Chapter 9

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Bakugou's POV
It was finally time. Time for the final round. I'm not nervous no. I'm worried. Worried for Sienna. She wasn't herself this whole festival. She wasn't even supposed to be participating. She said herself at dinner with her parents that she wasn't going to participate. But then again. She did isolate herself for 2 weeks. Maybe she changed her mind then. I shook of any and all of those thoughts as I walked towards the stage. I knew Sienna had and injury. I knew she didn't have much stamina. That break wasn't enough for her to regain her strength. But she was still strong. I shouldn't underestimate her. As I stood on the stage. Sienna came out with her head down. She didn't look at me at all. "Ready! BEGIN!" Yelled midnight. Sienna stood there for a second before teleporting next to me. She slowed down time so I could see her movements. She looked like she was going in for a punch but hesitated. I blasted her arm as she pulled it back and teleported away from me. She did the same thing again. Slowing down time only for me. I looked at her. Her eyes were filled with...fear? I punched her side and she teleported back to her original spot. Clutching the side I punched which was were her pervious injury was. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled running towards her. She just stood there. "FIGHT ME DAMNIT!" I threw punches but she just dodged them. I created a big explosion which sent her flying to the other side of the stage. She was laying on the ground. I stomped over to her. As I was about to blast her but she teleported away from me and was now panting and struggling to stand. "DAMNIT SIENNA! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yelled as I sent explosions her way. Her movements were slow. I could tell she didn't want to hurt me. She knew I wanted to win. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU HURTING ME! DAMNIT FIGHT!" I yelled running up to her and sending an a exploding punch to her jaw. She turned over on the ground and was laying there. She was conscious. Breathing slowly. "KINGSLEY HAS BEEB- "NO!" I yelled. Before Mic could continue. "SHE CAN STILL FIGHT! GET UP AND FIGHT SIENNA! IM NOT FUCKING PLAYING! FIGHT ME DAMNIT!" Desperation was laced in my voice. I felt tears coming to my eyes.
Sienna's POV
The fight went on and I could tell I was way past my limit. I couldn't even form any Light on my hands. I didn't want to hurt Katsuki. As he sent a exploding punch towards my jaw, I went tumbling on the ground. I laid there with my eyes closed breathing slowly. As mic was about to say I had been knocked out, katsuki yelled no. "SHE CAN STILL FIGHT! GET UP AND FIGHT SIENNA! IM NOT FUCKING PLAYING! FIGHT ME DAMNIT!" I could hear the desperation in his voice. He was on the brink of tears. I opened my eyes slightly to see my father staring at me. Suddenly. The realization of his words hit me. "If you don't get first place. I will do Bakugou how I did that thing you called a sister." "If you don't win. Bakugou is as good as dead." I felt a my rage come upon me. Rage for my father. For my parents. For what they did a long time ago. How he threatened Bakugou.
Bakugou's POV
As I yelled. Waiting for Sienna to stand up. All of a sudden I got a sudden chill down my spine. I look up to see the clouds clumping together. Loud sounds of thunder was roaring through the stadium. There was a giant strike of lighting. It directly hit Sienna. The back lash causing the wind to push everyone back. I held my arm infront of my trying to push against the win. There was a bright flash of light. I shielded my eyes. As the light dimmed a bit, I saw Sienna floating in the sky. Her eyes glowing white. Light floating around her. The thunderstorm was still rumbling through the sky. It was dark. She created a bright bolt of white lighting in her hand. She threw it in my direction. I jumped out of the way. As it hit the ground it sent me flying almost out of bounds. "Where the fuck is this power coming from?" I thought. I ran to her and boosted myself in the air with my explosions. I tried to punch her but she quickly teleported above me and blasted me in the back with light. Sending me flying face first into the ground of the stage. "What the hell." I mumbled. "She wasn't this fast before. What is going on?" I questioned. She came down to the ground creating a crater under her. All I saw was a bright flash. She was right infront of me in a instant. I was taken back from how fast she was that I didn't notice her fist covered in light. She punched me in the jaw sending my flying sideways. She continued this. Punching me around the stadium. "DAMNIT!" I yelled. As she teleported behind me I caused a huge explosion sending her flying back wards. I was panting. She looked unfazed. Her wound was now open and oozing a lot of blood. Blood was coming from her mouth.
Aizawa's POV
Thunder roared through the stadium. A giant lightening strike hit Kingsley causing a gush of window to push everyone back. As the light simmered, Kingsley was floating in the dark sky. Thunder still roaring. Her once blue eyes were a bright white. Light was floating round her. She created what looked like a white lightening bolt and through it at bakugou. He dodged but if he didn't it would have been fatal. The match went on. It was becoming dangerous for Bakugou to fight Sienna. Especially when she is like this. "Wow dude are you seeing this? Crazy amount of power! And she scored 8th in the quirk assessment?" Mic talked. I sighed and looked down. "Yes. She did. I'm just was surprised as you are." I said in my usual monotone. "Welll you don't sound to surprised to me!" Mic yelled. I just rolled my eyes. "It's proberly having to do with the words of Bakugou. They are together ya know. Been together since Apparently Kindergarten or Pre-K. I'm not sure. Bakugou deeply loves Sienna. She just as much as loves Bakugou. In the beginning. She didn't want it hurt him. She was already drained from her previous matches. Maybe hearing those words from Bakugou's desperate voice was enough to unlock her full potential." Mic had his mouth wide open. "Woooow erasure! Didn't know you payed that much attention to your students! Usually you seemed unbothered with them." I sighed. "This class. Class 1-A. Will be the future of the hero society." Mic kept on talking as I watched the match.
Bakugou's POV
I had burns, cuts, and bruises on my body. Parts of me were bleeding from coming in slight contact with the lighting bolts Sienna created. She was standing at the other end of the stadium. Light surrounding her. Her piercing glowing white eyes. She was holding her side and panting slightly. I was sweating and panting. "SIENNA!!!!" I yelled as I ran towards her. She ran towards me as well. Explosions in my hand. Bright lights admitting from hers. Next thing I know. I'm consumed by darkness.
No one's POV
