Chapter 11

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Sienna's POV
I wake up to the sound of light clicking. I open my eyes to see Katsuki sitting on the ground next to the bed. He had on grey shorts and a black t-shirt. A white towel draped around his neck. He was leaning his head on his arm while it rested on a pillow. He was typing on his phone. I smiled as I sat up and stretched. "Good morning teddy bear." Katsuki got up and crawled towards me. Laying in between my legs. Wrapping his arms around my waist. Laying his head in my lap. I giggled and played with his hair. "Good morning Suki. We got school. Come on." I tried to move but he only held tighter. "Hmmm just a minuet. Let's stay here for one minuet." "No. Come on we are going to be late." I slide from under is grasps and pulled him to his feet. He groaned. "I gotta take a shower." I let go of his hand and started to walk towards the bathroom. He followed me. "What are you doing katsuki?" I asked as I started the shower. He undressed himself. "Well I did just work out this morning. I wanna shower too." He climbed into the shower. I rolled my eyes and joined him. Standing in front of him we showered. He helped me wash my hair and I did his even though it was a bit hard. He had to lean down a bit because I was shorter than him. Once we finished, I wrapped my towel around me and walked back into his room. I put on my uniform. Putting black sheer leggings underneath my skirt and small brown boots. I tucked in my shirt nearly into my skirt. I decided to leave my hair down. I grabbed my bookbag and glanced back at katsuki. He had finished putting on his tie. He grabbed my hand and lead me downstairs. His mom and dad sitting at the table. We sat down on the same side and ate the breakfast. "Well. When do you think you guys are going to start looking for apartments?" Masaru asked. "Umm. I'm not sure. We can start looking in the summer?" I looked to katsuki who just grunted as he finished his food. "SIENNA DEAR YOU SPOKE!" Mitsuki stood up. I don't think Masaru realized it when it happened. He looked at his wife confused and then me. His eyes suddenly widened. "Oh my goodness. You did!" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as Katsuki grabbed my plate and placed it in the sink. "She could always speak dumbasses. She just chose not to. Let's go Sienna." Katsuki grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. "THANK YOU FOR BREAKFAST! HAVE A GOOD DAY!" I shouted before the door slammed shut.

