Chapter 26

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Sienna's POV
I was walking along side Tsu. We reached the gate and were both standing there until I decided to speak up. "Hey. I think I have a strategy in order to win this." She instantly looked to me placing a finger near her lip. "Yes Kingsley-San?" "Well. I think we should run instead of fight. Ectoplasm is strong. I don't think we stand a chance without pushing ourselves. So I think our best option is to have you wrap your tongue around my and hold me. You can jump and move around while I blast ectoplasm clones with my light. As soon as we find the exit, I'll teleport us to it." She looked like she was thinking before speaking, "ok. Sounds good." Soon a loud buzzer started and the gate opened showing us a very high ceiling place. There were multiple different levels and crossing walk ways. "Shit. This is going to be harder than I though." Tsu nodded. As we walked further in. Tsu's tongue instantly wrapped around my waist and she jumped onto another level. I looked down to see about 5 ectoplasm standing there. "Ahhh good reflexes Asui, but how will you counter this." I looked down the hall and saw two clones running towards us fast. I blasted both of them with balls of light. "Kingsley-San there's more!" I turned around as I say more clones running to us. "Shit." I cursed under my breath. "Hey Tsu." I called for her. Our backs were against eachother as I had both hands extended blasting light at the clones. Some dodged, others got hit. "I'm going to teleport. Brace yourself." She nodded. I glanced around quickly deciding to teleport 2 floors above. We were near the big opening in the center of the place. I looked up to the spot near the railing of the floor and a bright flash of light consumed both of us.

I looked around and saw that we were exactly where I looked. Tsu was holding her head. "Hey are you ok?" I placed a hand on her back but she stood up and nodded. "Yea. Just it was a slight headache." "Sorry. I tired to slow down the speed." She nodded. "So. What way now?" I looked down the hallway. Left and right. "Left." She nodded and we walked. Bumping into a few clones here and there. We were jogging through the halls. Every hall we turned more clones showed up. "Jesus how many are there." I was sorta being dragged through the air from behind by Asui as she was hopping around. I was blasting the clones that were chasing us. "I think I see the exit." I couldn't turn around and look. There were too many clones. "I'm going to teleport- before I could finish my sentence, a clone punched me in my stomach. I tried to teleport but it was too fast. It sent me flying backwards into Asui's back. She stumbled her footing and we went flying over the railing onto a mid section. I landed hard on my side and tumbled as asui landed on her feet but fell to her knee. She ran to me as I sat up holding my arm. "I'm sorry Kingsley-San. I didn't have time to- "it's ok. I'm just glad your ok." She nodded and looked up. "Hey Thats the- before she could finish the place began to rumble a bit. I stood up clutching my teeth. Damnit my arm hurts. I looked to see where Asui was looking. I saw a large ectoplasm blocking the exit from my sight as a smaller one stood next to it. "You both have complementing quirks and work well together. Both very fast abs agile, but...I am faster and come in numbers." As soon as ectoplasm finished speaking, hundreds of clones appeared around us. Surrounding us. "Now you loose." "We gotta find a way out of here! Can't you teleport us anywhere?" Tsu's spoke as she kicked and hit the clones coming at her fast. I blasted light at my clones coming at me. Slightly panting. "No. My energy is too drained to teleport two people right now." "What are we going to do!" Tsu's voice held worry as I felt sweat appear on my face. Clone after clone. Blast after blast. Fuck.

