Chapter 15

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Sienna's POV
We weekend went by fast. I had a great time with the girls. They really made me feel welcomed. They would all become great friends of mine. Some closer than others. We were all sitting in class waiting for Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Bakugo to come in as well as Aizawa himself. I already had me and Bakugo's hero suitcases placed on my desk. Our stuff was already shipped to Best Jeanist's agency.  My hair was back to normal. The usual clean white. "Are you excited for your internship?" Mina said. I turned my attention to her. "Yea! Best Jeanist is a really good hero!" She nodded in excitement! "Yea he is! Sucks though that I didn't get an internship. Oh well! Guess you will just have to tell me all about your when you come back!" I laughed and nodded my head. Soon the door opened as we saw Kaminari running towards me. He dipped behind me and grabbed my shoulders. Peeking over my side. "Quick Sienna help me!" He panicked. "Wha?" I was cut off by a roaring voice. "COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Bakugo stormed in with Kirishima and Sero holding him back. Explosions were coming from his hands. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I WAS JOKING!" As Bakugo ripped Kirishima's and Sero's grip away from his arms. He marched over to me about to lightly push my shoulders to move me aside but I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled tightly. Nuzzling my head into his chest. His explosions stopped as  he sighed and wrapped his arms over mine. Pressing his face on the top of my head. Kaminari sighed heavily as he snuck is was to the back were he sat next to mineta. "Dude. What did you even say?" Mineta asked. "I just commented on how the girls skirts were short and how Sienna's seemed a bit shorter." I felt Bakugo squeeze me tighter and place his hands on my ass. Letting them rest there. "Well. Your  not wrong. Sienna does have a nice a- before Mineta could finished. Kaminari placed a hand over his mouth and looked up at Bakugo. He was squeezing my ass with one hand as the other extended towards the grape boy. Heat starting to rise and could be seen. "Ahhh. He he didn't mean it Bakugo. Come on. W-we all know sienna is yours." Kaminari rubbed the back of his neck and moved slightly away from Mineta. "Y-yea dude. A-all y-yours." Mineta stutters. Bakugo groaned and rolled his eyes. He looked down at me. Slightly pushing my head away from his chest with his hand. "I missed you." I giggled. "It's only been a day." He placed a kiss on my lips. "A day to long." He whispered. Making my heart flutter and heat rush to my face.

"All right THATS enough. Everyone sit down. Those going to internships. The bus out front is waiting to take you to the train station. Mic and ectoplasm will be escorting you." Everyone that was doing a internship got up and made their way out the classroom and towards the bus. I got up and handed Bakugo his hero case. He grabbed it and mine. "Hey wait! I can carry my own." I went to grab mine but he stopped me by interlacing my fingers with his free hand. "I got it. I want you close to me." He mumbled. I blushed as we made our way to the bus. The bus ride was pretty much silent. Everyone was in their own world. We soon arrived at the train station. Everyone saying their goodbyes to each other before getting on their respective trains. About 15 minuets later. Me and Bakugo got off the train and made our way to Best Jeanist agency. It wasn't anything special. Just a plain white squared building with large windows. Genius was painted in blue letters at the bottom. Bakugo gave my hand a squeeze as I looked up at him. "You gonna be ok dumbass?" I rolled my eyes and pulled him along. Opening the door only to be greeted by Best Jeanist himself. "Aww. Well if it isn't U.A's power couple. Follow me please. I'll show you where you shall be staying." He started to
Walk off as I glanced over to Bakugo. He had his usual angered and annoyed face on. I chuckled and we followed. He opened the door to what looked like a small apartment. There was a small kitchen and living room. A door was next to the tv. He opened it and it showed a carpeted bedroom. One queen sized bed. Two closets and one rather large bathroom. It had two sinks, and a walk in shower. "Here. Put your stuff down and get some rest. Tomorrow. We are addressing your problems." He walked out. I placed my hero case on top of a rack in the closet and started to unpack my suitcase. Katsuki did the same. "Hey. I'm going to take my shower first ok?" I grabbed a towel and cloth from the bed and my clothes. Making my way to the bathroom. "Why don't we just shower together? Save water and shit?" I glanced over my shoulder to see him smirking. "Katsuki. No." He groaned and plopped on the bed. Crossing his arms. "Tch. Fine. Go ahead." I chuckled and went to take a shower.
Bakugo's POV
About 30 minuets later. I heard the shower water turn off. Sienna walked out with her hair dripping wet. She was wearing short black shorts and a white tank top. She walked over to her suitcase and looked through it as she was looks for something. She bent down and I got a clear view of her ass. I smirked but she soon squatted down. "I know your ass is smirking from the view. Go take a shower perv." She got a hair brush out and started to brush her white locks. I walked over to her and pulled her close to me by the waist. Leaning my face into her neck. Taking in her soft vanilla honey scent. I bit down on her neck causing her to wince and gasp. "It's not being Pervy if your mine and you enjoy it." I mumbled on her neck. I pulled away and grabbed my stuff. Going to take my own shower. About 30
Minuets later. I walked out with the towel around my neck. My hair dripping. I wore boxers and no shirt. It's too hot for that shit. I walked into the room and saw it was dark. I looked to the bed and say Sienna curled up on her side hugging a pillow. I chuckled at her poor attempt of comfort. I dried my hair the best I could and placed my towel In my closet. I walked over to my side of the bed and pulled the cover back. I saw Sienna's body flinch at the sudden breeze. I climbed into bed pulling the covers back on us. I laid on my side and pulled Sienna into me. My chest resting against her back. I pushed the pillow away from her gasps and into the floor. I replaced it with my hand as she interlaced our fingers and pulled my arm close to her chest. I wrapped my free arm around. Her waist. Resting my head above hers on the pillows. "Goodnight Katsuki." She mumbled. I felt heat rush to my face as I looked down and smiled. "Good night teddy bear." I kissed the top of her head as she pulled me in tighter. Letting sleep consume me.

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