Chapter 6

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Bakugou's POV
It's been a week since I last saw Sienna in school. Her school work is being done though. Her butler comes in the morning to pick it up and comes back right before class ends with all the sheets done. I tried coming to her house multiple times but they denied me access and said Sienna wasn't home. I knew it was a lie. She didn't even text or call me. I was seriously getting worried about her. My mom tried to reassure me but it didn't work. Kirishima did as well but I didn't pay attention. I even tried talking to her butler when he came to collect her work. He would just say, "I can not discuss about Ms. Kingsley's conditions. She is fine." He tried his best to reassure me but I couldn't help but be scared for my girlfriend. I wasn't myself either. I was more angry and annoyed with each and every person in that damn class. "Hey Bakugou are you ok?" Mina asked me. I realized the whole class had left. Damnit. I was lost in thought and didn't pay attention to the lesson. Again. "It's ok. I made a extra copy of the notes for you." She handed them to me. "Thank you." I said under my breath as I grabbed her notes and started packing my bag. "Hey man are you gonna be ok?" I stood up and turned to see a worried Kirishima. "Yea dude. She is proberly just sick or something." Kaminari commented. "SHE ISN'T SICK DAMNIT!" I yelled. They all had that same pitiful look on their faces. "Tch. Sienna doesn't get sick. Her immune system is too strong for that shit. Just leave me alone." I said as I made my way out the classroom. Before I could fully exit I felt a hand pull on my arm. "Bakugou please." Mina said. I yanked my arm away from her. "All of you just fuck off will ya." I walked out not caring about their faces.
Time Skip
I was sitting at my desk doing my homework when I heard my doorbell ring. I got up and walked downstairs towards the door. My parents weren't home. As I opened it, it revealed a small girl with white hair and blue eyes. "Sienna?" She was there. In front of me. With a overly sized hoodie. Her hood hid her face. Before I could invite her in she walked inside and straight towards my room. I quickly closed the door and locked it before rushing to my room. She was sitting at the bottom of the bed  on the edge. Her legs dangling. Her eyes glued to her lap. I walked over to her and lifted her head. She had a eyepatch covering one of her blue eyes. Her hair was in two pony tails on either side of her head. She had on a oversized pink hoodie with a small ruffle at the bottom. She looked at me. Her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow. "Sienna. What happened." Before I could get a answer she pulled me by my shirt collar into a kiss. Her lips meeting mine. As she bit my bottom lip asking for access to my mouth, I mumbled a few words. "Sie-Sienna wha- before I could finish her tongue was exploring my mouth. She pushed herself back onto the bed a sitting in the middle as she pulled me with her. She flipped me over and now straddled me as she kissed and sucked on my neck. "Sie-Sienna s-stop." She continued. She took of her hoodie revealing her white laced underwear and matching bra. My eyes widened as she gave a small smile and continued. "SIENNA STOP!" I yelled as I pushed her off of me. She sat on top of me confused. I sat up. She still straddled me. "Sienna what the fuck is wrong with you?" She ignored me and tried to kiss me again. I grabbed her wrists roughly. "Sienna. Please." I whispered. I was desperate to know what was wrong with her. Where she had been. She looked down. Her eyes not daring to meet mine. She got off from over top of me and grabbed her hoodie and put it back on. As she walked towards the door I quickly got up and pinned her to the door. Her arms on both sides of her head. "You are not going to just come in here after a whole week of disappearing and leave without answering any of my damn questions. Baby please. Tell me what's wrong. I've been worried about you." She could tell I was pleading. She still looked down at the ground. As I lifted her chin up with my hand I saw tears running down her face. She looked devastated. As I tried to hug her she pushed me away. We looked into each others eyes. All the pain she was going through was hidden. She gave me a small smile before I was blinded by a bright flash of light. As the light faded I looked to see Sienna was gone.

My hands were placed flat onto the door. I was hovering over air. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "DAMNIT!" I yelled. Slamming my fist into the wall next to it causing it to explode and make a hole. I walked towards my bed and laid on my back. My hands behind my head looking up at the ceiling. "Maybe I should have given her what she wanted. Maybe then she would have talked." I thought. Multiple thoughts were running through my head. Sienna didn't even know what happened at the USJ. She missed the trip. The sports festival was just next week. I really hope I can see her before then.

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