"You know. You didn't have to be rude." I crossed my arms and glared at Bakugou. He just rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. Interlacing our fingers as we walking towards U.A. "You know. I'm really glad you decided to start speaking." I smiled and walked closer to Bakugou. He gave my hand a squeeze. "I'm glad I did too." We walking in comfortable silence. As we walking the halls of U.A. Stopping in front of the door. "Are you going to speak while in class." I looked up and saw bakugou staring at the door. "Yes. I will." He sighed and opened the door. Most of the class was already in there talking. Bakugo led me inside. Squeezing my hand slightly. "Good morning love birds!" Sero teased as he walked towards us. "Good morning." I spoke to him. He instantly froze. Shock covering his face. "HEY! BAKUGO, SIENNA!" Kirishima made is way to us. Resting a arm on Sero's shoulder. "Hey Kirishima." Kirishima's face instantly when to confusion. "SIENNA BABY!" Kaminari came over along with Mina. "SHE ISN'T YOUR BABY!" Bakugo shouted. Putting a arm around my waist pulling me close to him. I only laughed. "It's ok suki." I patted his chest. He only rolled his eyes and held me tighter. "YOU CAN SPEAK!" Kaminari yelled. The whole class turned to us and went quiet. Some whispered while others looked like they had just scene a ghost. "Everyone to your seats." Aizawa broke the awkwardness as he stood behind us causing me to jump a little. Everyone rushed to their seats. Bakugo just rolled his eyes and walked to his seat. "May I say something?" Aizawa seemed shocked but soon went to his tired face. "Sure go ahead. Don't take to long." He climbed into his sleeping bag and laid on the floor.
Bakugo's POV
Sienna walked to the front of the class. She locked eyes with me. Her eyes looking in mine for reassurance. I only smiled nodding slightly. She looked as though she took a deep breath. "Good morning everyone. I know this may come as a shock to some of you, but I have decided to speak from now on. I hope everyone is ok and comfortable with that. Please don't ask why because I will not be giving you a answer. Thank you for listening." She bowed and walked to her desk next to me. Aizawa rose from his slumber and stood in front of the class. "She is even hotter when she speaks." Mineta whispered to Kaminari. "I know right. Her voice is so smooth and sexy." "DO YOU BOTH WANT TO DIE!" I started explosions from my hands. Both cowered into quietness. "Enough bakugo. Moving on. Many of you have impressed the pro hero's and most of you have gotten internships. Here is a total of those internships and the names of everyone who got them." Aizawa pointed to the board as our names popped up. Todoroki was first with 3,569. I was second with 2,876. Sienna was third with 1,342 and so on. "Wow. The results are firstly different from the outcomes of the sports festival." Dunce face said. "Yea. As you know these internships will give you a chance to work along side pro hero's." Aizawa passed the people with internships stacks of paper. "I've given you all a physical list of your internships. From highest to lowest ranking hero's as well as a sheet to which hero you will be interning with. You have 2 days to decide. Now on with- "HERO NAMES!" Midnight bursted into the door. Cutting Aizawa off. "I was going to introduce you." Aizawa said in his usual monotone. "Greetings students! I am here to hell you create hero names! While in your internships. When out in public. You will need to be addressed by those hero names. Be aware that these hero names you pick now! Could stick with you forever. Use these whiteboards and take a minuet to think of your hero names. Once you are ready. You will come up and show it to the class." Midnight handed us whiteboards and sat on the desk. Filing her nails as the whole class whispered and chattered trying to figure out hero names.

I looked over to Sienna who was already writing something down. "I'm done!" She stood up and walked to the front. "Already? Are you sure you don't need more time?" Midnight questioned her. She shook her head and turned her board around. "Nightlight." "Oh wow! I love it! It compliments your quirk. Good job." She smiled and walked back to her seat. I began thinking of multiple names. Pinky went up. "ALIEN QUEEN!" "Umm that's a little weird. Try again." Midnight shut down her idea. The frog girl walked up. "The rainy season hero: Froppy." "Awww it's soo cute. Yes!" As she sat down. Dunce face walked up. "Chargebolt!" "I like it. Goes off from your quirk!" Kaminari blushed as the purple idiot walked up. "Grape Juice!" "Embrace your inner grape!" Midnight commented. "PINKY!" "I LOVE IT!" She shouted at mina's name. "Uravity." "That's adorable." "RED RIOT!" Shittyhair said. "Ahh paying respect to the hero Crimson Riot!" He nodded and sat back down. "Shoto." "Just your name?" Icey hot nodded and sat down. "Tenya." "Your name as well huh?" He nodded and continued to sit down. "KING EXPLOSION MURDER!" I shouted. Everyone laughed. I say Sienna giggle. "Umm. That's a little violent. Try again." I sat back down and wrote another one down. A few of us were left. I walked back up. "EXPLOSION MURDER!" "That's the same thing without the king. No." I stomped back to my seat. Sitting down roughly sighing. Sienna made her way to me. Leaning over to look at me. "Do you need help?" I grabbed her waist and sat her on my lap. Leaning over her side looking at what she wrote down. "How about Ground Zero." I looked at her confused. "Well. Your quirk isn't made for air combat so I'm guessing you will be more on the ground doing combat." She smiled at me and placed a kiss on my forehead. She stood up and went back to her seat. Motioning me to go to the front. "Ground Zero." "THATS SO MUCH BETTER! TURNS ME ON JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!" I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat. The only person left was that damn Deku. "Deku? Dude that's gonna be your hero name." Kirishima commented. "Someone changed the meaning of that word for me. Deku will now be the name of a hero!" I felt a sudden rage come to me. I hate that damn nerd.

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