I racked my brain. Thinking of anything I could do then it hit me. The new thing I learned from father. "Hey. Tsu. I'm going to try something, when I say jump towards the exit as high and far as you can. Do it and don't look back." "Ok." I sighed. Shit. I'm already drained of energy. My on light is dimming. I'll need to push myself. I know I'm going to pass out, but I'm not falling this exam. I took a deep breath. Feeling for any sign of light. Of course the U.A building being one. With my eyes closed and my hands next to me out a bit. Palms open. "Absorb." I started to feel the light rush through my arms. Stinging my fractured or broken one. Feeling the ground rumble under me.
Bakugo's POV
I watched as Sienna and that frog girl get cornered and attacked. Clones surrounded them as the big one stood there blocking the exit. They were attacking fast. I could tell Sienna's light was dimming. She looked to be speaking to frog girl before closing her eyes. She opened her palms and extends her hands slightly by her side. She whispered something before I felt the ground shake under me and the lights start to flicker. I looked to the screen and seen pitch black darkness. "What the fuck." I whispered. The teachers were trying to get the lights back on. "RELEASE!" Was all I heard when suddenly the lights came on and shined brighter than ever. Some bulbs bursting. I looked to the screen and saw Sienna glowing violently. Her eyes and all the way up to her elbows her glowing brightly white. I saw frog girl laying down passed the exit. Ectoplasm was on the ground as all the clones were gone. I saw Sienna standing there in the middle of it all. Still glowing. "Jesus Christ Aizawa! Your students are crazy man!" Mic commented as Aizawa sighed and spoke into the mic. "Asui and Kingsley you passed. Kingsley. Turn off your quirk." I could see her face visibly become white. She looked like all the life was drained out of her. Worry set into my stomach as her face showed pure horror. "I-I-I can't." Multiple students started to whisper. "Shit!" I ran out the room hearing my name be called. I didn't care. I only wanted to help Sienna as I ran where she was.
Sienna's POV
"RELEASE!" I shouted. Some of the light blasted out of be forcefully. I could feel it leave my hands. All the clones immediately disappeared as Asui jumped and was blasted into the air form the force of the release. She was sent flying past the exit and laid on the floor. Ectoplasm was laying in the ground. I was standing there. Feeling my arms burn. I looked down to see my fore arms glowing a full bright white. I know my eyes are glowing but why don't they burn. "W-what. D-did I." I whispered to myself. I absorb too much light and it reached my eyes turning them white again. I released the light in my eyes. Not my hands. "Shit. Ow ow ow." I mumbled. My arms were burning. It hurt. I heard Aizawa say we passed and I could stop my quirk but I couldn't. I tried but nothing happened. I felt horror settle into me. "I-I-I can't." I whispered. I heard the mic drop and someone shout. "Don't worry young Kingsley! Aizawa is on his way to help you! YOUNG BAKUGO! GET BACK HERE!" I heard all might shout. Bakugo? No he can't come. I heard a blast come from behind me. I turned to see Bakugo standing there. He took of his gauntlets and placed them on the side. He rushed to me but I backed away. He stopped and stared. I could tell worry was in his eyes. "No. Stop." He shook his head and ran toward me again, I backed away. He grabbed my arm but instantly pulled away from the burning sound.
Bakugo's POV
When I saw Sienna standing there, I ran towards her but she told me to stop. Her eyes held fear. I shook it off and ran towards her again. She backed away but I grabbed her arm. Feeling a burning sensation instantly I pulled away. Her hands and forearms were still glowing brightly. I looked down at my hand and saw it was red and slightly burned. "YOUNG BAKUGO! STEP AWAY FROM YOUNG KINGSLEY! SHE HAD ABSORBED TO MUCH LIGHT! SHE IS LIKE A BRIGHT HOT LIGHTBULB' YOU CAN NOT TOUCH HER!" All mights voice rang through the area. I just stared at Sienna's eyes. Her glowing white eyes dulling down to the normal blue as tears started to fill them. I felt my heart breaking watching her. Not being able to do anything. She fell to her knees. She couldn't hold her face without burning it. Her arms laid limp on the floor. She looked helpless. I ran to her. Falling and pulling her into me. She lifted her arms pushing away. I could feel the hot burning sensation of her hands but I didn't care. I held her tighter as she stopped pushing and grabbed me.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her

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I wrapped my arms tightly around her. Holding the back of her head as she cried over my shoulder. Feeling burning as she clutched at my skin. I hissed under my breath pulling her even closer to me. Not wanting to let her go. "I'm sorry. I-I know I-I'm hurting y-you." She stuttered. "It's fine. I don't care. I'm here. It's ok. It's ok teddybear." I whispered as she cried more. Soon I saw Aizawa appear behind her. His eyes glowed as he stopped Sienna's quirk. She instantly fell silent. Her sobs no more. Her heart beat matching mine. Beating soft and calmly. Her hands no longer burning my skin. Still clutching to me as I held her tight. Feeling a few tears slip from my eyes as I quickly wiped them away.

 Feeling a few tears slip from my eyes as I quickly wiped them away

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"Both of you need to go to see Recover girl. Bakugo. That was reckless what you did. But I understand why you did it. Go get looked at kid." I stood up. My hair falling over my eyes as I picked up Sienna's resting body. I looked at her arms. They were severely burned. I held her close to my chest. I made it to recovery girls office. "Oh dear god what happened! Those damn teachers push you kids to far." I sat Sienna on the bed as recover girl kissed my forehead. Making all the burned hand arms and scratches from Sienna go away immediately. She then kissed Sienna's fore arms causing them to heal the burned and scared skin. She wrapped them up in bandages. "Ok. Now run along. You can come see her after your done with your own exam." She shooed me off. I frowned. Walked up to Sienna. Placing a kiss on her forehead before walking out the door.

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