Chapter 10

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Sienna's POV
"I guess it's time to tell you about my past." I took a deep breath as Bakugou rested his face in my chest. I was playing with his hair. "I used to have a twin sister." Bakugou lifted his head and looked at me confused. "Yea. We were together since we were 6. Thats when. When she died." I took another deep breath. "Her name was Sierra. She looked exactly like me except her eyes were red like my fathers. Her quirk was Blood moon. My mother can extract light from the moon while my father can use light to heal people. Sometimes the light will turn red. My sister could use someone's blood one they bleed and turn it into a red light. The light could be used to heal or cause damage. My father married my mother just for the combination of their quirks. A quirk marriage. Me and my sister were trained at a young age. 4. Our father was relentless. He. He never cared if we got hurt. He would just use his quirk to heal us and continue to make us train. Hard. One day. Sierra. She said she didn't want to become a hero. She didn't want to be a pawn in my father and mother's game. She hated it. She stuck up for me during training when father was being to rough. When he. Hit and abused me. Sometimes he would heal me but if he doesn't heal someone all the way, there is a burning sensation. It hurts worse when the injury is bad. He used to do that a lot to me. I wasn't as strong as my sister. But one day she just stopped training. Avoided father. She would give excuses. Saying she couldn't train. Or she didn't feel good. When she got into the argument with my father. He was sick of her shit. So one day in training. She was training hard. I blasted a ball of light towards her chest. She screamed in pain. My father made me aim at her. The light hit her heart. She was bleeding and her breathing was becoming slower. I was scared. Scared that I might have killed my sister. But no. I didn't kill her. He did. He walked over to her and caused the pain to burn. He made it worse. Burning her heart from the inside until she took her last breath. And the fact is. I watched. I watched and did nothing. I couldn't. I didn't even cry actually. I just shook in fear. After that. I never have disobeyed my father. Never once talked back to him." I paused my story and looked down at Bakugou. He had guilt in his eyes. Like he wish he could do something. I sighed and continued.

The night I told my father I didn't want to become a hero. He beat me. Nearly killed me. He forced me into U.A. Making me follow his rules. I was just happy you wanted to go to U.A as well. Anywho. When we had dinner that night and I said I didn't want to do the sports festival. I could see the rage in his eyes. That's why I rushed you out. I was scared he might have done something in front of you. So when you left. I was relieved. He beat me. And made me train for two weeks. No contact with anyone. Even you. The sports festival. When he say I didn't do good in the first event on purpose. He was angry. He. He threatened to hurt you. To do you like he did my sister. I. I didn't want that. I. I didn't want anything to happen to you. That's why I got us first place in the Second event. After my match with Todoroki. I didn't go to recovery girl. My father appeared again. He healed me but made it burn. That's why I didn't have much strength. He said. That if I didn't win first place. Then your as good as dead. So. I risked everything. Even loosing control just to keep you safe. I. I love you Bakugou. I love you so fucking much."
Bakugou's POV
As I listened to Sienna talk about my past. I felt my heart break. This girl. The girl I would risk everything for. Had gone through all this alone until the age of 6. When she met me. Damnit. Why wouldn't I have been there for her sooner. "So. I risked everything. Even loosing control just to keep you safe. I. I love you Bakugou. I love you so fucking much." She was balling her eyes out at this point. I pulled her close. Holding onto her tightly. I felt my eyes swell up with tears. "Damnit. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I muttered. "W-why are you sorry?" She pulled away and was shocked to see tears down my face. "BECAUSE I-I WASN'T THERE FOR YOU! IF ONLY I MET YOU SOONER. I-IF ONLY I FOUND YOU BEFORE SCHOOL. I-IF- "it's ok. It's not your fault. You have no reason to be sorry. You have me now. You. You saved me now. That's all that matters." She cut me off. Talking in now a soothing voice. I pulled her to me and crashed my lips onto hers. Tears still streaming down our faces. Tasting the saltiness of them. The kiss was passionate. Needing. Loving. I pulled way and hugged her tightly. Pulling her down on the bed. Hugging her as she laid on top of me. Resting her head on my chest. "I'll never leave you. I promise." I whispered in her. I could feel her smile as I rubbed her back. "I love you Katsuki." "Tch. I love you to dumbass." I smiled. We stayed like that until both of us drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.

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