Chapter 46 (Halloween Special)

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Bakugo's POV
It was currently the weekend before our licensing exams. It was Saturday. Halloween. Me and Sienna were currently in a spirit store shop looking for a costume for tonight's Halloween party at U.A. "Oi Sienna come on! I hate this store." I shoved my hands in my pockets. Trying not to pay attention to the giant things moving. She was grabbing our matching costumes. "I'm almost done. Just gotta get one more thing!" She ran off. "OI SIENNA WAIT!" I chased after her but lost her. "Tch damnit. She knows I hate fucking stores like this." I mumbled stalking around. I accidentally stepped on a button for one of the damn things and that shit jumped at me causing me to jump and back up. Into a another one. Causing me to jump again. "FUCK THIS SIENNA DAMNIT!" I ran. Each one jumping. "AHK FUCK!" I tripped and fell. Rubbing my head. I sighed and stood up. Readying my quirk. "The next shit that jumps at me and scares me is gonna get burned." I squatted a bit and cautiously walked around. Turning the corner all I saw was a clown mask and I screamed.

Blasting it in the face as it's body fell back with a thud

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Blasting it in the face as it's body fell back with a thud. I realized what the so called, "clown was wearing" blue ripped jeans and a fitting black t-shirt crop top. The clown had white hair. "Shit Sienna." I mumbled as I crouched next to her poking her face. "Hey... hey dead?"
Sienna's POV
I ran through the store to hide from Bakugo. I knew he hated stores like this. He may act tuff but that bitch is scared of everything. I grabbed a clown mask off the wall and put it on. Creeping behind a corner. "The next shit that jumps at me and scares me is gonna get burned." "Pfft yea right." I scoffed. I crouched down. Hearing his footsteps approach. "AHHHHH!" I jumped out and scared the pure shit outta him. He screamed like a girl and blasted my face. I fell back with a thud laying there. "Shit Sienna." He mumbled as I felt him crouch next to me. He started to poke my face. "Hey....hey dead?" He asked. I scoffed and blasted a flash of light at his face as he groaned and rubbed his eyes. I took the clown mask off and rubbed my face. "Ow you son of a bitch." I punched his arm. "Hey I'm sorry! I know your dumbass heard me when I said the next thing to scare me would get blasted." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't take you seriously. You really blasted me." I pouted. I heard him sigh and stand up. Extending his hands towards me. "Come here." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms around my chest. "Hmmf." I turned my face away from him. I soon felt my self being lifted up. "I said come here." He demanded and hugged me close. Looking over my face checking if it was alright. He placed a kiss where the blast impacted. "There all better." I blushed and pouted, but soon that turned into a shit eating grin as I busted out laughing. Remembering he screamed a high pitch scream. "Oh a...girl...hahaha." I held my stomach as he scoffed and rolled his eyes. Turning his head to cover his blush. "It's only cause you caught be off guard." I got my composure and waved him off. "Yea yea whatever you say." We paid for our costumes and went back to his house to get ready.
Time Skip
"HOLD STILL DAMNIT!" I shouted as I finished painting his nails black. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" He shouted as he looked at his hands in horror. "It matches your costume shut up. Now sit still so I can change into mine since you wanted to take forever and I had to help your hopeless ass." I teased as I started to change into mine. "WHO YOU CALLING HOPELESS DUMBASS!" "KATSUKI STOP CALLING THE CARRIER OF MY FUTURE GRANDCHILDREN A DUMBASS BEFORE I COME UP THERE AND WHOOP YOUR ASS!" His mother yelled. "OI SHUT UP OLD HAG AND MIND YOUR BUSINESS!" He shouted back. I only laughed as I finished getting ready.
"Here does this look good?"
Bakugo's POV
I watched Sienna finish getting ready. "Here does this look good?" She stood there in a white and dark blue maid like dress with white ears and a tail. Her hair was down. She had a blue bow on the top of her head.

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