Chapter 23

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I'll tell you when to watch video
Bakugo's POV
We all sat down in this large booth. I let Sienna in first before sliding next to her. Placing my arm on the booth behind us leaning back. Mina got us pizza and drinks. Sienna had a cherry coke while mine was a regular one. I took her drink and took a sip. "Hey! You could have asked ya know." She poked my cheek. I rolled my eyes and gave her mines. "Whoa! Your gonna keep it?" "Tch. Yea. I like yours better than mine anyway." She sighed and giggled before taking a sip. We all soon finished and went back to playing games. Kirishima pulled me away yet again to go place this boxing game with him. Kaminari and Mina followed.
Sienna's POV
"Hey Kingsley! Wanna go play Mario carts with me and Deku?" Momo asked. I glanced over at Todoroki seeing he was walking back to his bench. "Uhh maybe later." She nodded and walked off. I rushed over to Todoroki and grabbed his arm. Dragging him to a dancing game.
Todoroki's POV
I was about to sit down on the bench I was at before until I felt someone grab my arm and drag me towards a dancing game. "Hey Sienna? W-what are we doing here?" She got on the game and swiped her card. Entering 2 player mode. "Come on! It will be fun."
I shook my head. "I can't dance." She only laughed and pulled my arm. Making me step onto the game. "It's ok. I can't either. Just follow the moves on the screen. Here put this on." She handed me a bracelet. I put it on and nodded as the song started to play.
Play song and watch video. That's how Sienna and Todoroki danced
As the song finished I took the bracelet off. Sienna turned to me and smiled. "Did you have fun? You did good! Look." She pointed to the screen. Showing my character had a higher score than hers. "Yes it was very fun! I really liked it." I gave her a soft smile as her face flushed a slight pink. "Haha I'm glad you did. Come on! Let's go do something else!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to another game. This game was a simulation game. It was a yellow ball with a screen and two seats. "Come on!" She climbed in. I climbed in after and closed the door. Making sure it was fully closed. It was dark inside. The only light we had was from the little screen at the bottom. We couldn't see the outside. She clicked a few buttons on the screen. "Let's do a roller coaster!" I nodded. The screen I instructed us to buckle up. Sienna and I did. I checked to make sure her's was safe. She only giggled and placed her hand on mine. "It's fine. I'm good." I nodded. She moved her hand and clicked another button. The ball it's self light up like a giant screen all around us. It looked like we were physically on a roller coaster. The sounds of the machine going up into the sky. Sienna's leg started to bounce. "Shit shit shit AHH FUCK!" She yelled and grabbed my hand squeezing it. I squeezed back seeing we were about to hit the big drop. It looked so real. The wind brushed past our ears as our chairs rattled. Sienna screamed as I shut my eyes closed. When the ride was over. I got out. I held my hand out so Sienna could crawl out. She stumbled a bit but caught herself.