"SIENNA!" Bakugou yelled running towards the girl. The girl started running towards the boy as well. Both had their quirks in their hands. Getting ready for a giant combination. "WAIT NO STOP!" Cementos yelled while quickly trying to run towards the students. "YOUR GONNA KILL EACHOTHER!" Midnight yelled running as well. As both unleashed giant burts of their quirks, Cementos tried to put up multiple thick slabs of cement. They were all quickly disintegrated. The enormous explosion collided with the gigantic ball of light. A huge atomic like explosion occurred. Waves of small debris and strong winds fanned over the crowd. They were shocked in fear and excitement. As the smoke cleared. Bakugou was laying unconscious out of bonds. Their was a crater in the wall behind him. He flew backwards and hit his back into the wall before falling onto the makeshift grass laying flat in his face. Sienna was standing there panting. Clutching her bleeding side. Soon falling over collapsing. "S-SIENNA KINGSLEY IS THIS YEARS FIRST YEAR SPORTS FESTIVAL WINNER! WHAT A FIGHT THAT WAS!" Mic yelled. Everyone cheered as Sienna and Bakugou were rushed towards recovery girl.
Bakugou's POV
I opened my eyes to see bright lights. I rubbed my eyes and sat up looking around. I tried stretching but I felt a sudden flash of pain in my back. I hunch over a bit rubbing my back from the pain. I look to see my arms were healed. I turn to my left to see Sienna laying there. Sleeping. Her arms were bandaged up. Her eyes were bandaged as well. She had a oxygen mask over her mouth. "Hey. Sienna." I whispered. I shook her slightly. I started to panic. "Bakugou stop it. She is trying to rest." Recovery girl came into the room. I look to her. "What happened?" She sighed and went to her small desk. "You were knocked unconscious when you both collided. Honestly what were those teachers even thinking. Seeing you two collide like that. It's surprising your not paralyzed. You two can't do that again. Can not fight like that again. It could leave with permanent damage. Something even I couldn't fix." I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. I decided to push through the pain of my back stretched it causing it to crack. It felt a lot better. "Hmm seems you cracked it back yourself. Anywho. They want you to go to the podium to recieve your medal." I rolled my eyes and made my way to Sienna. She looked to warn out. I placed a kiss on her forehead and sat on her bed. "Bakugou. Go receive your medal." Recovery girl demanded. "Tch. I don't care about that damn medal. I want to be here with Sienna."I scolded. Recover girl got up and injected me with somethin. "W-what the h-hell." I said as I fell into the darkness. I woke up on a podium. Chained to it. I was struggling against my chains. Thrashing violently trying to break free. Standing on the other side was Todoroki. The fans were cheering and confetti was everywhere. I looked up slightly to see the first place stand was empty. I met trying to move. "And to present the awards this year! Is ALL MIGHT!" Midnight yelled. There was gust of wind. All might jumped down from the stands to hand us our medals. "I AM HERE! TO HAND OUT MEDALS!" He said with his might smile. He walked over to Todoroki. Said a few words. And handed him his bronze medal. He then walked over towards me. I thrashed around. "Oh my. They got you tied up don't they. You did a great job. I know you want to be there for her. She should be proud." He said as he placed the silver medal on my neck. I kept on trying to move as he walked and held the gold medal and a microphone.
Sienna's POV
I woke up to a sudden right light. I sat up feeling sore. I couldn't see anything. White was covering my vision. "Ahh I see your finally awake. The awards ceremony just started." Recovery girl said. I pulled my oxygen mask away from my face. Taking a deep breath of the sanitized hair. I started to remove my Iv's and things and stood up. Wobbling a bit. "Nuh uh. No Kingsley. You shouldn't be moving!" Recovery girl made her way to me. I took a deep breath and imagined the stadium. Soon enough I was teleported there. Standing on the 1st place stand. Bakugou was chained up shocked staring at me. I fell to my knees and clutched my aside breathing heavy. "Since Young Kingsley isn't here to- "uhh all might?" Todoroki interrupted him. He turned around shocked to see I was on my knees panting for air and holding my side. "YOUNG KINGSLEY!" He shouted before standing infront of me kneeling down. "You shouldn't be here. You should be in bed!" He place a hand on my back. I pushed it away and stood up panting even more. "" I said in between desperate breaths. He handed me the medal confused. I took another deep breath and teleported to were my father was. He was standing in front of me as I collapsed to my knees. "Good girl. Let me heal you fully." He bent down and placed his hands on my shoulder. Letting the warm sensation fill me as white light admitted from his hands. He opened his eyes. "Hmm. Seems like you over did it way to much. That strike of lighting caused your vision to change. I cleared it but your eyes are going to stay white for a couple of hours." I nodded and stood up stretching my muscles. I handed him the medal. "You did good. Sienna. Bakugou will get to live. Another day. For now." He placed his hands off my shoulder and took the medal. Walking out of the building. I sighed and looked down. I teleported back to Bakugou. I stood in front of him. He was struggling against the restraints. He looked worried. I couldn't help but give him a small smile.
Bakugou's POV
I look to see Sienna struggling to breath and clutched her side. She teleported here? In that state? As all might noticed he walked towards her abs kelt down to her level. He placed a hand on her back saying she should be in bed. She pushed his hand away and panted for her medal. He reluctantly handed it to her and she teleported away. I thrashed again and struggled against my restraints as all might was saying how everyone did a great job. Soon when we was almost done. Sienna teleported back right in front of me. I stopped struggling as she placed both hands on the side of my muzzle. She unclipped it and pulled it away from me. She began to undo my restraints. All might stopped talking and turned around. "Umm Young Kingsley! I don't think that's such a- "he isn't a damn animal!" She snapped at him. She was actually speaking words. "You guys shouldn't have done this to him. It is embarrassing and humiliating. He is still a human. With feelings. You guys should have thought of that before you tied him up like this." She said as she finished undoing everything. I wiggled a bit and looked at her. She placed both arms around my waist and squeezed tightly. I was still frozen in shock. Sienna actually spoke. Full on sentences. I haven't heard her speak except when she said sorry but that was barley audible. Now she was actually speaking. Her voice was soft. She sounded tired. Everyone was staring as she buried her face in my chest. Holding me in her embrace. Soon a bright light consumed me and as I opened my eyes. We were at my house? In my room? Sienna pulled away and sat on my bed. "How are we at my house? Did you visit recently?" "Yes I did. Before the sports festival. I asked your parents if it would be ok for us to have an apartment together. Your mom was worried about you. She told me how you were acting when I was gone. I don't want you to act that way Katsuki. I want you to be ok. If I disappear. I want to know that your not gonna destroy yourself. That you will be fine." She said in a calming voice. "But I'm not going to be fine Sienna. I wasn't fine. I was worried. Fearful. Maybe even scared." I said looking down. She chuckled and walked up to me pulling me towards the bed. Sitting me down she sat in my lap. Holding on my my waist. Resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her fully. Pulling her tightly. "Why did you leave. Why did you leave me Sienna. For 2 weeks. It was hell without you." I felt tears swell up in my eyes.

