Chapter 48

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Bakugo's POV
"Oi dumbass get up! We gotta go." I shoved Sienna out of bed as she groaned. "OUCH! HEY WHAT THE HELL IM SORE!" I smirked and went to change into my school uniform. "Take a shower you stink." I told her before shutting the door. I heard her scream in irritation as I chuckled to myself and walked downstairs to the lobby. About 25 minuets later Sienna came downstairs with her uniform on and her hair straight.

"Well good morning sleepyhead

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"Well good morning sleepyhead." I teased and tried to kiss her but she shoved my face away with her hand. "OI WHAT THE- "morning Sienna! Bakubro!" Shittyhair and dunce face came down. Grabbing the cereal and bowls on the table and fixing their breakfast. "So how was last night?" Shittyhair winked at us. Sienna's face instantly flushed pink as I turned white from anger. "SHUTYOUR FUCKINGMOUTHYOUKNOWNOTHINGDAMNITILLKILLYOUYOUSONOFABITCHDONOTSAYADAMNWORDORILL- "whoa whoa Bakubro chill. I was just joking but the way you reacted seems like something happened." He nudged my shoulder as I growled and placed my head in my hand. Sienna shook her head in disappointment. "Dumbass." She mumbled. "WHO YOU CALLING DUMBASS DUMBASS!" I shouted. "YOU DUMBASS! IM CLEARLY CALLING YOU A DUMBASS!" She yelled back. "Tch." I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "Wow what happened between ya'll?" Dunce face asked. "This bitch here pushed me out of the bed and said I stink." Sienna pouted. "Whoa! That wasn't very manly Bakubro!" Shittyhair commented. "I WAS PLAYING ABOUT THE STINKY PART YOU ALWAYS SMELL LIKE FUCKING VANILLA WHEN YOU WAKE UP DAMNIT! YOUR ASS NEEDED TO GET OUT OF BED ANYWAY!" Sienna rolled her eyes.
Time Skip
We were currently getting out of the bus. Sienna grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers. We were standing around admiring the building. "Oh Aizawa hey!" A lady with green hair walked up to our teacher. I could physically and mentally hear him sigh. "Hello Ms.Joke." She laughed. "Awww still see your as handsome as ever! Marry me!" She smiled. "No." Our teacher deadpanned. She only laughed. "Oh these are my students from ketsubutsu Academy!" A couple of students wearing grey shirts started walking up.

"OH LOOK ITS THE FAMOUS CLASS 1-A!" A girl that looks like a fish spoke

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"OH LOOK ITS THE FAMOUS CLASS 1-A!" A girl that looks like a fish spoke. "Oh wow it is so great to finally meet you!" A guy with brown bed hair spoke. "Uhh who are you?" Dunce face asked. "Yo Shindo nice to finally see you guys in person! You guys have been through so much! It must be hard!"

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