off towards some where else. I decided to walk off on my own. Looking for anyone. I soon saw a small girl and a women. The girl had a burned arm while the women had a lack to the head. The girl seemed to be crying. I teleported right in front of the both of them. They were standing under a large beam that seemed could fall at any second. "Hello my name is nightlight. I'm going to have to need to move you guys so you aren't in any danger, then I'm going to examine you ok?" They both nodded. I grabbed their hands gently and quickly teleported them to the small area for so called, "relief" area. The girl instantly clung to me. I sighed and rubbed her back. "Ma'am does anything else hurt other than your head?" I asked in a calming town. She shook her head slightly. "No just my head." I nodded and pretending to heal her head. Soon handing her water and food. "Here. I have healed you. You should be ok. Drink the fluids and eat something. That should help with the drainage of energy." She smiled at me and nodded. I looked back at the scared girl in my arms. "Hey what's your name?" I smiled down at her. She pulled away and wiped her tears. "K-Katie." I smiled. "That's a pretty name. My name is Sienna." The girl smiled. "Can I see your arm?" She nodded and slowly moved her arm to my view. I shifted her on my side and used my free hand to fake heal her. Giving a small kiss on top of it. "There all better." She smiled as I put her down. She grabbed my hand. "What's wrong Katie?" She looked worried as she looked around. "Your parents?" She nodded. "Ok then. Let's go find them." We started to walk around the area looking for the people Katie had described when there was a large crash and a rush of gang orca's minions came out. I instantly created a light forcefield in front of me and Katie. Protecting everyone that was behind me. "MOMO! TSU! GET EVERYONE AWAY FROM HERE!" I shouted. "RIGHT!" Momo answered as multiple people helped move the people away from the villains. The little girl still clutched to my side.

"Katie I need you to go with them ok?" She only clutched my leg further. I mentally sighed. "Here." I made a small sphere out of light and handed it to her. "As long as you have this. I'll find you ok? I promise." She nodded and ran off. Grabbing Momo's hand. I mentally sighed again looking at gang orca. "You didn't think it would be that easy right?" She smirked and blasted sound waves at me sending be flying backwards into some rubble. Luckily most of everyone was moved. I smirked. Wiping the dripping blood from my lip. "I wouldn't expect anything else." I felt my eyes glow white as I instantly teleported text to him sending multiple punches as I teleported too fast for him to register what was going on.
Gang Orca's POV
I watched as the so called prodigy increase her power a bit. She instantly teleported around me throwing power punches leaving me with slight burn marks. As she through a power punch towards my left side of my face I was sent flying sideways. She instantly stepped on my back pressing lightly. "Don't move. Don't speak. Anything and everything you say will be held against you in court." Her eyes stopped glowing as I smirked. "I admit. I'll acknowledge you as the prodigy of U.A. But....YOUR STILL A KID!" I shouted before blasting a large sound wave sending her flying backwards. She covered her ears as they bled and she fell unconscious on the ground. I started walking towards her as that Todoroki kid charged at me. He and the wind kid where having probelms. Rather fighting with eachother. They both sent a blast that redirected and was sent straight towards the prodigy. "Shit that will kill her." I mumbled. Soon a green flash of light appeared and rescued her. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU BOTH ARE DOING!" A green haired boy spoke shouted at the two of them. I defeated them both but they started to work together at the end.

Soon the exams where over.
Sienna's POV
I woke up when the exams where over. I was laying in the relief area with Katie next to me. I sat up rubbing my eyes as everyone was breathing heavy or looking around. "Hey! I told you I would come back." I tapped Katie's shoulder as she turned around and smiled. Handing me back my light. I made it disappear and stood up. Stretching a bit. "OI SIENNA! LETS GO!" Bakugo shouted as he stood a ways away. I went to walk off before I felt a small tug on my hero costume. I turned around and saw Katie. "Hey. You did good today. Definitely will become a great hero." She spoke in a grown women voice which caught me off guard but I smiled. "Thank you." I bowed and walked up next to Bakugo. "Tch what was that about." He mumbled glaring at the relief people. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Nothing. Just saying I did a good job." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. Walking towards the result board. I looked for my name and saw it at the top. Having the best performance. I looked for my other classmates name and saw all of them but two. Bakugo and Todoroki. "Ahh shit." I mumbled as I felt Bakugo's hands heat up. "I didn't pass...BUT THAT DAMN DEKU DID!" He shouted. I quickly pressed my lips on his as he mumbled a bit and his face heated up. I pulled away and caressed his cheek as he pouted and growled at me. "Would you stop it. It's ok. There's another chance so calm down. This doesn't mean your any less of a hero. Especially to me." His face turned even more red as he pushed my hand away and scoffed. "Tch w-what ever. Dumbass." He mumbled and walked off towards our bus. I giggled as I congratulated our class as we all admired our hero licenses.

Soon getting on the bus and heading back towards the dorms.

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