She sighed and pulled me away from her neck. She wiped my tears away and gave me a small kiss on my lips. "I would never leave you katsuki. I love you." I sighed and rested my forehead on hers. "I-I love you too Sienna. But why. Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts. I even came to your house a couple of times." She sighed and pulled away. Looking at the posters on my wall. "I know. Every time you came. I heard the guardsmen say I wasn't there. I knew you knew it was a lie. But you didn't want to cause any trouble for me so you didn't push it. I saw your texts. I saw your calls. I couldn't answer them. My father had my phone. The night we went to dinner at my parents house. When I said I didn't want to participate in the sports festival. My father didn't like that. He actually hated it. He was the whole reason I even enrolled in U.A. Enrolled in the hero course. As to why I was gone for two weeks. I was training. He made me stay home. Saying he was going to train me. He did. That's how I learned I could slow down time for one person so they can see my movements and it confuses them. I had all my school work sent to and from my house. I wasn't allowed in or out. When I came to see you. I just got through training. I overused my power and one of my eyes turned white. That's why one was covered. They are both white now from our battle. The should turn back blue later on. I just wanted to see you. To feel you. But you were upset. You had every right to be. I was gone for a week then and didn't contact you. Then out of the blue I show up wanting you. I apologize for that." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and moved her legs to the sides of me. Making her straddle me. Folding her legs on her knees. Resting her butt on my part. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. Resting my face In her chest. Letting her arms wrap around my neck. Playing with my hair. Listening to her breathing. "So. What happened today." She pulled me away from her chest. I groaned a little and looked at her.

"I think it's time I tell you my past Katsuki."

YAYAYA! Sorry about the fight scenes. I'm
Not really good at those. Anywho the above picture is what the stadium looked like when Sienna was struck. As well as the pictures below.

 As well as the pictures below

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