Chapter 43

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Bakugo's POV
It was finally fucking Friday. Aizawa was talking about taking the licensing exams soon. It would be in two weeks. So we had two weeks to work on our special
moves and enhance our quirks. I was out with Shittyhair, dunce face and tape boi. Pinky was keeping Sienna busy since they haven't talked in a while. We were all walking around the mall as dunce face gawked at some girls. "Here! This store should work." Shittyhair spoke. We walked into the store. Seeing the clear glass filled with diamond jewelry. "Oi! Does it look like I'm made of fucking money?" I slapped shittyhairs head as he rolled his eyes. "Calm down. It isn't that much." I rolled my eyes and walked up to the counter. "Hello how can I help you?" A older lady with pale green hair came up to the counter with a warm smile. "Yea uh...I need a promise ring." I looked away looking around the room trying not to show my blush. The old women smiled as she pulled out a bunch of them. "Well what kind are you looking for?" I looked at them. Confused. I turned around to see Shittyhair, tape boi and dunce face talking to a group of girls. I rolled my eyes and turned around. Scratching my head. "I...uhhh. Fuck." "I'm sorry. I don't know what the hell im doing. It's the first time I ever...bought something like this." I mumbled. The old lady smiled at me and laughed. "Well. Tell me what she is like." I looked at her and sighed. "Well. She is beautiful. No. She is gorgeous. The most gorgeous girl you will ever see. Her smile is bright. It warms my heart. She Uhh...she is always there for me. Even when I don't deserve it. She is kind. Loving. Passionate, but also determined and strong." I looked to see the old lady tearing up as I looked away and covered my face. "Oi old women don't look at me like that!" I tried to cover my blush as the lady chucked. Putting everything away. She went to the back. Bring back a small dark blue box. "Here." She opened the box. I smiled and looked down at them. "Perfect. How mu- "it's on the house." I looked to her confused as she placed the box in a small white bag. "What? No there's no need for that." She pushed the bag to me smiling. "It's ok. I can tell you really love this girl. Just. Promise me you will bring her by here. I would love to meet her." My face turned pink as I took the bag. "Tch. Fine. And...thank you." I mumbled. She nodded as I walked out. "OI DUMBASSES IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I shouted causing their little group to jump. "Ahh Bakugo!" Tape boy said rubbing the back of his neck. "L-listen it wasn't my fault." Dunce face said. "Run." Shittyhair spoke. All three of them ran away from the girls as I ran after them.
What an annoying headache bunch...
Time Skip to Sunday!
It was finally Sunday. I texted Sienna to wear something nice. She just texted me ok. She asked if she needed to bring anything and I said no. I was waiting nervously downstairs in the lobby. Shittyhair told everyone to go to their rooms so it was just me down there. Along with Shittyhair, dunce face, tape boy, and pinky hiding behind the kitchen counter. I wore a tan sweater with a white shirt underneath. Black pants with a white stripe on the side with black and white shoes.

 Black pants with a white stripe on the side with black and white shoes

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Apparently pinky helped Sienna with her outfit. I heard the elevator ding. I looked over and felt my face heat up. I saw Sienna. She was wearing a small baby pink top with a white skater skirt. She had a triangle necklace on. White flats on. A sheer floral light cardigan. Her hair was curly. *like in the picture*

I glanced over at pinky who was giving a two thumbs up as I looked away and covered my red face

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I glanced over at pinky who was giving a two thumbs up as I looked away and covered my red face. "Bakugo?" She tapped my shoulder. I turned around still having a hand over my red face as she smiled and giggled. "Do I not look ok? I think Mina went a bit- "NO!" I shouted causing her eyes to widened. " look perfect. You always do." I mumbled as she sighed. I took her hand and walked out the building. I glanced at Shittyhair who nodded. "Hopefully all went according to plan."

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