"I'm good! Come on. Let's do something much less stressful." She shook herself and stood up straight. I chuckled a bit as she pulled me towards a giant crane machine. It held giant different kinds of plushy's. "Oooo come on let's try this!" She swiped her card as the game began. It showed a screen camera. Once she was over the one she wanted. She pushed the button. She was bouncing slightly. Excited I'm guessing. As the faint crane picked up the plushy. It started to move but then dropped. Her face was sad which made my heart ache. She turned around and shook her frown away. "That's ok. Come one lets- "wait! I haven't tried yet." She looked confused but sighed. "Ok then. Go ahead." She stepped to the side. I swiped my card and tried. I got the plushie. I held it for her. "For me? But you won it? It's your first one!" I placed it in her arms. It was about as big as her. "It's ok. I don't have a need for it anyway." She smiled and hugged me. Causing me to plush. I placed my hand on her back. She pulled away. "Thank you Shoto! Come on. There's so much more to do!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I couldn't help but smile at her.
Bakugo's POV
"Oi! Where's Sienna?" I walked up to tape who was in a racing game. "I don't know. Last time I checked her and Todoroki were heading towards the giant crane game." That Icey hot?! I walked over to the crane game. I peeked around the corner and saw them. Sienna was hugging that damn Icey hot while she held a giant plushie. I know damn well she didn't win that herself. She sucks at those games. She pouts and makes me win her each one. She pulled away and grabbed his hand. Dragging him away. I was about to follow them before Shittyhair pulled me away. My eyes still glued in the direction of where Sienna abs Icey hot went.
Time Skip (Todoroki's POV)
Me and Sienna have been playing games for hours. We found Mina and Midoriya along the way. We all played games together such as air hockey, motorcycle racing, and basketball. As we were walking back to the entrance were everyone was supposed to meet. I was talking with Sienna. "Hey Sienna?" She peeks over the side of her plushie she was hugging. "Thank you for today. I. I had fun. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. So thank you." Her cheeks flushed pink as she shook her head. "Oh no no thank you! I'm glad you had fun! We should do it again for do something else fun! Your really a great person to be around Shoto!" I felt my cheeks flush as I smiled. We met up with everyone else and walked outside the arcade. "Thank you again Sienna!" I hugged her. She hugged back and then pulled away. "No problem! Here is my number. Text me when you get home!" She grabbed my phone and typed her number in. "Will do! Have a good night." She nodded before walking to catch up with Bakugo.
Sienna's POV
I went to grab Bakugo's hand but he just moved it away. I tilted my head but just shook it off. "Hey did you have fun? I know Kirishima Proberly dragged you everywhere." I giggled at the thought.
Bakugo's POV
The walk home was silent for a bit. I noticed Sienna tried to grab my hand but I moved it away. She didn't question it as she began to speak. "Hey did you have fun? I know Kirishima Proberly dragged you everywhere." She giggled. I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands in my pockets. "It was fine I guess." I mumbled. She sighed. "Well I had fun! I was with Todoroki all day and- "did he win that for you?" I interrupted her. Slightly glancing at her she looked shocked and confused. "Uhh yea why? You know I'm not good at those games." She chuckled. I just rolled
My eyes and walked a bit faster. "Oh hey wait up!" She shouted
Time Skip (Sienna's POV)
We were now at the house. I was laying in bed. Texting Shoto goodnight seeing as though him and Momo arrived home safely. I put my phone down and laid on my back. Holding the giant plushie. Bakugo hasn't said a word since he asked if Shoto got me the plushie. Could he be jealous? He walked out of the bathroom with no shirt on and shorts. He got into bed and faced the other way. Turning off the lap next to his bed. I sighed and put the plushie on the floor. I changed into some boy short underwear and one of Bakugo's t-shirts and crawled into bed. I tapped his shoulder as he only grunted. "Hey! Baby. Are you upset with me?" He huffed. "Bakugo?" He didn't answer. I sighed and turned the other way.
Bakugo's POV
I got out the bathroom and crawled into my bed. Turning facing the bathroom door. Away from Sienna. I turned the lights off. I heard her sigh and get up. Changing herself. I could see her silhouette out of the corner of my eye taking her shirt off and putting on a bigger one. I heard her rustling around and crawling into bed. She tapped me on my shoulder and questioned me. I only huffed and didn't respond. I heard her sigh and turn the other way. "Tch damnit." I turned around and pulled her to me. My chest resting against her back. I pulled her close to me. Wrapping my arm around her waist as the other layer bent behind my head. Pulled her into me. I could here her giggle. "So are you ready to tell me why your all grumpy." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Her back continuing to face me. "It's because you we're hanging out with that damn Icey hot." I mumbled. She turned around. Wrapping her legs around my waist as my head rested in her breasts. I felt my face heat up at the sudden action. She was
Playing with my hair. "You know I love you right?" I sighed. "Mhm." She smacked my head lightly causing me to look up at her with wide eyes. "Then stop acting jealous dumbass. He looked lonely and out of
Place so I was just helping him. No need to get your underwear in a bunch." I rolled my eyes and placed my head back down. She giggled and lifted my head back up. She pulled me up a bit by my chin. Making me wiggle upwards to meet her face. "I love you boom
Boom boy." I rolled my eyes and kissed her on the lips. "Tch. I love you too dumbass." I whispered. I scooted back down and rested my head back in her breasts as she to play with my hair. "Why did you choose that ugly looking plushie anyway?" I grumbled. She only laughed. "Cause it reminds me of you dummy." I felt a irk mark appear on my head as she only laughed and kissed the top of my head. We fell into a deep sleep



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