Chapter 16

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Sienna's POV
I woke up about 30 minuets before my alarm. "Damnit. There goes my 30 minuets of sleep." I sat up gently. Trying to not wake Bakugo who was sleeping peacefully. I slid out of bed and began to get ready. Putting on my hero suit and brushing my slightly tangled hair. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Hearing the alarm go off. I walked out the bedroom and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge as it was fully stocked. "Great! No need to go to the grocery store." I pulled out some eggs, bacon and bread. I popped two pieces of bread in the toaster and made the eggs and bacon. About 15 minuets later they were done and I placed them on two plates and set them on the bars counter. Seeing as thought there was no actual table. Only a bar connected to the sink with two stools. I fixed two cups of orange juice. I glanced at the time noticing why Katsuki wasn't up. I walked into the room and opened the door. Seeing a still sleeping Katsuki on the bed. I sighed and walked over to him. Poking his cheek. "Baby. Get up!." He groaned and grabbed me. Pulling me down on top of him. Hugging me tightly. I placed my hands on his chest trying to push away. "BAKUGO LET GO!" He mumbled something and grunted. His face scrunched up into a frown. "KATSUKI BAKUGO! GET YOUR ASS UP NOW AND LET ME GO!" His face frowned more as he loosened his grip on me as I slid off of him. Brushing myself off he sat up rubbing his eyes with a frown. "There. Now was that so hard?" I pulled his cheek. "OW DUMBASS THAT HURT!" He slapped my hand away and rubbed his cheek. I only laughed and move his hand. Placing a kiss on his cheek. "Your so dramatic. Hurry up and get ready. Your breakfast will get cold." I walked out of the bedroom. Hearing a loud groan from bakugo as he got up. I smiled and sat down at the bar and began eating.
Bakugo's POV
I finished putting on my hero suit. I walked out of the bedroom to see Sienna finished eating and washing her dish. I walked to the stool and sat down. Beginning to eat. "So you didn't wait for me?" I questioned. I glanced up to see her roll her eyes. "You were taking forever and I was hungry. Hurry up. We have to be at best Jeanist's office at 9:30. Its already 9:15. I rolled my eyes and swallowed my food. I handed Sienna my dish as she gladly took it to wash. After washing and drying the dishes. I grabbed her hand and we made our way out of the small apartment. Walking to the elevator. Stepping in I clicked the button that said Top office. "This has to be it. If not that he is a complete dumbass." "Katsuki be nice." Sienna squeezed my hand as I rolled my eyes. Soon we got off the elevator and walked down a hall way until we saw two large double doors. I pushed them open as Sienna walked in first. Me following next to her. Best Jeanist was standing in front of his desk. Some of his employees standing on either side of the room. "All of them are wearing jeans?" I thought to myself.  "I see you found both found the office ok? That's just great." Was this guy being sarcastic? "Yes sir. Thank you for having us as your interns." Sienna bowed as she pulled my arm making me bow as well. "Yea. Thanks." Jeanist waved his hand. "Yea yea no big deal. I liked how you guys were at the sports festival. Hearing that U.A had a couple. I knew it had to be you two. You both have amazing quirks that will definitely help you become pro hero's in the future, but there are many flaws to both of you." I felt my face frown as he said the word flaw. Who does he think he is. "What flaws are you referring to sir?" Sienna question. She was just as confused as I was. "Well first. Darling. Your very beautiful. Defiantly a eye catcher, but when standing next to him. *Jeanist points to Bakugo* I can obviously tell you guys just don't match." "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?" I shouted getting defensive. Sienna only squeezed my hand and smiled. I huffed and frowned at the pro hero.

"Pfft. Before I was rudely interrupted. That is what I mean. Bakugo. You were chained up and muzzled just to get your medal on you. That was down right awful to see and embarrassing. No future hero or U.A student should act like that. Now I'll admit. U.A should have choose better means. Kingsley. You were calm and collected. Helping your lover and calming him down instantly, but your personalities are totally different. They obviously reflect that within your costumes as well." "Our costumes? What's the matter with our costumes?" Sienna looked down at hers and then mine. "Honey. Yours is white and gold. Signifying calmness and bright light. His compliments his quirk but is rather loud and out there. We are going to change that." "Your gonna change my costume?" I grumbled but he only shook his head. "No. We are going to work on your manners and we are going to change her costume to compliment yours. So both of you look like an actual couple. Now. Percy. Take Sienna to the hero's costume room. Someone there will help change the design. Don't worry. U.A sent off all the paperwork about each of yours. Bakugo. You will stay here and we will tame you." "LIKE HE- before I could finish. Sienna hugged my side. I sighed and looked down at her. She looked up. Her face full of positivity and happiness. "It's ok! That's what we are here for. To learn and grow together. I'll be back. I promise." She placed a kiss on my cheek before walking away with a man with a pink shirt and jeans. "Now. Let's start with that wild hair." "WHAT! HELL NO! NO ONE TOUCHES MY HAIR!"

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